Author | | Title | Citation |
Elaine Lucille Fahey | | Preliminary Reference from the Circuit Court: The 'Emanation of the State" Doctrine in the Irish Courts | [2004] 22 ILT 6 |
| | European Law; Preliminary Reference; European Court of Justice
Hilary Delany | | The Amended Discovery Rules - Clarification of the Extent of the Changes | [2004] 22 ILT 12 |
| | Discovery
Gearoid Carey | | Expert Determination - An Alternative Basis for Challenge | [2004] 22 ILT 25 |
| | Alternative Dispute Resolution; Expert Determination
Keith Spencer | | Tortious Liability for Private Security Services: Bouncers or Bullies? - Part I | [2004] 22 ILT 30 |
| | Law of Tort; Assault; Private Security Services
David Gwynn Morgan | | Selection of Superior Judges | [2004] 22 ILT 42 |
| | Constitutional Law; Judicial Appointment
Keith Spencer | | Tortious Liability for Private Security Services: Bouncers or Bullies? - Part II | [2004] 22 ILT 46 |
| | Law of Tort; Assault; Private Security Services
Keith Spencer | | The Right to Smoke? Constitutional Implications of the Smoking Ban - Part I | [2004] 22 ILT 58 |
| | Constitutional Law; Smoking Ban
Stephen Dodd | | Judicial Review and Discovery - Part I | [2004] 22 ILT 64 |
| | Judicial Review; Administrative Law; Discovery
Keith Spencer | | The Right to Smoke? Constitutional Implications of the Smoking Ban - Part II | [2004] 22 ILT 74 |
| | Constitutional Law; Smoking Ban
Stephen Dodd | | Judicial Review and Discovery - Part II | [2004] 22 ILT 80 |
| | Judicial Review; Administrative Law; Discovery
Ray Ryan & Des Ryan | | Recklessness, Subjectivity and the Criminal Law | |
| | Criminal Law; Recklessness; Cunningham; Caldwell
Anne Donnellan | | Article 7 of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination: Destroying the Root Causes of a Noxious Weed at the Chalk Face - Part I | [2004] 22 ILT 96 |
| | Equality; Racial Discrimination
Anne Donnellan | | Article 7 of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination: Destroying the Root Causes of a Noxious Weed at the Chalk Face - Part II | [2004] 22 ILT 106 |
| | Equality; Racial Discrimination
Niall McFadden | | Reviving Actions - Smyth v. Tunney | [2004] 22 ILT 111 |
| | Court Proceedings; Dismissal; Reviving Actions
Gearoid Carey | | "Without Prejudice Privilge" and "Unambiguous Impropriety" | [2004] 22 ILT 122 |
| | Court Proceedings
Vicky Conway | | The Garda Siochana Ombudsman Commission | [2004] 22 ILT 125 |
| | Garda Siochana Ombudsman Commission
Sam Middlemiss | | The Demise of the Common Law in UK Employment Law? - Part I | [2004] 22 ILT 138 |
| | Employment Law; Labour Law
Elaine Fahey | | Thomas Addis Emmet - The Contribution of the Immigrant Irish Lawyer to the U.S. | [2004] 22 ILT 144 |
| | Thomas Emmet; United Irishmen; Legal History
William Binchy | | The Implications of the Referendum for Constitutional Protection and Human Rights - Part I | [2004] 22 ILT 154 |
| | Constitutional Law; Citizenship
Donal Coffey | | Article 28.3.3, The Natural Law and the Judiciary - Three Easy Pieces | (2004) 22 ILT 310 |
| | Constitutional Law; Natural Law
Claire Hamilton | | Restorative Justice in Ireland: A New Way Forward? | (2004) 22 ILT 315 |
| | Criminal Law; Penology
Neil Maddox | | Legislation by Delegation - The Principles and Policies Test in Irish Law | (2004) 22 ILT 293 |
| | Constitutional Law
Geoffrey Shannon | | The Ban on Smoking in the Workplace | (2004) 22 ILT 299 |
| | Health and Safety Law; Smoking; Workplace
Conor O' Mahony | | Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004 - A New(ish) Beginning | (2004) 22 ILT 301 |
| | Education; Disabilty
Melody Buckley | | The Greater Fault Bar System - An Alternative to the PIAB? | (2004) 22 ILT 278 |
| | Law of Tort; Personal Injuries Assessment Board
Anthony Fay | | An Overview of the European Union's Influence of Employees' Rights and Industrial Relations Within Ireland | (2004) 22 ILT 282 |
| | Employment Law; Industrial Dispute
Hilary Delany | | The Constitutionality of Limitation Periods Without Savers | (2004) 22 ILT 262 |
| | Limitation Periods; Constitutional Law
Eimear Long | | Multiple Defendants and Closely Connected Claims Under the Brussels Regulation | (2004) 22 ILT 267 |
| | European Law; European Court of Justice;
Gearoid Carey | | "Logically Faultless" Argument for Unenumerated Rights in the Constitution | (2004) 22 ILT 246 |
| | Constitutional Law; Unenumerated Rights
Hilary Delany | | The Obligation On Courts To Deal With Cases Within A "Reasonable Time" | (2004) 22 ILT 249 |
| | Procedure; Reasonableness
Gearoid Carey | | Restraint of Trade Revisited | (2004) 22 ILT 230 |
| | Contract Law;
Deirdre Aherne | | Coporate Killing in Ireland - A New Paradigm? | (2004) 22 ILT 235 |
| | Criminal Law; Corporate Criminal Liability
Sam Middlemiss | | The Demise of the Common Law in UK Employment Law? - Part II | (2004) 22 ILT 214 |
| | Employment Law
Stephen Dodd | | Refusal of Planning Permission for Past Failures to Comply | (2004) 22 ILT 220 |
| | Planning Law
Shane Darcy | | Achieving De Facto Equality Between Men and Women - Making the Employment Equality Act 1998 Work | (2004) 22 ILT 199 |
| | Equality Law; Employment Law; Gender
Rosanne O' Connor | | Physician-Assisted Suicide: The Way Forward? - Part II | (2004) 22 ILT 204 |
| | Medical Law; Euthanasia
Rosanne O' Connor | | Phsician-Assisted Suicide: The Way Forward? - Part I | (2004) 22 ILT 182 |
| | Medical Law; Euthanasia
Gearoid Carey | | Vexatious Litigants - A New Jurisdiction? | (2004) 22 ILT 187 |
| | Procedure; Litigation
William Binchy | | The Implications of the Referendum for Constitutional Protection and Human Rights - Part II | (2004) 22 ILT 166 |
| | Constitutional Law; Human Rights