The Bar Review
2006 (Volume 11)
2005 (Volume 10)
2004 (Volume 9)
2003 (Volume 8)
2001-2002 (Volume 7)
2000-2001 (Volume 6)
1999-2000 (Volume 5)
1998-1999 (Volume 4)
1997-1998 (Volume 3)
1996-1997 (Volume 2)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

The Bar Review - 2016

David Barniville A new era for the Bar Review
(2016) 21(1) BR 4
Miscellaneous; Bar Council. Legal Services Regulation Act, 2015. Reform. Junior Bar. Pro Bono. Women at the Bar.
Nuala Byrne Library Values
(2016) 21(1) BR 8
Miscellaneous; Law Library. Research. Strategic Plan for Bar of Ireland.
Claire Hogan The Voice of Youth
(2016) 21(1) BR 12
Miscellaneous; Young Bar Committee. Legal Aid Fees. Young Bar Hub.
Paul O'Grady The Barnes brief
(2016) 21(1) BR 14
Legal Profession; Interview with Wayne Barnes, International Rugby Referee & practicing barrister.
Sara Moorhead, Claire Hogan Rate of risk and return
(2016) 21(1) BR 17
Damages; Russell v HSE [2015] IECA 236. Negligence. Periodic Payment Order v. Lump Sum Damages.
Conor Dignam, Diane Duggan, Natalie McDonnell Cherishing the children?
(2016) 21(1) BR 21
Family Law; Guardian ad litem. Legal Representation. Administration of Justice. Best Interests. Article 42A Constitution of Ireland. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Equality of Arms.
Mark Sanfey Certifiable Liability
(2016) 21(1) BR 25
Construction Law; Building Regulations. Building Control (Amendment) Regulations 2014. Building Control Authorities. Health & Safety. Accountability.
Mary Rose Gearty A woman's place is in the law
(2016) 21(1) BR 38
Miscellaneous; Gender Inequality. Legal Profession. Comment. Reform.
David Barniville Remembering a Legal Giant
(2016) 21(2) BR 44
Legal Profession; Obituary. International Links. Bar of Ireland. Legal Profession. Legal Services Regulation Act 2015.
Aedamair Gallagher Women's Issues?
(2016) 21(2) BR 50
Legal Profession; Gender Imbalance. Difficulties for women at the bar.
David McParland Ask and you will receive?
(2016) 21(2) BR 54
Civil Procedure; Delivery of interrogatories. Order 31 Rules of Superior Courts. McCabe and anor v Irish Life Assurance plc
Eilis Brennan Moving on
(2016) 21(2) BR 56
Legal Profession; Interview with the Honorable Mr. Justice Kearns.
David Leonard Damages for unlawful judicial jailing
(2016) 21(2) BR 59
Damages; Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014. Compensation.
Una Cassidy, Jennifer Ring Controlling the Market
(2016) 21(2) BR 62
Landlord & Tenant; Residential Tenancies Act 2004. Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2015. Rent Review Reforms. Private Residential Tenancies Board. Notice Periods.
John McGuiggan The Battle of the Four Courts, 1916
(2016) 21(2) BR 66
International law; Easter Rising 1916. Ireland. Four Courts. Court Martial. Legal History.
Tom Mallon A world-class system?
(2016) 21(2) BR 71
Employment Law; Workplace Relations Act 2015. Workers' Rights. Workplace Relations Commission.
Joanne Smith Financial Planning & Insurance Solutions
(2016) 21(2) BR 72
Miscellaneous; Insurance. Data Protection. Life-Planning.
David Barniville Bigger awards are not the problem
(2016) 21(3) BR 76
Legal Profession; Motor Insurance Premiums. Personal Injury. Consumer Protection. Competition. Legal Services Regulation Act. Legal Costs.
Claire Hogan Young Bar Committee update
(2016) 21(3) BR 81
Legal Profession; echnology. Discovery of documents. European Union.
David Barniville, Aedamair Gallagher Insurance premiums and legal costs
(2016) 21(3) BR 83
Legal advice and funding; Motor Insurance Premiums. Personal Injury. Injuries Board. Legal Costs. Damages.
Ann-Marie Hardiman Always a Barrister
(2016) 21(3) BR 87
Profile, Biography, Interview; Interview with Barrister & EU Commissioner, Peter Sutherland.
Sarah Cooney, Tomas Keys Bankers' books and hearsay evidence
(2016) 21(3) BR 96
Law of Evidence; Bankers' Books Evidence Acts 1879-1989. Defences. Banks. Litigation. Hearsay Evidence.
Anon Ross O' Driscoll (O Drisceoil) 1959-2015
(2016) 21(3) BR 100
Shane Murphy Trials & Television
(2016) 21(3) BR 101
Law of Evidence / Justice System; Hearsay Evidence. Television Evidence. Fair Procedures. Media. Entertainment.
David Barniville A Time of Change
(2016) 21(4) BR 107
Legal Profession; Legal Services Regulatory Act 2015; Brexit; Advocacy; International Links
Anon Addressing Gender Issues
(2016) 21(4) BR 112
Legal Profession; Survey; Barristers; Diversity; Gender; Women; Maternity Leave
Libby Charlton Going from Strength to Strength
(2016) 21(4) BR 113
Legal Profession; Voluntary Assistance Scheme (VAS); Pro-bono; Barristers
Claire Hogan Tips for Success at Career Event
(2016) 21(4) BR 114
Legal Profession; Young Bar Committee; Barristers; Junior Counsel; Survey; Costs; Reform
Ann-Marie Hardiman The Word Seller
(2016) 21(4) BR 115
Media; Interview; South Africa; Apartheid; Rule of Law; Truth and Reconciliation Commission; "Trial by Media"; Oscar Pistorius
John Berry Criminal Elements of Civil Contempt
(2016) 21(4) BR 118
Civil Procedure; Sentencing; Human Rights; Laois County Council v Hanrahan; Article 6 of the ECHR; Enforcement of Court Orders Act 1940
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