Author | | Title | Citation |
Conor Keogh | | Self-Defence - A Legal Basis for the Attacks on Afghanistan? | (2001) 7 (1) BR 3 |
| | Public International Law; Self-Defence; International Law
N Brennan & J Hennessy | | Forensic Accounting and the Calculations of Commercial Damages | (2001) 7 (1) BR 6 |
| | Commercial Law; Commercial Loss; Damages
Stephen Dodd | | Abuse of Dominance in Meridian v Eircell | (2001) 7 (1) BR 12 |
| | Competition Law; Dominance
Rory Brady | | The Personal Injuries Assessment Board | (2001) 7 (1) BR 39 |
| | Law of Tort; Personal Injuries
R Murphy & S Wills | | The European Convention on Human Rights and Irish Incorporation - adopting a minimalist approach (Part II) | (2001) 7 (1) BR 41 |
| | Human Rights Law; European Convention on Human Rights; Irish Incorporation
Brian Hunt | | Plain Language: The End of the Road For Recondite Legislation? | (2001) 7 (1) BR 47 |
| | Linguistics; Legislative Interpretation; Drafting; Law Reform Commission
Stephen O Sullivan | | The Abolition of the Preliminary Examination | (2001) 7 (1) BR 52 |
| | Criminal Law; Criminal Justice Act (No10) 1999; Preliminary Examination
David Mc Grath | | Book Review: Civil Liability for Industrial Accidents, Vol 3 by John PM White | (2001) 7 (1) BR 55 |
| | White; Civil Liability; Industrial Accidents
Aoife Goodman | | Tax Appeal Hearings | (2001) 7 (2) BR 63 |
| | Revenue Law; Tax Appeal
Cliona Kimber | | Equality Disability (Part II) | (2001) 7 (2) BR 66 |
| | Equality Law; Equal Status Act 2000; Disability; Discrimination
Derek Sheahan | | Arbitration Clauses and the Infant Plaintiff | (2001) 7 (2) BR 74 |
| | Arbitration Clauses; Infant Plaintiff
Grainne Mullan | | State Obligations in Respect of the Use of Lethal Force | (2001) 7 (2) BR 76 |
| | Human Rights Law; European Court of Human Rights; Reasonable Force; State Responsibility
Aillil O Reilly | | The Cross Border Insolvency Regulation | (2001) 7 (2) BR 97 |
| | European Law; Company Law; Insolvency
Patrick Leonard | | Recent Developments in Privacy and Breach of Confidence | (2001) 7 (2) BR 102 |
| | Human Rights Law; European Convention on Human Rights; Media; Privacy; Breach of Confidence
Una Ni Raifeartaigh | | The European Convention on Human Rights and the Irish Criminal Justice System | (2001) 7 (2) BR 111 |
| | Criminal Law; European Convention on Human Rights
R White & E Stewart | | Arbitration: Remission to Remedy a Procedural Mishap | (2001) 7 (3) BR 122 |
| | Arbitration Act 1954; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Awards
Robert Clark | | Irish Contract Law Reform and the European Commissions Agenda | (2001) 7 (3) BR 126 |
| | Contract Law; European Integration
John Breslin | | What Makes a Term in a Standard Form Contract Unfair? | (2001) 7 (3) BR 131 |
| | Contract Law; Unfair Terms; Standard Forms
Tom O Malley | | Principled Discretion: Towards the Development of a Sentencing Canon | (2001) 7 (3) BR 135 |
| | Court Proceedings; Sentencing; Judicial Discretion
Cathal Murphy | | Contempt for Failure to Make Discovery following The Sole Member v Lawlor | (2001) 7 (3) BR 160 |
| | Court Proceedings; Contempt of Court; Discovery
Peter Heerey | | Expert Evidence: The Australian Experience | (2001) 7 (3) BR 166 |
| | Law of Evidence; Expert; International Law
Brian Kennedy | | Awarding Damages to a Party to an Anti-Competitive Agreement | (2001) 7 (3) BR 171 |
| | Competition Law; Anti-competitive Practices; Vertical Agreements; Damages
Paul Anthony Mc Dermott | | Book Review: Safety Health and Welfare At Work Law in Ireland: A Guide, by Raymond Byrne | (2001) 7 (3) BR 175 |
| | Byrne; Health and Safety
Karen Murray | | The Changing Face of Data Protection | (2002) 7 (4) BR 2 |
| | Information Technology Law; Data Protection (Amendment) Bill 2002
Wesley Farrell | | The Law of Workplace Stress, Bullying and Harassment | (2002) 7 (4) BR 6 |
| | Employment Law; Health and Safety; Stress
