Author | | Title | Citation |
D Neil Mc Cormick | | Stands Scotland still where she did? New unions for old in these islands | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 1 |
| | Jurisprudence; International Law; Legal History
Louise Arbour | | Exposing truth while keeping secrets: publicity and privilege | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 17 |
| | Constitutional Law; Privilege
WN Osborough | | Law and the spread of literacy-millennial reflections on Boddingtons plight | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 36 |
| | Literacy; Legal Doctrine
Ken Motoyama | | The Constitution of Japan-a critical review of its developments since the 1980s | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 62 |
| | Constitutional Law; International Law
Alan Dowling | | Protection of interests in remainder under settlements of land | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 84 |
| | Property Law; Remainder
Kevin Costello | | Costs principles and environmental judicial review | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 121 |
| | Administrative Law; Environmental Law; Judicial Review
Rosemary Byrne | | Expediency in refugee determination procedures | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 149 |
| | Refugee Law; Immigration; Time
Noel Travers | | Access to documents in Community law: on the road to a European participatory democracy | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 164 |
| | European Law; Freedom of Information; Democracy
Gerard Hogan | | The Supreme Court and the Reference of the Offences Against the State (Amendment) Bill 1940 | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 238 |
| | Constitutional Law; Offences Against the State (Amendment) Bill 1940; Constitutional Law
Paul Anthony Mc Dermott | | The separation of powers and the doctrine of non-justiciability | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 280 |
| | Constitutional Law; Separation of Powers; Justiciability
Bairbre O Neill | | The referendum process in Ireland | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 305 |
| | Constitutional Law; Referendum
David Ibbetson | | Legal printing and legal doctrine | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 345 |
| | Legal Printing; Legal Doctrine; Jurisprudence
WN Osborough | | The history of Irish legal publishing: a challenge unmet | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 355 |
| | Legal Publishing; Legal Doctrine
Richard Humphreys | | Our bilingual Constitution | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 375 |
| | Irish Language; Constitutional Law;
Richard O Maolalaigh | | Book Review: Bunreacht Na hEireann, A Study of the Irish Text by O Cearuil | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 388 |
| | O Cearuil; Constitution; Irish Language
WN Osborough | | Book Review: Medieval Papal Representatives in Scotland: Legates, Nuncios and Judges-Delegates by Ferguson | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 391 |
| | Ferguson; Jurisprudence
Colum & Kenny | | Book Review: The Minute Book of the Faculty of Advocatee edited by Stewart | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 392 |
| | Stewart; Advocate
WN Osborough | | Book Review: A Legal History of Scotland-Vol. V: the Eighteenth Century by Walker | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 394 |
| | Walker; International Law; Legal History
Alistair Mowbray | | Book Review: Judicial Review in Ireland by Bradley | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 396 |
| | Bradley; Judicial Review; Administration Law
Laurence Lustgarten | | Book Review: The Irish Police-A Legal and Constitutional Perspective by Walsh | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 399 |
| | Walsh; Police; Constitutional Law
Chris Barton | | Book Review: Child and Family Law by Sutherland | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 402 |
| | Sutherland; Family Law; Children
Pamela Ferguson | | Book Review: Criminal Law by Charleton, Mc Dermott and Bolger | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 404 |
| | Charleton; Mc Dermott; Bolger; Criminal Law
Richard Whish | | Book Review: Competition Law: Alignment and Reform by Maher | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 406 |
| | Maher; Competition Law
Peter Sparkes | | Book Review: Equity and the Law of Trusts in Ireland (2nd ed) by Delaney | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 408 |
| | Delany; Law of Equity; ; Trust
Lucey Ann Buckley | | Book Review: Working Within the Law: A Practical Guide for Employers and Employees (2nd ed) by Meenan | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 412 |
| | Meenan; Employment Law
Kevin Costello | | Book Review: The Most Fundamental Legal Right: Habeas Corpus in the Commonwealth by Clark and Mc Coy | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 414 |
| | Clark; Mc Coy; Habeas Corpus
WN Osborough | | Book Review: Education and the Constitution by Farry | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 416 |
| | Farry; Education; Constitutional Law
Martin Hession | | Book Review: Irish Environmental Legislation by Maguire, O Reilly and Roche | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 418 |
| | Maguire; O Reilly; Roche; Environmental Law
Anon | | Book Review: Japanese Law by Oda | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 419 |
| | Oda; International Law
Christopher Brooks | | Book Review: Studies in Irish Legal History by Osborough | (2000) xxxv IR JUR 490 |
| | Osborough; Legal History