Author | | Title | Citation |
Garrett Simons | | Leave to Appeal to the Supreme Court | (2002) 9 IPELJ 3 |
| | Administrative Law; Appeal; Judicial Review
Benedicte Sage | | Regulation of Marine Pollution from Shipping Under Irish Law: Part II | (2002) 9 IPELJ 9 |
| | Environmental Law; Pollution; Marine; Shipping
Aine Ryall | | Judicial Review and the Adequacy of the EIS: Kenny v An Bord Pleanala | (2002) 9 IPELJ 20 |
| | Administrative Law; Judicial Review; Environmental Impact Assessment
Duncan Laurence | | Waste Licensing 1997-2002 | (2002) 9 IPELJ 26 |
| | Environmental Law; Waste Management
Owen McIntyre | | EC Nature Conservation Law | (2002) 9 IPELJ 59 |
| | European Law; Conservation
Eamon Galligan | | Compulsory Acquisition of Land | (2002) 9 IPELJ 67 |
| | Land Law; Compulsory Purchase
Conor Linehan | | Corporate Sustainability Reporting | (2002) 9 IPELJ 80 |
| | Corporate Law; Corporate Governance
Eamon Galligan | | Book Review: Judicial Review by Mark De Blacam | (2002) 9 IPELJ 83 |
| | De Blacam; Administrative Law; Judicial Review
Eamon Galligan | | Book Review: Waste Management Legislation by D O'Laoire | (2002) 9 IPELJ 83 |
| | O Laoire; Waste Management
Eamon Galligan | | Book Review: Wildlife Legislation by H Comerford | (2002) 9 IPELJ 83 |
| | Comerford; Conservation; Wildlife
Eamon Galligan | | Book Review: Employment Rights Legislation annotated by Anthony Kerr | (2002) 9 IPELJ 83 |
| | Employment Law
Tom Flynn | | Recent EU Environmental Developments | (2002) 9 IPELJ 90 |
| | European Environmental Law; Kyoto Protocol; Waste Management; Soil Protection
Owen McIntyre | | Irish Implementation of EC Nature Conservation Law - Part 2 | (2002) 9 IPELJ 103 |
| | European Environmental Law; Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000; Habitats Directive
John Gore-Grimes | | Recent Developments in Conveyancing Practice | (2002) 9 IPELJ 119 |
| | Conveyancing; Unauthorised Developments
Tom Flynn | | Recent EU Environmental Developments | (2002) 9 IPELJ 122 |
| | European Environmental Law; Genetically Modified Organisms; Habitats Directive
Garret Simons | | Judicial Enforcement of Planning Law | (2002) 9 IPELJ 143 |
| | Planning Law; Judicial Enforcement
Eugene McKeown | | Road Traffic Noise-Are current design criteria adequate? | (2002) 9 IPELJ 147 |
| | Environmental Law; Noise
Patrick Sweetman | | Recent Developments in Conveyancing Practice | (2002) 9 IPELJ 160 |
| | Conveyancing; Planning and Development Act 2000; Withering
Tom Flynn | | Recent EU Environmental Developments | (2002) 9 IPELJ 162 |
| | European Environmental Law; Water Bathing Directive