Author | | Title | Citation |
Gearoid Carey | | Police Targeting and Equality Rights | [2001] 19 ILT 8 |
| | Constitutional Law; Police; Equality; Enforcement
Anna Louise Hinds | | Vertical Restraints-Recent EC Reform | [2001] 19 ILT 23 |
| | Competition Law; Vertical Restraints; Block Exemptions; Exclusive Distribution
Eamonn G Hall | | Book Review: A History of The Kings Serjeants at Law in Ireland by AR Hart | [2001] 19 ILT 30 |
| | Hart; Legal History
Paul Anthony Mc Dermott | | Book Review: Prison Law by Paul O Mahony | [2001] 19 ILT 30 |
| | O Mahony; Prison Law
Raymond Arthur | | Children and Law: Duty of Care to Children in Care | [2001] 19 ILT 38 |
| | Family Law; Child Care Act 1991; Health Board; Duty of Care
Una Butler | | Rethinking Vertical Restraints; Procedural Aspects of Regulation 2790/1999 | [2001] 19 ILT 46 |
| | Competition Law; Regulation; Block Exemptions; Vertical Agreements
Hilary Delany | | Discovery-How strictly is the new Order 31, Rule 12 being interpreted? | [2001] 19 ILT 57 |
| | Rules of the Superior Courts; Discovery; Documents
Deirdre Fottrell | | Reporting to the UN Human Rights Committee-A ruse by any other name? | [2001] 19 ILT 61 |
| | Human Rights Law; Human Rights Committee
Caroline O Connor | | Asylum-seeking women in Ireland-An analysis | [2001] 19 ILT 69 |
| | Immigration Law; Asylum; Women; Gender
Caroline O Connor | | Refugee Law: Sexual Violence as "Persecution" Within International Refugee Law-Part I | [2001] 19 ILT 78 |
| | Refugee Law; Sexual Offence; Genital Mutilation; Status of Refugees Convention 1951;
Cathleen Noctor | | The Freedom of Information Act 1997 in the High Court | [2001] 19 ILT 81 |
| | Administrative Law; Freedom of Information Act 1997 Appeals;
Raymond Arthur | | Children and Law: Problems with Child care-Thinking About Access to a Child in Care | [2001] 19 ILT 94 |
| | Family Law; Children; Child Care Act 1991; Health Board; Duty of Care
Caroline O Connor | | Sexual Violence as "Persecution" Within International Refugee Law-Part II | [2001] 19 ILT 101 |
| | Refugee Law; Genital Mutilation; Asylum
Deirdre Fottrell | | National Human Rights Institutions in the Commonwealth-Lessons For Ireland | [2001] 19 ILT 110 |
| | Human Rights Law; International Law
Frank Martin | | Parental Rights to Withhold Consent to Medical Treatment for their Child: A Conflict of Rights? | [2001] 19 ILT 114 |
| | Medical Law; Children; Consent: Medical Treatment; Parental Rights
Cathleen Noctor | | Statute of Limitations (Amendment) Act 2000-Implications for Parties to actions regarding Child Sexual Abuse | [2001] 19 ILT 126 |
| | Statute of Limitations (Amendment) Act 2000; Sexual Offence; Children; Penalty Points; Tribunal; Jurisdiction; Courts Act 1981
Gearoid Carey | | A Critique of the Developments of Occupational Injuries Liability in Irish Torts Law-Part I | [2001] 19 ILT 130 |
| | Law of Tort; Occupational Injuries; Employer; Negligence
Karen Murray | | The Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) Act 2001 and the Internet | [2001] 19 ILT 143 |
| | Information Technology Law; Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) Act 2001; Fraud; Larceny Acts 1861-1990
Gearoid Carey | | A Critique of the Developments of Occupational Injuries Liability in Irish Torts Law-Part II | [2001] 19 ILT 146 |
| | Law of Tort; Occupational Injuries; Employers; Negligence
Caroline O Connor | | Feminist Discourse and International Human Rights Law | [2001] 19 ILT 158 |
