Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
2006 (Volume 57)
2005 (Volume 56)
2004 (Volume 55)
2001 (Volume 52)
1999 (Volume 50)
2008 (Volume 59)
2007 (Volume 58)
2003 (Volume 54)
2002 (Volume 53)
2000 (Volume 51)
1998 (Volume 49)
1997 (Volume 48)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly - 2012

Alastair Mullis, Andrew Scott Reframing Libel: Taking (all) Rights Seriously and where it Leads
(2012) 63(1) NILQ 5
Tort Law; Law Reform, Libel Law, Freedom of Expression, Article 8 ECHR, Damages, Intangible Harm,
Alastair Mullis, Andrew Scott The Swing of the Pendulum: Reputation, Expression and the Re-Centring of English Libel Law
(2012) 63(1) NILQ 27
Tort Law;
Eric Barendt Balancing Freedom of Expression and the Right to Reputation: Reflections on Reynolds and Reportage
(2012) 63(1) NILQ 59
Tort Law;
Steve Headly The Internet - Making a Difference
(2012) 63(1) NILQ 75
Cyberspace Law;
Trevor C. Hartley Libel Tourism - A Solution in Sight
(2012) 63(1) NILQ 85
Tort Law;
Russel L Weaver British Defamation Reform: An American Perspective
(2012) 63(1) NILQ 97
Tort Law;
Clive Walker Global Speech and Global Terrorism: A Tall Tale of Two Cities
(2012) 63(1) NILQ 119
Tort Law; Freedom of Expression, Human Rights, Balancing Rights
Gillen Everything Should Be as Simple as Possible but Not Simpler: Practice and Procedure in Defamation Proceedings
(2012) 63(1) NILQ 137
Tort Law;
Paul Tweed Funding Defamation Litigation
(2012) 63(1) NILQ 145
Tort Law;
Gavin Phillipson The Global Pariah: The Defamation Bill and the Human Rights Act
(2012) 63(1) NILQ 149
Tort Law;
Sarah Bresford Its Not Me its You: Law's Performance Anxiety Over Gender Identity and Cohabitation
(2012) 63(2) NILQ 187
Equiy; Constructive Trust, Jurisprudence, Financial Contributions, Property Ownership, Gender Roles,
Alan Dowling Caveat Sublessee
(2012) 63(2) NILQ 201
Property Law;
Brian Dempsey Law Reform and Devolution: Consultation Processes and Divorce Law in Scotland
(2012) 63(2) NILQ 227
Family Law;
J.J. Child, Adrian Hunt Mens Rea and the General Inchoate Offences: Another New Culpability Framework
(2012) 63(2) NILQ 247
Criminal Law;
David O'Mahony, Jonathon Doak, Kerry Clamp Politics of Youth Justice Reform in Post-Conflict Socities: Mainstreaming Restorative Justice in Northern Ireland and South Africa
(2012) 63(2) NILQ 269
Criminal Law;
Nain Gitanjali Gill Feminisation of Poverty: Rural Indian Women and the Environment
(2012) 63(2) NILQ 291

Sue Farran Paddling a Canoe with an Oar Made of Oak: The Enduring Legacy of British Law in Pacific Island States
(2012) 63(3) NILQ 323
Legal History;
Jonathan Swainger Law and the Practice of Politics in the Canadian Department of Justice: Completing Confederation
(2012) 63(3) NILQ 417
Legal Practice;
Rachel L Ellet Courts and the Emergence of Statehood in Post-Colonial Africa
(2012) 63(3) NILQ 343
Legal History;
Thomas Mohr The Privy Council Appeal as a Minority Safeguard for the Protestant Community of the Irish Free State, 1922-1935
(2012) 63(3) NILQ 365
Legal History;
Gabrielle Appleby The Evolution of a Public Sentinal: Australia's Solicitor General
(2012) 63(3) NILQ 397
Legal History;
Mel Kenny Options between Legislative Intervention and Judicial Collabroation: Improving the Effectiveness and Coherence of EU Law
(2012) 63(4) NILQ 435
EU Law;
Philip Lawton, Boyce Yung Corporate Political Connection as a Determinant of Corporate Governance in Hong Kong
(2012) 63(4) NILQ 449
Corporate Goverance;
Gavin Byrne Taking the Minimum Content Seriously: Hart's Liberalism and Moral Values
(2012) 63(4) NILQ 477
George Gilligan The Problem of and with Financial Crime
(2012) 63(4) NILQ 495
Financial Law;
Sharon Turner, Ciara Brennan Modernising Environmental Regulation in Northern Ireland: A Case Study in Devolved Decision Making
(2012) 63(4) NILQ 509
Environmental Law;
Justin O'Brien The Sword of Damocles: Who Controls HSBC in the Aftermath of its Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States Department of Justice
(2012) 63(4) NILQ 533
Financial Law;
Lori Frater, Robert G Lee Leading the Charge: Payments for Single Use Carrier Bags In Wales
(2012) 63(4) NILQ 551
Environmental Law;
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