Blathna Ruane | | The Separation of Powers and the Granting of Mandatory Orders to Enforce Constitutional Rights | (2002) 7 (4) BR 11 |
| | Constitutional Law; Separation of Powers; Rights
Ray Murphy | | Treatment of Prisoners of War: Age Old Problem for Protagonists | (2002) 7 (4) BR 19 |
| | Humanitarian Law; Human Rights; Prisoners of War
Niall Neligan | | The Gunpowder Plot: The First Act of Modern Terrorism | (2002) 7 (4) BR 27 |
| | National Security; Legal History
I Bacik & C Costello | | Women in Law in Ireland | (2002) 7 (4) BR 31 |
| | Legal Profession; Gender; Women
John L O Donnell | | Oil in troubled waters-Tuskar Resources Plc and the Companies (Amendment) (No2) Act 1999 | (2002) 7 (4) BR 33 |
| | Company Law; Companies (Amendment) (No2) Act 1999; Examinership
Shivaun Quinlivan | | The Disabilities Bill 2001 | (2002) 7 (4) BR 37 |
| | Welfare Law; Disabilities Bill 2001; Disabilities
Brian Kennedy | | Restrictions and Disqualification of Directors | (2002) 7 (5) BR 241 |
| | Company Law; Company Law Enforcement Act 2001
Mary Johnson | | Human Rights Commissions: North and South Compared | (2002) 7 (5) BR 250 |
| | Human Rights Law; Northern Ireland
Wesley Farrell | | The Law of Workplace Stress, Bullying and Harassment | (2002) 7 (5) BR 252 |
| | Employment Law; Health and Safety; Stress
Carol O Kennedy | | Book Review: Cassidy On The Licencing Acts (2nd ed) | (2002) 7 (5) BR 260 |
| | Cassidy; Licensing Law
Murray Smith | | Workplace Bullying | (2002) 7 (5) BR 271 |
| | Employment Law; Internal Investigation; Fair Procedure; Workplace
R Horgan, G Shanon & B Gallagher | | Reform of the In Camera Rule | (2002) 7 (5) BR 278 |
| | In Camera; Public Justice
Sunniva Mc Donagh | | Manifestly Unfounded Procedures and the Fear of Persecution | (2002) 7 (5) BR 284 |
| | Refugee Law; Refugee Act 1996; Asylum
Siobhan Stack | | Z v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform | (2002) 7 (5) BR 287 |
| | Refugee Law; Asylum; Oral Hearing
Patrick Hunt | | The European Court of Justice and Domestic Tax Legislation | (2002) 7 (5) BR 291 |
| | European Integration; Revenue Law; Discrimination
Donal O Sullivan | | Developments in the Employment Injunction | (2002) 7 (6) BR 303 |
| | Employment Law; Injunctions
T Mallon & P Millen | | Wrongful Dismissal - A Right To General Damages | (2002) 7 (6) BR 307 |
| | Employment Law; Damages
Stephen O Sullivan | | Caselaw on Judicial Review Applications in Asylum Law | (2002) 7 (6) BR 312 |
| | Refugee Law; Judicial Review
Conor Maguire | | Proposed Changes To The Handling Of Personal Injuries Claims | (2002) 7 (6) BR 331 |
| | Law of Tort; Personal Injuries
William McKechnie | | Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Administrative Tribunals and Judicial Review | (2002) 7 (6) BR 333 |
| | Human Rights Law; Judicial Review; Tribunals
Caroline Carney | | Sed Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodies | (2002) 7 (6) BR 335 |
| | Police
Aillil O Reilly | | Asset Backed Securities | (2002) 7 (6) BR 343 |
| | Securities
Claire Loftus | | Establishment of Office of Chief Prosecution Solicitor | (2002) 7 (6) BR 348 |
| | Legal Systems
Cathal Murphy | | Inquiries and Tribunals After Abbeylara | (2002) 7 (7) BR 355 |
| | Administrative Law; Inquiries; Tribunals
William Abrahamson | | Discovery in the Master's Court | (2002) 7 (7) BR 360 |
| | Court Proceedings; Discovery
William McKechnie | | Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Administrative Tribunals and Judicial Review | (2002) 7 (7) BR 364 |
| | Administrative Law; European Convention on Human Rights; Tribunals; Judicial Review
Mark O Connell | | Competition Act 2002 | (2002) 7 (7) BR 382 |
| | Competition Law; Competition Act 2002
Hugh I. Mohan | | Contempt of Court and the Media | (2002) 7 (7) BR 384 |
| | Court Proceedings; Contempt; Media
Niall McFadden | | The Right to a Solicitor-Recent Developments | (2002) 7 (7) BR 390 |
| | Court Proceedings; Representation