1999 (Volume 50)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly - 1999

William Twinning Mapping Law: The Mac Dermott Lecture
(1999) 50 NILQ 12
Mapping Law
Carol Daugherty Rasnic The US Constitution, The Supreme Court and Capital Punishment: Should the USA put the Death Penalty to Death>
(1999) 50 NILQ 50
Criminal Law; International Law; Capital Punishment; Death Penalty
Donal O Donnell Constitutional Background to and Aspects of the Good Friday Agreement-A Republic of Ireland Perspective
(1999) 50 NILQ 76
Constitutional Law; Good Friday Agreement; Northern Ireland
Alan Dowling Can Roses Survive on Registered Land?
(1999) 50 NILQ 90
Property Law; Registered Land
Oonagh Breen Landlord and Tenant-A New Lease of Life for the Doctrine of Specific Performance
(1999) 50 NILQ 102
Housing Law; Rented Accommodation; Specific Performance
Heather Conway Nearly, But Not Quite-Partition Actions in the Wake of Article 48 of the Property (NI) Order 1997
(1999) 50 NILQ
Property Law; Partition; Property (NI) Order 1997
Craig Dunford Recent Developments in the Law Relating to Abuse of Process and the End of the Right to be Non-Suited: The Effect of Arbuthnot Latham v Trafalgar Holdings and Gilham v Browning
(1999) 50 NILQ 132
Court Proceedings; Abuse of Process; Equity
Lorna Fox Receipt of Rent and Waiver of Leasehold Covenants: An Equitable Approach?
(1999) 50 NILQ 140
Property Law; Leasehold; Covenants; Rent
John Smith Joint Enterprise and Secondary Liability
(1999) 50 NILQ 153
Company Law; Joint Enterprise; Secondary Liability
Clive Walker The Commodity of Justice in States of Emergency
(1999) 50 NILQ 164
Constitutional Law; State of Emergency; Justice
John Murphy Making Private Violence Public
(1999) 50 NILQ 186
Criminal Law; Violence
John E Stannard Punishment and Public Relations
(1999) 50 NILQ 204
Criminal Law; Punishment; Public Relations
C Stefanou & H Xanthaki The Principle of the Effective Protection of the Individual in EC Law and the Dialectic of European Integration Theory
(1999) 50 NILQ 212
Human Rights Law; European Integration
Alison Dunn Surrendering to Trust
(1999) 50 NILQ 234
Law of Equity; Trust
Maria O Neill The Brussels Convention: A Still Born Child
(1999) 50 NILQ 243
Brussels Convention
Caroline Fennell Article Review: Sex and Gender in the Legal Process by Susan Edwards
(1999) 50 NILQ 254
Criminal Law; Gender; Legal Feminism
Carol Daugherty Rasnic Book Review: Death at Midnight by D A Cabana
(1999) 50 NILQ 272
Cabana; Capitol Punishment
J Paul Mc Cutcheon Book Review: Public Heroes, Private Felons: Athletes and Crimes Against Women by J Benedict
(1999) 50 NILQ 276
Benedict; Drug Offences; Sports; Women
T P Kennedy Book Review: European Business Litigation by A Mayss & A Reed
(1999) 50 NILQ 278
Mayss; Reed; Business; European Law
Clive Walker Book Review: Telecommunications Law Handbook by J Angel & I Walden
(1999) 50 NILQ 279
Angel; Walden; Telecommunications
Steve Hedley How Has The Common Law Survived The 20th Century?
(1999) 50 NILQ 283
Common Law; Legal History
Alison Dunn Charity Law As A Political Option For The Poor
(1999) 50 NILQ 298
Charity Law; Politics
Richard Kidner A History of The Fatal Accident Acts
(1999) 50 NILQ 318
Legal History; Fatal Accident Acts
Alan Dowling The Liability Of Personal Representatives Under Leases
(1999) 50 NILQ 336
Property Law; Leasehold; Personal Representative
Dana Mc Cusker Liability For Omission Under The lex Aquilia
(1999) 50 NILQ 380
Law of Tort; Damage to Property; Omission; Lex Aquilia
Maria Lee Civil Liability For Contamination: Blue circle Industries PLC v Ministry of Defence
(1999) 50 NILQ 403
Environmental Law; Contamination
John E Stannard Book Review: The Digest of Justinian: Two Volume Set by Watson
(1999) 50 NILQ 416
Watson; Justinian; Legal History
Marc Mc Donald Book Review: Liquor Licensing Laws of Northern Ireland by Mc Brien
(1999) 50 NILQ 419
Mc Brien; Licensing Laws; Northern Ireland
Anthony Ogus Reflections on the Development in Britain of Interdisciplinary Approaches to Law: Utility and Disutility
(1999) 50 NILQ 421
International Law; Legal Systems; Interdisciplinary Approaches
David Capper Keeping Woolf from the Door-The Reform of Civil Procedure in Northern Ireland
(1999) 50 NILQ 434
Civil Procedure; Northern Ireland
David Jabbari Radical Particularism: A Natural Law of Context
(1999) 50 NILQ 454
Natural Law; Particularism
Steven Wheatley The NATO Action Against The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Humanitarian Intervention in the Post-Cold War Era
(1999) 50 NILQ 478
International Law; Humanitarian Intervention
Lisa Glennon Extending the Role of the Committee in an Unincorporated Association-A Separate Duty of Care to Members and Visitors
(1999) 50 NILQ 515
Company Law; Unincorporated Association; Committee; Duty of Care
Colin J Harvey The Politics of Legality
(1999) 50 NILQ 528
Legal Systems; Politics; Legal Doctrine
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