Irish Law Times
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List of Periodicals

Irish Law Times - 2016

David. P. Boyle Legislation Acts of the Oireachtas 2015
(2016) 34(2) I.L.T. 23
Compilation of enacted legislation 2015; Legislation. Oireachtas �ireann.
David. P. Boyle Digest of Legislation and Superior Court Decisions.
(2016) 34(2) I.L.T. 18
Compilation of enacted legislation 2015; Legislation. Oireachtas �ireann. Meaning of "Appeal". Appeal of Decision of Law Society of Ireland. IP Law. Constitutional. Electoral.
Karen Murray EU Data Protection Reform
(2016) 34(2) I.L.T. 26
IT Law / Data Protection; EU Proposal for a General Data Protection Regulation. General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Weltimmo [2015] ECJ C-230/14. Mario Costeja Gonzalez v Google Spain and Google [2014] ECJ C-131/12. Schrems [2015] ECJ C-362/14. e-Privacy Directive.
Enene Ambah Citizens' Participation in Constitutional Legitimacy in Nigeria Part-II
(2016) 34(2) I.L.T. 29
Constitutional Law; Separation of Powers. Democracy. Republic of Nigeria. Constitution of Nigeria 1960/1963.
David. P. Boyle Digest of Legislation and Superior Court Decisions.
(2016) 34(1) I.L.T. 2
Compilation of Draft Legislation & Superior Court ; Defamation Law. Monica Leech v Independent Newspapers (Ireland) Limited [2014] IESC 78. Public Health. Taxation. Broadcasting. Child Protection. Elections. Environment. Housing. Company Law. Landlord & Tenant Law. Tort Law. Duty of Care.
David. P. Boyle Authorisation by PIAB not required in sexual assault claims
(2016) 34(5) I.L.T. 61
Tort Law; Personal Injuries Assessment Board Act 2003. Sexual Assault. Clarke v. O'Gorman [2014] IESC 72. Jurisdiction.
David. P. Boyle Minister Fettered Discretion Through the Issuing of Policy Statement.
(2016) 34(5) I.L.T. 58
Administrative Law; National Employment Development Training Centre Ltd and Academic Bridge Ltd v Minister for Justice and Equality and Quality Assurance Authority of Ireland [2015] IEHC 140. Accreditation and Co-ordination of English Language Services (ACELS). Separation of
David. P. Boyle Floating Charge Not Enforceable.
(2016) 34(5) I.L.T. 58
Company Law.; George Maloney v Danske Bank A/S [2014] IEHC 441. Companies Acts 1963-2012. Floating Charges. Liquidation.
David. P. Boyle Direct appeal from High Court to Supreme Court permitted
(2016) 34(7) I.L.T. 92
Constitutional Law; Paul Barlow, Woodstown Bay Shellfish Limited, Michael Crowley & Ors v. Minster for Agriculture and Marine & Ors [2015]. Article 34.5 Bunreacht na h�ireann. Appeal to decision of High Court directly to Supreme Court. 33rd Amendment to the Constitution.
David P. Boyle Test for admission of evidence obtained in breach of constitutional rights considered
(2016) 34(7) I.L.T. 90
Evidence; DPP v. J.C. [2015]. Unconstitutionally obtained evidence. Exclusionary Rule. DPP v. Kenny [1990].
David. P. Boyle Taxing master required to provide reasons
(2016) 34(7) I.L.T. 93
Taxation; DMPT v. Taxing Master Charles A. Moran & Ors [2015]. Fair Procedures. Constitutional Justice. Rules of the Superior Courts.
David. P. Boyle Suspended sentence unduly lenient
(2016) 34(6) I.L.T. 79
Criminal Law; DPP v. Warren Bowen [2015]. Sentencing. Judicial Discretion. Lenient Sentencing. Suspended Sentence. Misuse of Drugs Act 1977.
David. P. Boyle Supervision of attorney by High Court considered
(2016) 34(5) I.L.T. 60
Administrative Law; A.A. & Ors v. F.F. [2015]. Enduring Power of Attorney. Disclosure of Documents. Power of Attorney Act 1996.
David. P. Boyle Ancillary disqualification order rejected
(2016) 34(5) I.L.T. 61
Criminal Law; People (DPP) v John Sweeney [2014] IECA 5. Disqualification Order. S.27(1)(a) Road Traffic Act 1961. Theft. Possession of Stolen Goods.
David. P. Boyle Adjudication by FSO barred subsequent legal proceedings
(2016) 34(5) I.L.T. 59
Administrative Law; Florence Crowley v Zurich Life Assurance Plc [2015]. Financial Services Ombudsman (FSO).
David. P. Boyle Bias shown by District Judge
(2016) 34(6) I.L.T. 76
Administration of Justice; Cornelius Duggan v District Judge Con O'Leary and Garda Alan Murray [2015]. Judicial Review. Previous Misconduct Evidence. Summons. Bias. Road Traffic Offences. Reasonableness.
