Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
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UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Irish Journal Of Legal Studies - 2013

Catherine O'Sullivan, Jennifer Schweppe, Eimear SpainArticle 40.3.3 and the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: The Impetus for, and Process of, Legislative Change
(2013) 3(3) IJLS 1
Medical Law; Abortion, A,B,& C v Ireland, European Convention on Human Rights, Expert Group Report, Savita Halappanavar, Public Hearings of the Joint Committee on Health and Children, Risk of Suicide,
Ivana BacikLegislating for Article 40.3.3
(2013) 3(3) IJLS 18
Constitutional Law; Section 58 and 59 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861, Bourne Defence, the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution, SPUC case law, European Union law, the X-Case, Care of the HSE, Ethical Code of the Medical Council, Fatal Feotal Abnormalities,
Paul BradyA Critical Analysis of the Heads of Bill and the Legal Necessity of Legislating for X
(2013) 3(3) IJLS 36
Medical Law; Head 4 of the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013, Intentional Termination of Pregnancy, Sucidal Intent, Late Term Abortion, Psychiatric Assessment, European Convention on Human Rights, Arguments raised in the X-case
Fiona de Londras, Laura GrahamImpossible Floodgates and Unworkable Analogies in the Irish Abortion Debate
(2013) 3(3) IJLS 54
Constitutional Law; Attorney General v X, "Abortion on Demand," Time Limits on Abortion, Foetal Development, Risk to Life of Mother, Medical Practice, Prosecutorial Discretion,
Karen BrennanPunishing Infanticide in the Irish Free State
(2013) 3(1) IJLS 1
Criminal Law; Concealment of Birth, Capital Murder, Societal Values, Catholic Church, Non-Custodial Sentancing, Religious Institutions, Rehabilitation, Magdalen Laundries
Gerard CoffeyPost-Acquittal Retrials for Serious Offences in the Irish Criminal Justice Process: Lessons from England and Wales
(2013) 3(1) IJLS 36
Criminal Procedure; Double Jeopardy Rule, Due Process Rights, Miscarriages of Justice, Rules of Evidence, Cold Case Review, McPherson Report, Compelling Evidence, Criminal Procedure Act 2010,
Niamh HowlinNineteenth-Century Criminal Justice: Uniquely Irish or Simply "not English"
(2013) 3(1) IJLS 67
Criminal Justice; Legal History, Colonialism, the Famine, Perception of Irish Criminal Justice System, Magistrates, Social Structure, Legal Profession, Criminality,
Sara RamshawImprovising (Il)Legality: Justice and the Irish Diaspora, NYC 1930-1932
(2013) 3(1) IJLS 90
Legal History; Corruption, Seabury Inquiry, Critical Studies in Improvisation, Political Offices, Irish Immigrants, Post-Colonialism Jurisprudence, Irish Catholism,
Gráinne CallananBook Review: Donnelly, The Law of Credit and Security
(2013) 3(1) IJLS 122
Financial Law;
Laura CahillaneBook Review: Hogan, The Origins of the Irish Constitution 1928-1941
(2013) 3(1) IJLS 126
Constitutional Law;
Yvonne Marie DalyBook Review: Farrell & Hanrahan, The European Arrest Warrant in Ireland
(2013) 3(1) IJLS 135
Criminal Law;
Fiona DonsonBook Review: Irish Criminal Justice: Process and Procedure
(2013) 3(1) IJLS 144
Criminal Law;
Bénédicte Sage-Fuller, Marie-Luce ParisEditorial to the Special Issue of Proceedings from the 4th Annual Conference of the Irish Society for Comparative Law
(2013) 3(2) IJLS 1
Comparative Law; International Academy of Comparative Law, Outlines of Contributions to Journal
Dominic de CoganThe Wartime Origins of the Irish Corporation Tax
(2013) 3(2) IJLS 15
Tax Law; Corporations Profits Tax, Companies, Income Tax Act 1842, Legal History, Excess Profits Duty, Subsidiary Companies, Bilateral Agreements,
James GallenSecurity Sector Reform, Models of Policing and Methods of Comparison
(2013) 3(2) IJLS 33
Governance; Democratic Oversight, Transitional Justice, Policing, National Security, Soft Law, Community Policing, United Nations,
Maria Helen MurphyThe Relationship between the European Court of Human Rights and National Legislative Bodies: Considering the Merits and the Risks of the Approach of the Court in Surveillance Cases
(2013) 3(2) IJLS 65
Governance; Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Interception of Postal Packets and Telecommunications Messages (Regulation) Act 1993, Margin of Appreciation, Telephone Tapping, Necessity, Safeguards, DNA Database
Catherine PichéLangues, Cultures et Droits Comparé
(2013) 3(2) IJLS 92
Comparative Law;
Agnese PizzollaComparative Law and Financial Regulation: Methodological Remarks
(2013) 3(2) IJLS 118
Financial Regulatory Law; Government Intervention, Comparative Law, International Trade, Categorisation of Legal Systems, Globalisation
Grégor PuppinckAbortion and the European Convention on Human Rights
(2013) 3(2) IJLS 142
Fundamental Rights; Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights, A,B &C; v Ireland, Legitimate Interests, Right to an Abortion, Margin of Appreciation, Assisted Suicide
Shane N. Glackin & Simon MillsTermination of Pregnancy, Article 40.3.3, and the Law of Intended Consequences
(2013) 3(3) IJLS 76
Constitutional Law; Risk to the Life of the Mother, Morality, Ectopic Pregnancy, Doctrine of Double Effect
Jennifer Schweppe, Eimear SpainWhen is a Foetus not an Unborn? Fatal Foetal Abnormalities and Article 40.3.3
(2013) 3(3) IJLS 92
Medical Law; Definition of Unborn, Overseas Abortion, European Court of Human Rights, Protection of Life in Pregnancy Bill 2013, Roche v Roche, Living Document,
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