Irish Criminal Law Journal
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Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
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List of Periodicals

Irish Criminal Law Journal - 2016

Sinead Kane Evidence and Procedure update: The additional 20 minutes detention before breath specimen was taken in intoxicating driving prosecution did not justify dismissal
(2016) 26(1) ICLJ 28
Evidence; DPP v Dardis [2015] IECA 284. DNA sampling. Breath Specimen. Observation Periods. Unlawful Custody.
Sinead Kane Evidence and Procedure update: There was significant circumstantial evidence that the appellant was involved in the joint enterprise concerning cultivation of a drug
(2016) 26(1) ICLJ 29
Evidence; DPP v Choung Vu [2015] IECA 257. Possession of a controlled drug. Adverse Inferences. Cultivation of a controlled drug.
Sinead Kane Evidence and Procedure update: Murder conviction upheld where adverse inferences were correctly admitted
(2016) 26(1) ICLJ 29
Evidence; DPP v MacCarthaigh [2015] IECA 234. Adverse Inferences. Questioning. Custody. Right to Silence. Refusal to Answer.
Sinead Kane Evidence and Procedure update: Garda� did not behave improperly in obtaining statement
(2016) 26(1) ICLJ 30
Evidence; DPP v Campion [2015] IECA 274. Unlawful Detention. Obtaining Evidence.
Sinead Kane Evidence and Procedure update: Case involving sexual intercourse with mentally impaired person can give evidence by live TV Link
(2016) 26(1) ICLJ 31
Evidence; DPP v D.O'D [2015] IECA 273. Testimony of Vulnerable Witnesses. Video Link Evidence.
Sinead Kane Evidence and Procedure update: There was ample material available to the trial judge to allow him to admit evidence
(2016) 26(1) ICLJ 31
Evidence; DPP v Wilson [2015] IECA 275. Jury Tampering. Unlawful Arrest. Inferences.
Sinead Kane Evidence and Procedure update: The arrest of the appellant was lawful because there was statutory justification for the arresting member to execute the warrant
(2016) 26(1) ICLJ 32
Evidence; DPP v Kirwan [2015] IECA 228. Unlawful Arrest. CCTV evidence. Warrant.
Sinead Kane Evidence and Procedure update: Trial to proceed despite CCTV footage not being available
(2016) 26(1) ICLJ 32
Evidence; Sirbu v DPP [2015] IECA 238. Missing evidence. CCTV evidence. Duty on Gardai to preserve evidence as to the accused's guilt or innocence.
Sinead Kane Evidence and Procedure update: The Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Act 2014
(2016) 26(1) ICLJ 33
Evidence; DNA evidence. Criminal Investigation. Data Sampling. DNA Database.
Aoife McNickle  John O'Brien v Director of Public Prosecutions
(2016) 26(1) ICLJ 35
Evidence; Injury caused to detainee in Garda custody. Garda Public Service Vehicle Inspector. State Claims Agency. Destruction of Evidence. Fair Trial.
Paul Hughes The Functions of Rule-Making and Non-Rule Making Sentencing Councils and Commissions
(2016) 26(1) ICLJ 13
Evidence; Sentencing Bodies. Fair Procedures. Comparable Jurisdictions. Sentencing Council for England and Wales. Sentencing Guidelines
Kieran M. Kennedy The Forensic Medical Examination of Adults who Report Sexual Violence In Ireland: A Practical Overview for the Legal Practitioner
(2016) 26(1) ICLJ 2
Evidence; Forensic medical assessment. Sexual Offences. Sexual Assault Treatment Units.
Editor Editorial
(2016) 26(1) ICLJ 1
Miscellaneous; Special Criminal Court. Article 38.3.1 Constitution of Ireland. Terrorist Organisations. IRA. Peace Process of Northern Ireland. Constitutionality. Burden of Proof.
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