Author | | Title | Citation |
Richard English | | Last call for the sound of silence? | (1999) 93 (1) LSG 14 |
| | Criminal Law; Right to Silence
Law Society Litigation Committee | | Expert evidence: the new rules explained | (1999) 93 (1) LSG 16 |
| | Law of Evidence; Expert Evidence; Courts and Courts Officers Act 1995
Denis Kelleher | | Litigation and the Year 2000 | (1999) 93 (1) LSG 18 |
| | Information Technology Law; Litigation; Millennium Bug
Pat Igoe | | Time for a rethink on small business? | (1999) 93 (1) LSG 22 |
| | Company Law; Companies (Amendment) Bill 1999
Niamh Nic Suibhne | | First among equals? Irish Language and the Law | (1999) 93 (2) LSG 16 |
| | Constitutional Law; Irish Language; Legal Practitioners
Michael Twomey | | Salaried Partners: easy targets? | (1999) 93 (2) LSG 20 |
| | Company Law; Partnerships; Liability to Third Parties
Niall Hill | | Danger in the air | (1999) 93 (2) LSG 24 |
| | Health and Safety Law; Asbestos
Gerard Gannon | | Drunken driving - is the Supreme Court re-writing the rules? | (1999) 93 (3) LSG 14 |
| | Criminal Law; Drunken Driving; Statutory Interpretation
William Johnston | | Banking law in the 1990s | (1999) 93 (3) LSG 18 |
| | Banking Law; Consumer Credit Act 1995
Grainne Rothery | | Cry Freedom! | (1999) 93 (3) LSG 25 |
| | Information Technology
JCW Wylie | | The Great Escape! Can Tenants Walk Away From a Lease? | (1999) 93 (3) LSG 28 |
| | Landlord and Tenant Law
Barry O Halloran | | All the news thatĘs fit to print? | (1999) 93 (4) LSG 16 |
| | Media Law; Defamation; Privacy
Robert Pierse | | Quantum leap - General damages in the 1990s | (1999) 93 (4) LSG 20 |
| | Tort Law; Personal Injuries; Quantum of Damages
John Shaw | | Law SocietyĘs new complaints procedures | (1999) 93 (4) LSG 23 |
| | Legal Profession; Law Society; Self-Regulation; Registrars Committee
Padraig Walsh | | Workplace bullying: the legal issues | (1999) 93 (4) LSG 24 |
| | Labour Law; Workplace Bullying
Denis Kelleher | | Can you patent a business method? | (1999) 93 (4) LSG 28 |
| | Intellectual Property Law; Patents
Niall O Hanlon | | Perennial concerns for business | (1999) 93 (4) LSG 35 |
| | Company Law; Annual Returns; Striking Off
Des Rooney | | Finders keepers? | (1999) 93 (5) LSG 16 |
| | Property Law; Succession; Champerty
Justin Ryan | | Buying a property in Portugal | (1999) 93 (5) LSG 17 |
| | Conveyancing
Jonathan Newman | | To each his own | (1999) 93 (5) LSG 19 |
| | Intellectual Property Law; Copyright Bill 1999
Karen Murray | | E-commerce: the legal issues | (1999) 93 (5) LSG 22 |
| | Information Technology Law; Electronic Commerce
J Costello & B Bohan | | Finance Act 1999 | (1999) 93 (5) LSG 25 |
| | Revenue Law; Finance Act 1999
Law Society Law Reform Committee | | Domestic Violence: the case for reform | (1999) 93 (5) LSG 29 |
| | Family Law; Domestic Violence Act 1996
Nigel Hill | | Talking up a storm | (1999) 93 (6) LSG 12 |
| | Information Technology Law; Internet Regulation
Richard Grogan | | Wills: traps for the unwary | (1999) 93 (6) LSG 19 |
| | Property Law; Succession; Revenue Law; Property Abroad
Vincent Farry | | Not in my back yard | (1999) 93 (6) LSG 22 |
| | Planning Law
Vincent Farry | | How rural planning became a blasket case | (1999) 93 (7) LSG 18 |
| | Planning Law; Rural Planning; Constitutional Law; Equality
David Meehan | | Freedom of InformationĘs first year | (1999) 93 (7) LSG 21 |
| | Freedom of Information Law; Freedom of Information Act 1997
Brian Bohan | | Tax treatment of development land | (1999) 93 (7) LSG 24 |
| | Revenue Law; Development Land
Denis Kelleher | | Can anyone stop the techno-pirates? | (1999) 93 (8) LSG 14 |
| | Information Technology Law; Internet Regulation; Copyright
Marcus Bourke | | Nice and easy does it | (1999) 93 (8) LSG 18 |
| | Statutory Drafting; Statutory Interpretation
Terence Mc Crann | | Firing on all cylinders? | (1999) 93 (8) LSG 20 |
| | Employment Law
Donal O Sullivan | | What does reasonably practicable mean? | (1999) 93 (8) LSG 23 |
| | Health and Safety Law; Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989
Law Society Law Reform Committee | | Mental health: the case for reform | (1999) 93 (8) LSG 31 |
| | Mental Health Law
Rafael Berdaguer | | Ay Caramba! Buying Property in Spain | (1999) 93 (9) LSG 12 |
| | International Law; Conveyancing; Property
Mary Redmond | | Accentuate the Positive | (1999) 93 (9) LSG 16 |
| | Employment Law; Disciplinary Procedure
Adrian Twomey | | And justice for all? | (1999) 93 (9) LSG 22 |
| | Employment Law; Employment Equality Act 1998
Geoffrey Shannon | | Seen but not heard | (1999) 93 (10) LSG 18 |
| | Family Law; Childrens Rights; Children at Risk
Catherine Treacy | | Recent developments in the Land Registry | (1999) 93 (10) LSG 24 |
| | Conveyancing; Land Registry
Owen Mc Intyre | | No fault, no foul? | (1999) 93 (10) LSG 28 |
| | No-Fault Compensation