2000-2001 (Volume 6)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

The Bar Review - 2000-2001

Conleth Bradley The Visible Hand in the Mobile Telephony Market
(2000) 6 (1) BR 4
Competition Law; Telecommunications
Liz Heffernan The US Supreme Court: The October 1999 Term in Review
(2000) 6 (1) BR 9
International Law; Superior Courts; Supreme Court
Ann Power Employers Liability in the Electronic Workplace
(2000) 6 (1) BR 14
Information Technology Law; Employers Liability; Internet; Defamation
James Macken Social and Affordable?
(2000) 6 (1) BR 41
Planning Law; Housing Law; Planning and Development Act 2000
Oliver Mills Biotechnology and the Ethical and Moral Concerns of European Law
(2000) 6 (1) BR 46
European Law; Biotechnology; Ethics
PA Mc Dermot & P Charleton Constitutional Implications of Plea Bargaining (Part 2)
(2000) 6 (1) BR 52
Constitutional Law; Plea Bargaining
Ciaran Craven Consent to Treatment by Patients - Disclosure Revisited
(2000) 6 (1) BR 56
Medical Law; Consent; Disclosure
Paul Carroll Book Review: Coroners Practice and Procedure by Brian Farrell
(2000) 6 (1) BR 60
Farrell; Coroner
John Healy Recent Developments in the Law of Damages
(2000) 6 (2) BR 69
Law of Tort; Damages; Special Damages; Exemplary Damages
Niall Fennelly Subsidiarity, Federalism and the Internal Market
(2000) 6 (2) BR 75
European Law; Subsidiary; Federalism; Internal Market
Brian Kennedy EU Law and the Rules of Sporting Organisations
(2000) 6 (2) BR 80
European Law; Sport
P Charleton & PA Mc Dermott Constitutional Aspects of Non-Jury Courts (Part 1)
(2000) 6 (2) BR 106
Constitutional Law; Juries
Ciaran Craven Consent to Treatment by Patients - Disclosure Revisited (Part 2)
(2000) 6 (2) BR 111
Medical Law; Consent; Disclosure
Byron Wade Pure Economic Loss
(2000) 6 (2) BR 115
Law of Negligence; Pure Economic Loss
Ann Power Employers Liability in the Electronic Workplace (Part 2)
(2000) 6 (2) BR 120
Information Technology Law; Employers Liability; Internet; Privacy; Copyright; Discovery
Stephen Dodd Competition Law and the Internet
(2000) 6 (3) BR 133
Competition Law; Internet
P Charleton & PA Mc Dermott Constitutional Aspects of Non-Jury Courts (Part II)
(2000) 6 (3) BR 141
Constitutional Law; Juries
Paul Gallagher Book Review: Partnership by Michael Twomey
(2000) 6 (3) BR 149
Twomey; Partnership; Company Law
P Charleton & PA Mc Dermott The Illegal Immigrants Trafficking Act 2000
(2000) 6 (3) BR 170
Refugee Law; Illegal Immigrants Trafficking Act 2000; Immigration
Conor Keogh The Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act 1989 - A Paper Tiger?
(2000) 6 (3) BR 178
Criminal Law; Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act 1989
Patrick Leonard Restoring Companies to the Register
(2000) 6 (3) BR 182
Company Law; Register
C Kimber & M Bolger Sex Equality and the Equal Status Act 2000
(2001) 6 (4) BR 198
Equality Law; Equal Status Act 2000; Gender
Eugene Regan The Treaty of Nice
(2001) 6 (4) BR 205
European Law; Treaty of Nice
Crionna Creagh Property in the Living Body
(2001) 6 (4) BR 209
Property Law; Body
Patrick Mc Evoy Staying proceedings on the grounds of forum non conveniens
(2001) 6 (4) BR 235
Court Proceedings; Staying Proceedings; Forum Non Conveniens
Elizabeth O Brien Pre-Trial Discovery and Norwich Pharmacal Relief
(2001) 6 (4) BR 241
Court Proceedings; Pre-Trial Discovery
Maria Colbert The Right to Bodily Integrity and the Evolution of a Right to a Healthy Environment (Part I)
(2001) 6 (4) BR 248
Constitutional Law; Bodily Integrity; Environment
Stephen Dodd Bias and Legal Professional Independence
(2001) 6 (5) BR 261
Legal Profession; Professional Independence; Bias
Declan Mc Grath Legal Professional Privilege and the Identity of a Client
(2001) 6 (5) BR 268
Professional Privilege; Anonymity
Ian Kavanagh Discovery and Strict Compliance with the 1999 Rules
(2001) 6 (5) BR 273
Court Proceedings; Rules of the Superior Courts 1999; Discovery
Terence Coghlan The Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000
(2001) 6 (5) BR 294
Copyright Law; Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000
Anne Bateman The Protection of Trade Marks against Cybersquatters
(2001) 6 (5) BR 298
Information Technology Law; Trade Marks; Cyber Squatting
Wesley Farrell Recent Developments In Force Majeure Leave: Parental Leave Act 1998
(2001) 6 (5) BR 300
Family Law; Parental Leave Act 1998; Force Majeure
Anna Austin From Ireland to Strasbourg; Form Substance of the Strasbourg Convention System
(2001) 6 (5) BR 303
Human Rights Law; European Convention on Human Rights; Irish Incorporation
