Irish Journal of Family Law
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List of Periodicals

Irish Journal Of Family Law - 2016

Fiona Quigley R.S. v I.S.
(2016) 19(1) IFLJ 15
Family Law. ; Judicial Separation. Maintenance. Financial Assistance. Sale of Matrimonial Home.
Fiona Quigley C.O.S. v B.M.
(2016) 19(1) IJFL 16
Family Law; Domestic Violence. Barring Order. Domestic Violence Act 1996.
Fiona Quigley L.K. & E.C. v M.M.
(2016) 19(1) IJFL 18
Family Law; Sole Custody. Testamentary Guardians. Family Law Act 1995. Expert Testimony in Custody Proceedings.
Niall Muldoon, Ombudsman for Children Editorial
(2016) 19(1) IJFL 1
Family Law; "Best Interests" principle. Article 42A Constitution of Ireland. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. Children and Family Relationships Act 2015.
Kathryn O'Sullivan Ancillary Relief and Private Ordering: The Vulnerability of Financially Weaker Spouses
(2016) 19(1) IJFL 3
Family Law; Divorce. "Proper Provision". Family Law Act 1995. Family Law (Divorce) Act 1996. Judicial Activism. Reform.
Louise Ordinaire Which of You is My Mother? Birth Registration Issues in Ireland and the Need for Welldesigned Surrogacy Regulation
(2016) 19(1) IJFL 7
Family Law; Surrogacy. Assisted Reproduction Developments. Children and Family Relationships Act 2015. MR and DR v An t-Ard Chlaraitheoir [2014] IESC 60. Registration of mother. "Best Interests" principle.
Orlaith Traynor Birth Fathers' Rights - A New Era
(2016) 19(3) IJFL 71
Adoption; In the matter of a proposed adoption of K.S.H. (a minor) [2015]. W.S. v The Adoption Board and others [2010]. Re L [2008]. Voice of the Child. Child & Family Relationships Act 2015. Adoption Act 2010. Civil Registration Amendment Act 2014.
Catriona Moloney Mental Health Act 2001 - A Child Rights Assessment of the Current Framework and its Proposed Reform�Part II
(2016) 19(3) IJFL 43
Family Law; ECHR. UN CRC. Functional Assessment of Capacity. Consent. Best Interests. Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015.
Fergus Ryan The Rise and Fall of Civil Partnership
(2016) 19(3) IJFL 50
Family Law; Marriage Act 2015. Art. 41 Constitution. Civil Registration Act 2004. Parental Leave (Amendment) Act 2006. Domestic Violence Act 1996. Discrimination. Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010.
Fiona Quigley T.S. v E.S.
(2016) 19(3) IJFL 64
Family Law; Hague Convention. Voice of the Child. Child Abduction.
Fiona Quigley S.F.A. (An infant suing by his mother and next friend A.A.) & A.A. v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, the Refugee Applications Commissioner, Ireland & the Attorney General
(2016) 19(3) 65
Immigration; Voice of the Child. Article 267 TFEU. Judicial Review.
Fiona Quigley H.N v B.N. (nee B.Y.)
(2016) 19(3) IJFL 67
Family Law; Judicial Separation. Inherited Assets. Undue Influence.
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