2005 (Volume 12)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal - 2005

Stephen Dodd Local authorities and competition law
(2005) 12 IPELJ 4
Competition Law; Competition policy; mutual standards; transparancy; public procurment contracts
Brian Conroy Unlawful but not against the law? The planning code and illegal but immune developments
(2005) 12 IPELJ 12
Planning Law; Limitation periods; enforcement; breach of planning code
Caroline Munro Confirming compulsory purchase orders
(2005) 12 IPELJ 18
Housing Law; Housing authorities; compensation; statutory guidance; CPO; burden of proof;
Tom Flynn Recent European environmental developments
(2005) 12 IPELJ 33
European Law; Nitrates action plan; derogations; proportionality; political agreement
Eamon Galligan Recent developments in conveyancing practice
(2005) 12 IPELJ 35
Conveyancing; Transfer of land; correspondence; locus standi; grant of planning permission
Owen McIntyre Liability for the remediation of contaminated land: the position in light of Case C-1/03, Van de Walle
(2005) 12 IPELJ 51
Contamination; Legal responsibility; environmental policy; waste; civil and criminal liability; enforcement
Aine Ryall Sustainable development in Ireland
(2005) 12 IPELJ 61
Environmental Law; EU law; economic and social dimensions; democracy; social policy
Tom Flynn Implications of the new policy directions on waste
(2005) 12 IPELJ 69
Waste Management; Policy directions; self-sufficiency; proximity; EPA
Tom Flynn Recent European environmental developments
(2005) 12 IPELJ 85
European Law; Enforcement; non-compliance with Directive; breach of EU law
Eamon Galligan Recent developments in conveyancing practice
(2005) 12 IPELJ 89
Conveyancing; Discriminatory planning conditions; ECHR; occupancy of dwelling; privileged persons
Stephen Dodd The scope of planning purposes and relevant considerations
(2005) 12 IPELJ 104
Planning Law; Planning purposes; property rights; interference; land use; judicial discretion
Nap Keeling Estopple in planning law
(2005) 12 IPELJ 112
Estopple; Incur detriment; legal right; non-compliance; permission; private law
Eamon Galligan The equivalent monetary value principle in social housing
(2005) 12 IPELJ 116
Housing Law; Statutory construction; development plan; monetary value; divergance between the law and practise
Tom Flynn Recent European environmental developments
(2005) 12 IPELJ 131
European Law; Regulation of GMOs; energy efficiency; EU GM crop policy; air pollution; industrial pollution
Garrett Simons Enforcement of planning conditions
(2005) 12 IPELJ 150
Planning Law; Conditions precedent; enforcement conditions; non-compliance; partial breaches
Stephen Dodd Notices preventing compensation
(2005) 12 IPELJ 156
Compensation; Right to compensation; restrictions; right to property
Áine Ryall Access to information on the enviorment: the challenge of implementing Directive 2003/4/EC
(2005) 12 IPELJ 162
Environmental Law; Aarhus Convention; enviormental decesion making; effective remedies; implementaing measures
Tom Flynn Recent European environmental developments
(2005) 12 IPELJ 179
European Law; Marine enviorment and regions; duty of cooperation
Olga Vaughan Recent developments in conveyancing practice
(2005) 12 IPELJ 183
Conveyancing; Planning and Development Regualtions 2005; unauthorised developments
Stephen Dodd Local Authorities and Competition Law
(2005) 12 IPELJ 4
Retail Planning Guidelines; Competition Law; Planning Law
Brian Conroy Unlawful but Not Against the Law? The Planning Code and "Illegal but Immune" Developments
(2005) 12 IPELJ 12
Limitation Period; Unauthorised developments
Caroline Munro Confirming Compulsory Purchase Orders
(2005) 12 IPELJ 19
Compulsory Purchase Order; Part XIV Planning and Development Act 2000
Tom Flynn Recent European Environmental Developments
(2005) 12 IPELJ 31
Nitrates Directive; Emission Trading
Eamon Galligan Recent Developments in Conveyancing Practice
(2005) 12 IPELJ 35
Social and Affordable Housing
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