| | Human Rights Law; Women; Sexual Offence
Damian Mc Hugh | | Practice and Procedure | [2001] 19 ILT 163 |
| | Legal Profession; Professional Regulation; Bar Council; Code of Conduct; Representation
Niamh Nic Shuibhne | | Irish Language: The Use of the Irish Language for Official Purposes | [2001] 19 ILT 174 |
| | Irish Language
Caterina Gardiner | | The State Claim Agency-A New Role for the National Treasury Management Agency | [2001] 19 ILT 179 |
| | Law of Tort; State Claim
Gareth Miller | | Real Property: The Finance Act 2001; A Property Perspective | [2001] 19 ILT 192 |
| | Property Law; Finance Act 2001
Caroline O Connor | | Prohibition on Female Genital Mutilation-the Irish Response | [2001] 19 ILT 194 |
| | Human Rights Law; Genital Mutilation
Nicola Mc Grath | | Revenue-Approved Share Option Schemes | [2001] 19 ILT 202 |
| | Revenue Law; Share Option Schemes; Taxation
Ursula Connolly | | The Race Directive and the Framework Directive: An Analysis of their Effect on Irish Employment-Part I | [2001] 19 ILT 206 |
| | European Law; Race Directive; Framework Directive; Employment Law;
Ursula Connolly | | The Race Directive and the Framework Directive; An Analysis of their Effect on Irish Employment-Part II | [2001] 19 ILT 219 |
| | European Law; Race Directive; Framework Directive; Employment Law; Employment Equality Act 1998; Discrimination
David P Boyle | | Recent Developments in the Regulation of Insurance Intermediaries | [2001] 19 ILT 223 |
| | Insurance Law; Intermediary; Insurance Act 2000
Brian Foley | | Hearsay and Recent Complaint | [2001] 19 ILT 234 |
| | Law of Evidence; Law Reform Commission
Caroline O Connor | | Intimate Violence; The States Responsibility for Private Human Rights Abuses-Part I | [2001] 19 ILT 237 |
| | Human Rights Law; Genital Mutilation; Women
Gearoid Carey | | Contractual Interpretations: Recent Developments-Part I | [2001] 19 ILT 250 |
| | Contract Law; Interpretations
Caroline O Connor | | Intimate Violence; The States Responsibility for Private Human Rights Abuses-Part II | [2001] 19 ILT 255 |
| | Human Rights Law; Gender; Refugee Law
Gearoid Carey | | Contractual Interpretation: Recent Developments-Part II | [2001] 19 ILT 266 |
| | Contract Law; Interpretation
Robert Pierse | | Road Traffic: Road Traffic Bill 2001-An Analysis | [2001] 19 ILT 272 |
| | Environmental Law; Road Traffic Bill 2001
Eoin Michael Dee | | Professional Negligence of Solicitors | [2001] 19 ILT 282 |
| | Law of Tort; Legal Profession; Professional Negligence; Solicitors
Niamh Mc Carthy | | Merger Control-An electric shock for Schneider/Legrand | [2001] 19 ILT 272 |
| | Competition Law; Mergers
Anna-Louise Hinds | | The EC Approach to Essential Facilities | [2001] 19 ILT 298 |
| | European Law; Competition Law; Dominance; Essential Facilities
Caroline O Connor | | Fundamental Rights and Environmental Protection Under Review | [2001] 19 ILT 303 |
| | Environmental Law; Human Rights Law
Marsha Coghlan | | Fair Procedures and the European Convention on Human Rights | [2001] 19 ILT 307 |
| | Human Rights Law; European Convention on Human Rights Bill 2001
Niall Pelly | | Product Liability: Is European Products Liability more protective than the Restatement (Third) of Torts: products Liability?-Part I | [2001] 19 ILT 314 |
| | European Law; Products Liability
Gearoid Carey | | The Tort of Conspiracy | [2001] 19 ILT 317 |
| | Conspiracy