2004 (Volume 22)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Irish Law Times - 2004

Elaine Lucille Fahey Preliminary Reference from the Circuit Court: The 'Emanation of the State" Doctrine in the Irish Courts
[2004] 22 ILT 6
European Law; Preliminary Reference; European Court of Justice
Hilary Delany The Amended Discovery Rules - Clarification of the Extent of the Changes
[2004] 22 ILT 12
Gearoid Carey Expert Determination - An Alternative Basis for Challenge
[2004] 22 ILT 25
Alternative Dispute Resolution; Expert Determination
Keith Spencer Tortious Liability for Private Security Services: Bouncers or Bullies? - Part I
[2004] 22 ILT 30
Law of Tort; Assault; Private Security Services
David Gwynn Morgan Selection of Superior Judges
[2004] 22 ILT 42
Constitutional Law; Judicial Appointment
Keith Spencer Tortious Liability for Private Security Services: Bouncers or Bullies? - Part II
[2004] 22 ILT 46
Law of Tort; Assault; Private Security Services
Keith Spencer The Right to Smoke? Constitutional Implications of the Smoking Ban - Part I
[2004] 22 ILT 58
Constitutional Law; Smoking Ban
Stephen Dodd Judicial Review and Discovery - Part I
[2004] 22 ILT 64
Judicial Review; Administrative Law; Discovery
Keith Spencer The Right to Smoke? Constitutional Implications of the Smoking Ban - Part II
[2004] 22 ILT 74
Constitutional Law; Smoking Ban
Stephen Dodd Judicial Review and Discovery - Part II
[2004] 22 ILT 80
Judicial Review; Administrative Law; Discovery
Ray Ryan & Des Ryan Recklessness, Subjectivity and the Criminal Law
Criminal Law; Recklessness; Cunningham; Caldwell
Anne Donnellan Article 7 of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination: Destroying the Root Causes of a Noxious Weed at the Chalk Face - Part I
[2004] 22 ILT 96
Equality; Racial Discrimination
Anne Donnellan Article 7 of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination: Destroying the Root Causes of a Noxious Weed at the Chalk Face - Part II
[2004] 22 ILT 106
Equality; Racial Discrimination
Niall McFadden Reviving Actions - Smyth v. Tunney
[2004] 22 ILT 111
Court Proceedings; Dismissal; Reviving Actions
Gearoid Carey "Without Prejudice Privilge" and "Unambiguous Impropriety"
[2004] 22 ILT 122
Court Proceedings
Vicky Conway The Garda Siochana Ombudsman Commission
[2004] 22 ILT 125
Garda Siochana Ombudsman Commission
Sam Middlemiss The Demise of the Common Law in UK Employment Law? - Part I
[2004] 22 ILT 138
Employment Law; Labour Law
Elaine Fahey Thomas Addis Emmet - The Contribution of the Immigrant Irish Lawyer to the U.S.
[2004] 22 ILT 144
Thomas Emmet; United Irishmen; Legal History
William Binchy The Implications of the Referendum for Constitutional Protection and Human Rights - Part I
[2004] 22 ILT 154
Constitutional Law; Citizenship
Donal Coffey Article 28.3.3, The Natural Law and the Judiciary - Three Easy Pieces
(2004) 22 ILT 310
Constitutional Law; Natural Law
Claire Hamilton Restorative Justice in Ireland: A New Way Forward?
(2004) 22 ILT 315
Criminal Law; Penology
Neil Maddox Legislation by Delegation - The Principles and Policies Test in Irish Law
(2004) 22 ILT 293
Constitutional Law
Geoffrey Shannon The Ban on Smoking in the Workplace
(2004) 22 ILT 299
Health and Safety Law; Smoking; Workplace
Conor O' Mahony Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004 - A New(ish) Beginning
(2004) 22 ILT 301
Education; Disabilty
Melody Buckley The Greater Fault Bar System - An Alternative to the PIAB?
(2004) 22 ILT 278
Law of Tort; Personal Injuries Assessment Board
Anthony Fay An Overview of the European Union's Influence of Employees' Rights and Industrial Relations Within Ireland
(2004) 22 ILT 282
Employment Law; Industrial Dispute
Hilary Delany The Constitutionality of Limitation Periods Without Savers
(2004) 22 ILT 262
Limitation Periods; Constitutional Law
Eimear Long Multiple Defendants and Closely Connected Claims Under the Brussels Regulation
(2004) 22 ILT 267
European Law; European Court of Justice;
Gearoid Carey "Logically Faultless" Argument for Unenumerated Rights in the Constitution
(2004) 22 ILT 246
Constitutional Law; Unenumerated Rights
Hilary Delany The Obligation On Courts To Deal With Cases Within A "Reasonable Time"
(2004) 22 ILT 249
Procedure; Reasonableness
Gearoid Carey Restraint of Trade Revisited
(2004) 22 ILT 230
Contract Law;
Deirdre Aherne Coporate Killing in Ireland - A New Paradigm?
(2004) 22 ILT 235
Criminal Law; Corporate Criminal Liability
Sam Middlemiss The Demise of the Common Law in UK Employment Law? - Part II
(2004) 22 ILT 214
Employment Law
Stephen Dodd Refusal of Planning Permission for Past Failures to Comply
(2004) 22 ILT 220
Planning Law
Shane Darcy Achieving De Facto Equality Between Men and Women - Making the Employment Equality Act 1998 Work
(2004) 22 ILT 199
Equality Law; Employment Law; Gender
Rosanne O' Connor Physician-Assisted Suicide: The Way Forward? - Part II
(2004) 22 ILT 204
Medical Law; Euthanasia
Rosanne O' Connor Phsician-Assisted Suicide: The Way Forward? - Part I
(2004) 22 ILT 182
Medical Law; Euthanasia
Gearoid Carey Vexatious Litigants - A New Jurisdiction?
(2004) 22 ILT 187
Procedure; Litigation
William Binchy The Implications of the Referendum for Constitutional Protection and Human Rights - Part II
(2004) 22 ILT 166
Constitutional Law; Human Rights
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