Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
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List of Periodicals

Irish Planning And Environmental Law Journal - 2016

(2016) 23(2) IPELJ 38
Environmental Law; An Bord Pleanala. Reform. Planning Appeals. Oral Hearings. Publication of decisions.
David Browne The decision in Gr�ne Liga Sachsen (C 399/14): Retrospective Application of Article 6 of the Habitats Directive?
(2016) 23(2) IPELJ 40
Planning; Habitats Directive. Sites of Community Importance. Retrospective Permission. Risk Assessment. IROPI derogation
Alison Hardiman Development of Strategic Infrastructure under Irish Planning and Development Law: Part I
(2016) 23(2) IPELJ 48
Planning; Planning and Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Act, 2006. Strategic Infrastructure Development. National Planning Framework. Environmental Impact Statements. Oral Hearings. Reform.
Tom Flynn Developments in European Environmental Law
(2016) 23(2) IPELJ 61
Environmental Law; Wildlife Trafficking. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. EU Action Plan on wildlife trafficking and crime. EU Emissions Trading Directive.
Michael McGrath Minch v The Commissioner for Environmental Information
(2016) 23(2) IPELJ 66
Environmental Law; Definition of "Environmental Information". EC (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007. Statutory Interpretation.
Michael McGrath Environmental Protection Agency v Midland Scrap Metal Company Ltd
(2016) 23(2) IPELJ 67
Environmental Law; Waste Licence. Waste Management Act, 1996.
Michael McGrath Bailey v Kilvinane Wind Farm Ltd
(2016) 23(2) IPELJ 67
Planning; Wind Farm. Planning Authority. Locus Standi. Bona Fide.
Michael McGrath Rowan v Kerry CC
(2016) 23(2) IPELJ 69
Environmental Law; ENVIRONMENT (MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS) ACT, 2011. Planning Judicial Review. Planning and Development Act 2000.
Ciaran Oakes  Primary and Secondary Legislation Relevant to Planning and Environmental Law
(2016) 23(2) IPELJ 70
Anon The Paris Agreement: A Breakthrough on Climate Change?
(2016) 23(1) IPELJ 2
Climate Change; United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 1992. Greenhouse gases. Climate Change. Paris Agreement.
Aine Ryall Access to Information on the Environment: The Evolving EU and National Jurisprudence
(2016) 23(1) IPELJ 3
Environmental Law; Access to Information. European Union. European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007-2014. Directive 2003/4 on public access to environmental information. Meaning of "Public Authority". NAMA. Judicial Review procedure.
James Kane Examining the theory of proportionality in the review of planning decisions for administrative unreasonableness
(2016) 23(1) IPELJ 12
Planning; Proportionality. Meadows v Minister for Justice [2011]. O'Keeffe v An Bord Plean�la [1993]. Test for administrative unreasonableness.
Anon Section 5 References
(2016) 23(1) IPELJ 20
Planning; Planning and Development Act, 2000.
Tom Flynn Developments in European Environmental Law
(2016) 23(1) IPELJ 24
Environmental Law; The Circular Economy Package. Drinking water directive 98/83. European Citizens' Initiative (Right2Water).
Michael McGrath Buckley v An Bord Pleanala
(2016) 23(1) IPELJ 29
Planning; Regulation 22(2)(g) of the Planning and Development Regulations. Consent.
Michael McGrath O'Mahony Developments Ltd. v An Bord Pleanala
(2016) 23(1) IPELJ 29
Planning; section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000. Res Judicata. Ministerial guidelines.
Michael McGrath People Over Wind v An Bord Pleanala
(2016) 23(1) IPELJ 30
Planning; Wind Farm. Planning Authority. Protected Species. Art.6(3) of the Habitats Directive.
Ciaran Oakes Primary and Secondary Legislation Relevant to Planning and Environmental Law
(2016) 23(1) IPELJ 32
Environmental Law, European Union Law; Building Regulations. Urban Regeneration. Water Quality. Water Services. Waste Management. Pollution.
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