Author | | Title | Citation |
Stephen Dodd | | Local authorities and competition law | (2005) 12 IPELJ 4 |
| | Competition Law; Competition policy; mutual standards; transparancy; public procurment contracts
Brian Conroy | | Unlawful but not against the law? The planning code and illegal but immune developments | (2005) 12 IPELJ 12 |
| | Planning Law; Limitation periods; enforcement; breach of planning code
Caroline Munro | | Confirming compulsory purchase orders | (2005) 12 IPELJ 18 |
| | Housing Law; Housing authorities; compensation; statutory guidance; CPO; burden of proof;
Tom Flynn | | Recent European environmental developments | (2005) 12 IPELJ 33 |
| | European Law; Nitrates action plan; derogations; proportionality; political agreement
Eamon Galligan | | Recent developments in conveyancing practice | (2005) 12 IPELJ 35 |
| | Conveyancing; Transfer of land; correspondence; locus standi; grant of planning permission
Owen McIntyre | | Liability for the remediation of contaminated land: the position in light of Case C-1/03, Van de Walle | (2005) 12 IPELJ 51 |
| | Contamination; Legal responsibility; environmental policy; waste; civil and criminal liability; enforcement
Aine Ryall | | Sustainable development in Ireland | (2005) 12 IPELJ 61 |
| | Environmental Law; EU law; economic and social dimensions; democracy; social policy
Tom Flynn | | Implications of the new policy directions on waste | (2005) 12 IPELJ 69 |
| | Waste Management; Policy directions; self-sufficiency; proximity; EPA
Tom Flynn | | Recent European environmental developments | (2005) 12 IPELJ 85 |
| | European Law; Enforcement; non-compliance with Directive; breach of EU law
Eamon Galligan | | Recent developments in conveyancing practice | (2005) 12 IPELJ 89 |
| | Conveyancing; Discriminatory planning conditions; ECHR; occupancy of dwelling; privileged persons
Stephen Dodd | | The scope of planning purposes and relevant considerations | (2005) 12 IPELJ 104 |
| | Planning Law; Planning purposes; property rights; interference; land use; judicial discretion
Nap Keeling | | Estopple in planning law | (2005) 12 IPELJ 112 |
| | Estopple; Incur detriment; legal right; non-compliance; permission; private law
Eamon Galligan | | The equivalent monetary value principle in social housing | (2005) 12 IPELJ 116 |
| | Housing Law; Statutory construction; development plan; monetary value; divergance between the law and practise
Tom Flynn | | Recent European environmental developments | (2005) 12 IPELJ 131 |
| | European Law; Regulation of GMOs; energy efficiency; EU GM crop policy; air pollution; industrial pollution
Garrett Simons | | Enforcement of planning conditions | (2005) 12 IPELJ 150 |
| | Planning Law; Conditions precedent; enforcement conditions; non-compliance; partial breaches
Stephen Dodd | | Notices preventing compensation | (2005) 12 IPELJ 156 |
| | Compensation; Right to compensation; restrictions; right to property
Áine Ryall | | Access to information on the enviorment: the challenge of implementing Directive 2003/4/EC | (2005) 12 IPELJ 162 |
| | Environmental Law; Aarhus Convention; enviormental decesion making; effective remedies; implementaing measures
Tom Flynn | | Recent European environmental developments | (2005) 12 IPELJ 179 |
| | European Law; Marine enviorment and regions; duty of cooperation
Olga Vaughan | | Recent developments in conveyancing practice | (2005) 12 IPELJ 183 |
| | Conveyancing; Planning and Development Regualtions 2005; unauthorised developments
Stephen Dodd | | Local Authorities and Competition Law | (2005) 12 IPELJ 4 |
| | Retail Planning Guidelines; Competition Law; Planning Law
Brian Conroy | | Unlawful but Not Against the Law? The Planning Code and "Illegal but Immune" Developments | (2005) 12 IPELJ 12 |
| | Limitation Period; Unauthorised developments
Caroline Munro | | Confirming Compulsory Purchase Orders | (2005) 12 IPELJ 19 |
| | Compulsory Purchase Order; Part XIV Planning and Development Act 2000
Tom Flynn | | Recent European Environmental Developments | (2005) 12 IPELJ 31 |
| | Nitrates Directive; Emission Trading
Eamon Galligan | | Recent Developments in Conveyancing Practice | (2005) 12 IPELJ 35 |
| | Social and Affordable Housing