David. P. Boyle Cause of action for pain and suffering did not survive death
(2016) 34(7) I.L.T. 91
Tort Law; Bridget Doyle v. Daniel Dunne [2014]. Informed Consent. Medical Negligence. Damages for pain, suffering & personal injury. Whether cause of action survives upon death of applicant.
David. P. Boyle Chairman of creditors' meeting correct in disallowing unliquidated claims
(2016) 34(6) I.L.T. 75
Company Law; Keitumetse Motsumi v. Anthony J. Fitzpatrick & Ors [2015] IECA 70. Insolvency. Creditors' Rights. Companies Act 1963.
(2016) 34(1) I.L.T. 14
Constitutional Law; Democracy. Constitutional Legitimacy. Citizenship. Political Theory.
David. P. Boyle Opportunity of child to be heard in Hague Convention case considered
(2016) 34(6) I.L.T. 74
Family Law; EJ v ED [2014]. Custody. Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction 1980. Wrongful removal & retention.
David. P. Boyle Failure to observe learner licence provisions considered
(2016) 34(5) I.L.T. 60
Road Traffic; DPP v. Ethan Spendlove [2014]. Learner Driver. Road Traffic Acts. Road Traffic (Licensing of Drivers) Regulations 2006.
David. P. Boyle Fiduciary duty of bank to borrower considered
(2016) 34(5) I.L.T. 59
Banking Law; Allied Irish Banks Plc v Patrick Pierse & Anor [2015]. Duties of a bank. Consumer Credit Act 1995.
(2016) 34(7) I.L.T. 99
International Company Law; Corporate Exploitation. Saharan Arab Democratic Republic. Governance. Colonisation. Political Self-determination.
David. P. Boyle Creditors entitled to vote against personal insolvency arrangement
(2016) 34(6) I.L.T. 76
Company Law; In the Matter of Eric O'Callaghan, a Petitioning Debtor [2015]. Personal Insolvency Arrangement (PIA). Bankruptcy Act 1988. Debtor / Creditor Relationship. Personal Insolvency Act 2012.
David. P. Boyle Dismissal of proceedings� specific and general prejudice considered
(2016) 34(6) I.L.T. 78
Delay in Action / Commercial Law; Paul Nolan v Chadwicks Limited [2014]. Delay. Fit for Purpose.
David. P. Boyle Right to a jury trial in defamation proceedings upheld
(2016) 34(7) I.L.T. 91
Defamation Law; Noel Lennon v HSE [2015]. Defamation Act 2009. Right to Jury Trial. Sexual Assault. Fair Procedures.
(2016) 34(9) I.L.T. 121
Miscellaneous; Abortion. Criminal Law. Employment. Extradition.
David. P. Boyle Interaction between criminal investigation and human trafficking claim considered
(2016) 34(9) I.L.T. 122
Criminal Law; P. v. Chief Superintendent of the Garda National Immigration Bureau. Fair Procedures. Directive 2011/36 on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims.
David. P. Boyle Requirement for reasonable and proportionate response in disciplinary affirmed
(2016) 34(9) I.L.T. 122
Employment Law; Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland v James Reilly [2015]. Suspension. Disciplinary Procedures. Unfair Dismissal. Unfair Dismissals Act 1977. Fair Procedures.
David. P. Boyle Surrender to UK to serve balance of mandatory life sentence permissible
(2016) 34(9) I.L.T. 123
Extradition; Minister for Justice and Equality v Anthony Craig & Anor [2015] IECA 102. Sentencing. Custody. UK. Article 40.4 Constitution of Ireland. European Arrest Warrant Act 2003.
David. P. Boyle "Proper provision� for cohabitant considered
(2016) 34(9) I.L.T. 123
Family Law/Law of Succession; D.C. v D.R. [2015] IEHC 309. Succession. Intestate. Cohabitation. Financial Support.
David. P. Boyle Proxy vote unlawfully excluded from creditors' meeting
(2016) 34(9) I.L.T. 124
Insolvency; In the Matter of Joseph O'Connor (A Debtor) [2015] IEHC 320. Personal insolvency practitioner. Personal Insolvency Act 2012. Creditors' Meeting.
David. P. Boyle After the event insurance policy insufficient security for costs
(2016) 34(9) I.L.T. 125
Company Law/Insurance; Greenclean Waste Management Limited v Maurice Leahy [2015] IECA 97. Solicitors' Duties. Reasonable Level of Skill & Care. "After the event" ("ATE") Insurance Policy.
(2016) 34(9) I.L.T. 126
Case Note; In Re Hennessy and Davidson, Ex Tempore, High Court 2016. Affidavits. Affirmations. Religion.
(2016) 34(9) I.L.T. 127
International Law; European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. Abortion Rights. UN Convention Against Torture.
(2016) 34(9) I.L.T. 132
Jurisprudence; Constitution. Substantive & Adjunctive jurisprudence.
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