Author | | Title | Citation |
Norma Dawson | | Heirlooms: The Evolution of a Legal Concept | (2000) 51 NILQ 1 |
| | Property Law; Heirlooms
R A Buckley | | Negligence in the Public Sphere: Is Clarity Possible? | (2000) 51 NILQ 25 |
| | Law of Tort; Negligence
David Smyth | | Deferral of Sentence: Principles, Practice and Proposals | (2000) 51 NILQ 48 |
| | Court Proceedings; Sentencing
Sharon Turner | | Modernising the Regulation of Water Pollution in Northern Ireland | (2000) 51 NILQ 65 |
| | Environmental Law; Pollution; Northern Ireland
Desmond M Clarke | | Nationalism, The Irish Constitution, and Multicultural Citizenship | (2000) 51 NILQ 100 |
| | Constitutional Law; Nationalism; Citizenship
Lisa Glennon | | Questioning the Legal Status of Unincorporated Associations | (2000) 51 NILQ 120 |
| | Company Law; Unincorporated Associations
M Milner & K Syrett | | Personal Pensions and The Financial Services authority: New Chapter or Same Old Story? | (2000) 51 NILQ 140 |
| | Finance Law; Pension
M Milner & K Syrett | | Personal Pensions and the Financial Services Authority: New Chapter or Same Old Story? | (2000) 51 NILQ 141 |
| | Finance Law; Pension
Richard J Goldstone | | Past Human Rights Violations-The Mac Dermott Lecture | (2000) 51 NILQ 164 |
| | Human Rights Law; Human Rights Violations
E Grant & JG Small | | Disadvantage and Discrimination: The Emerging Jurisprudence of the South African Constitutional Court | (2000) 51 NILQ 174 |
| | Constitutional Law; International Law; Discrimination
Sheena Grattan | | Of Lame Ducks, Black Sheep and Family Bonding | (2000) 51 NILQ 198 |
| | Family Law
Sharon Turner | | Modernising the Regulation of Water Pollution in Northern Ireland-Part II | (2000) 51 NILQ 230 |
| | Environmental Law; Pollution
Carl F Stychin | | Grant-ing Rights: the Politics of Rights, Sexuality and European Union | (2000) 51 NILQ 281 |
| | European Law; Rights; Politics
Joseph Savirimuthu | | The Model of Social Relations: Strategic Behaviour, Trust and Loyalty | (2000) 51 NILQ 303 |
| | Social Relations
R Costigan & PA Thomas | | Anonymous Witnesses | (2000) 51 NILQ 326 |
| | Law of Evidence; Witness; Anonymity
Lord Reed | | Internationalism and Tradition-Some Thoughts on Incorporating Human Rights | (2000) 51 NILQ 365 |
| | Human Rights Law; Irish Incorporation
Conor Gearty | | Democracy and Human Rights in the European Court of Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal | (2000) 51 NILQ 381 |
| | Human Rights Law; European Court of Human Rights; Democracy
Jane Liddy | | Article 8: The Pace of Change | (2000) 51 NILQ 397 |
| | European Law; Article 8; Change
Aileen Mc Colgan | | Women and The Human Rights Act | (2000) 51 NILQ 417 |
| | Human Rights Law; Women; Human Rights Act 1998
C Harvey & S Livingstone | | Protecting The Marginalised: The Role of the European Convention on Human Rights | (2000) 51 NILQ 445 |
| | Human Rights Law; European Convention on Human Rights
Ursula Kilkelly | | The Human Rights Act 1998: Implications for the Detention and Trial of Young People | (2000) 51 NILQ 466 |
| | Human Rights Law; Criminal Law; Human Rights Act 1998; Detention; Young Offenders;
Olivier De Schutter | | Waiver of Rights and State Paternalism Under The European Convention on Human Rights | (2000) 51 NILQ 481 |
| | Human Rights Law; European Convention on Human Rights; State Paternalism
Andrew Keay | | Insolvency Law: A Matter of Public Interest? | (2000) 51 NILQ 509 |
| | Company Law; Insolvency
Kay Goodall | | What Defines the Roles of A Judge? First Steps Towards the Construction of a Comparative Method | (2000) 51 NILQ 535 |
| | Constitutional Law; Judiciary; Judicial Function
John E Stannard | | A Presumption and Four Burdens | (2000) 51 NILQ 560 |
| | Criminal Law; Presumption of Innocence; Evidence; Burden
Neville Cox | | Causation, Responsibility and Fetal Personhood | (2000) 51 NILQ 579 |
| | Medical Law; Causation; Personhood
Ben Pontin | | Tort Interacting With Regulatory Law | (2000) 51 NILQ 597 |
| | Law of Tort; Regulatory Law
David Capper | | Final Report Of The Civil Justice Reform Group-Still Keeping Woolf From The Door | (2000) 51 NILQ 619 |
| | Civil Justice Reform
Ian Ward | | Citizens and Legislators of the World | (2000) 51 NILQ 630 |
| | Legal Systems; International Law; Citizen; Legislators
AR Hart | | Book Review: English Criminal Justice In The Nineteenth Century by David Bently | (2000) 51 NILQ 647 |
| | Bently; Criminal Law