Author | | Title | Citation |
William Twinning | | Mapping Law: The Mac Dermott Lecture | (1999) 50 NILQ 12 |
| | Mapping Law
Carol Daugherty Rasnic | | The US Constitution, The Supreme Court and Capital Punishment: Should the USA put the Death Penalty to Death> | (1999) 50 NILQ 50 |
| | Criminal Law; International Law; Capital Punishment; Death Penalty
Donal O Donnell | | Constitutional Background to and Aspects of the Good Friday Agreement-A Republic of Ireland Perspective | (1999) 50 NILQ 76 |
| | Constitutional Law; Good Friday Agreement; Northern Ireland
Alan Dowling | | Can Roses Survive on Registered Land? | (1999) 50 NILQ 90 |
| | Property Law; Registered Land
Oonagh Breen | | Landlord and Tenant-A New Lease of Life for the Doctrine of Specific Performance | (1999) 50 NILQ 102 |
| | Housing Law; Rented Accommodation; Specific Performance
Heather Conway | | Nearly, But Not Quite-Partition Actions in the Wake of Article 48 of the Property (NI) Order 1997 | (1999) 50 NILQ |
| | Property Law; Partition; Property (NI) Order 1997
Craig Dunford | | Recent Developments in the Law Relating to Abuse of Process and the End of the Right to be Non-Suited: The Effect of Arbuthnot Latham v Trafalgar Holdings and Gilham v Browning | (1999) 50 NILQ 132 |
| | Court Proceedings; Abuse of Process; Equity
Lorna Fox | | Receipt of Rent and Waiver of Leasehold Covenants: An Equitable Approach? | (1999) 50 NILQ 140 |
| | Property Law; Leasehold; Covenants; Rent
John Smith | | Joint Enterprise and Secondary Liability | (1999) 50 NILQ 153 |
| | Company Law; Joint Enterprise; Secondary Liability
Clive Walker | | The Commodity of Justice in States of Emergency | (1999) 50 NILQ 164 |
| | Constitutional Law; State of Emergency; Justice
John Murphy | | Making Private Violence Public | (1999) 50 NILQ 186 |
| | Criminal Law; Violence
John E Stannard | | Punishment and Public Relations | (1999) 50 NILQ 204 |
| | Criminal Law; Punishment; Public Relations
C Stefanou & H Xanthaki | | The Principle of the Effective Protection of the Individual in EC Law and the Dialectic of European Integration Theory | (1999) 50 NILQ 212 |
| | Human Rights Law; European Integration
Alison Dunn | | Surrendering to Trust | (1999) 50 NILQ 234 |
| | Law of Equity; Trust
Maria O Neill | | The Brussels Convention: A Still Born Child | (1999) 50 NILQ 243 |
| | Brussels Convention
Caroline Fennell | | Article Review: Sex and Gender in the Legal Process by Susan Edwards | (1999) 50 NILQ 254 |
| | Criminal Law; Gender; Legal Feminism
Carol Daugherty Rasnic | | Book Review: Death at Midnight by D A Cabana | (1999) 50 NILQ 272 |
| | Cabana; Capitol Punishment
J Paul Mc Cutcheon | | Book Review: Public Heroes, Private Felons: Athletes and Crimes Against Women by J Benedict | (1999) 50 NILQ 276 |
| | Benedict; Drug Offences; Sports; Women
T P Kennedy | | Book Review: European Business Litigation by A Mayss & A Reed | (1999) 50 NILQ 278 |
| | Mayss; Reed; Business; European Law
Clive Walker | | Book Review: Telecommunications Law Handbook by J Angel & I Walden | (1999) 50 NILQ 279 |
| | Angel; Walden; Telecommunications
Steve Hedley | | How Has The Common Law Survived The 20th Century? | (1999) 50 NILQ 283 |
| | Common Law; Legal History
Alison Dunn | | Charity Law As A Political Option For The Poor | (1999) 50 NILQ 298 |
| | Charity Law; Politics
Richard Kidner | | A History of The Fatal Accident Acts | (1999) 50 NILQ 318 |
| | Legal History; Fatal Accident Acts
Alan Dowling | | The Liability Of Personal Representatives Under Leases | (1999) 50 NILQ 336 |
| | Property Law; Leasehold; Personal Representative
Dana Mc Cusker | | Liability For Omission Under The lex Aquilia | (1999) 50 NILQ 380 |
| | Law of Tort; Damage to Property; Omission; Lex Aquilia
Maria Lee | | Civil Liability For Contamination: Blue circle Industries PLC v Ministry of Defence | (1999) 50 NILQ 403 |
| | Environmental Law; Contamination
John E Stannard | | Book Review: The Digest of Justinian: Two Volume Set by Watson | (1999) 50 NILQ 416 |
| | Watson; Justinian; Legal History
Marc Mc Donald | | Book Review: Liquor Licensing Laws of Northern Ireland by Mc Brien | (1999) 50 NILQ 419 |
| | Mc Brien; Licensing Laws; Northern Ireland
Anthony Ogus | | Reflections on the Development in Britain of Interdisciplinary Approaches to Law: Utility and Disutility | (1999) 50 NILQ 421 |
| | International Law; Legal Systems; Interdisciplinary Approaches
David Capper | | Keeping Woolf from the Door-The Reform of Civil Procedure in Northern Ireland | (1999) 50 NILQ 434 |
| | Civil Procedure; Northern Ireland
David Jabbari | | Radical Particularism: A Natural Law of Context | (1999) 50 NILQ 454 |
| | Natural Law; Particularism
Steven Wheatley | | The NATO Action Against The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Humanitarian Intervention in the Post-Cold War Era | (1999) 50 NILQ 478 |
| | International Law; Humanitarian Intervention
Lisa Glennon | | Extending the Role of the Committee in an Unincorporated Association-A Separate Duty of Care to Members and Visitors | (1999) 50 NILQ 515 |
| | Company Law; Unincorporated Association; Committee; Duty of Care
Colin J Harvey | | The Politics of Legality | (1999) 50 NILQ 528 |
| | Legal Systems; Politics; Legal Doctrine