Jim O Callaghan Refusals to Attend and Give Evidence at Inquests: The Unconstitutionality of Section 38(2) of the Coroners Act 1962
(2001) 6 (5) BR 310
Constitutional Law; Coroners Act 1962; Inquest; Evidence
Brian Kennedy Book Review: Revenue Law by Kieran Corrigan
(2001) 6 (5) BR 313
Corrigan; Revenue Law
Ronan KeaneThe Irish Courts System in the 21st Century: Planning for the Future
(2001) 6 (6) BR 321
Gerard Hogan Judicial Review, The Doctrine of Reasonableness and the Immigration Process
(2001) 6 (6) BR 329
Administrative Law; Judicial Review; Immigration
Paul Christopher The Monti Reform of Competition Law - New Rules for Enforcement
(2001) 6 (6) BR 333
European Law; Competition Law; Enforcement
Joan Kelly Costs Implications of Proceeding against the MIBI
(2001) 6 (6) BR 337
Insurance Law; Motor Insurance; Costs
Mark O Connell The Supreme Court Decision in DPP v Padraig Finn
(2001) 6 (6) BR 354
Criminal Law; Sentencing; Discretion
Seamus Clarke E-Commerce and Pharmacy Law (Part I)
(2001) 6 (6) BR 357
Information Technology Law; Electronic Commerce; Pharmacy Law;
Constance Cassidy Overview of the Intoxicating Liquor Act 2000
(2001) 6 (6) BR 365
Intoxicating Liquor Act 2000
Maria J Colbert The Right to Bodily Integrity and the Evolution of a Right to a Healthy Environment (Part II)
(2001) 6 (6) BR 367
Constitutional Law; Bodily Integrity; Environment
Dympna Glendenning School Attendance and the Education (Welfare) Act 2000
(2001) 6 (7) BR 381
Education (Welfare) Act 2000; School Attendance
Damian Sheridan The Making of a Lodgement at the Eleventh Hour
(2001) 6 (7) BR 389
Court Proceedings; Rules of the Superior Courts; Lodgements
Niall Neligan The Official Secrets Act 1963 and the Irish Intelligence Services
(2001) 6 (7) BR 393
Official Secrets Act 1963; Freedom of Information Act 1997; Intelligence Services
Claire Hamilton Asset Forfeiture and the European Convention on Human Rights Mark
(2001) 6 (7) BR 414
Human Rights Law; Proceeds of Crime Act 1996; European Convention on Human Rights
Stephen Dodd Human Genetics and the Need for Regulation
(2001) 6 (7) BR 418
Medical Law; Genetics
S Ni Chulachain & E Stewart The International Criminal Court
(2001) 6 (7) BR 425
Public International Law; International Criminal Court
Seamus Clarke E-Commerce & Pharmacy Law (Part II)
(2001) 6 (7) BR 428
Information Technology Law; Electronic Commerce; Pharmacy Law
W Farrell & C Gallagher Refugee Law and Procedure
(2001) 6 (7) BR 431
Refugee Law; Refugee Appeals Tribunal
Micheal O Connell Recovery of Post-Petition Cheque Payments
(2001) 6 (8) BR 441
Company Law; Companies Acts 1963-1999; Winding Up
Anthony Barr Estoppel and the Right to Plead a Defence Under the Statute of Limitations
(2001) 6 (8) BR 445
Law of Equity; Estoppel; Statute of Limitations; Defences
Garrett Simons Challenging Planning Decisions: Section 50 Practice and Procedure
(2001) 6 (8) BR 449
Planning Law; Administrative Law; Planning and Development Act 2000; Judicial Review
Liz HeffernanThe Treaty of Nice & Reform of the Community Courts
(2001) 6 (8) BR 474
European Law; Treaty of Nice; Community Courts; Jurisdiction
Michael Mc Dowell Ireland and Europes Future Integration
(2001) 6 (8) BR 480
European Law; Constitutional Law; European Integration; European Enlargement
Conleth Bradley The Political Role of the Attorney General?
(2001) 6 (8) BR 486
Attorney General; Politics
W Farrell & C Gallagher Refugee Law and Procedure (Part II)
(2001) 6 (8) BR 488
Refugee Law; Immigration
Michael Mc Grath Trip and Falls on Foot and Mouth Mats
(2001) 6 (9) BR 491
Law of Tort; Personal Injuries; Negligence
Cliona Kimber Equality and Disability (Part I)
(2001) 6 (9) BR 494
Equality Law; Employment Equality Act 1998; Disability
Eleanor Keogan Domain Name Dispute
(2001) 6 (9) BR 502
Information Technology Law; Internet; Domain Names
Eugene Regan Ireland and Europe's Future Integration: A Response
(2001) 6 (9) BR 525
European Law; Constitutional Law; European Integration
Niamh Brennan & John Hennessy Forensic Accounting and the Calculation of Personal Injury Damages
(2001) 6 (9) BR 533
Law of Tort; Personal Injuries; Damages
Ray Murphy The European Convention on Human Rights Bill 2001
(2001) 6 (9) BR 541
Human Rights Law; European Convention on Human Rights Bill 2001; Irish Incorporation
Michael Mc Dowell Book Review: Criminal Liability by Finbarr Mc Auley and J Paul Mc Cutcheon
(2001) 6 (9) BR 544
Mc Auley; Mc Cutcheon; Criminal Jurisprudence
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