1997 (Volume xxxii)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Irish Jurist - 1997

Peter Birks Harassment and hubris: the right to an equality of respect
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 1
Equality Law; Harassment
Lord Hoffmann A sense of proportion
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 49
Constitutional Law; Proportionality
Gerard Brennan The third branch and the fourth estate
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 62
Law of Equity; Estate
Hjalte Rasmussen Denmarks Maastricht-ratification case: The constitutional dimension and questions about constitutionality
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 77
Constitutional Law; Maastricht Treaty; International Law
J Wilson Parker Must constitutional rights be specified? reflections on the proposal to amend article 40.3.1
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 102
Rights; Constitution
J Paul Mc Cutcheon Knowledge and the actus reus of possession offences
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 119
Criminal Law; Actus Reus; Voluntary Conduct; Criminal Liability; Possession
Kevin Costello The expulsion of prerogative doctrine from Irish law: quantifying and remedying the loss of the royal prerogative
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 145
Constitutional Law; Prerogative
Aileen Kavanagh The quest for legitimacy in constitutional interpretation
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 195
Constitutional Law; Interpretation
Hilary Delany The future of the doctrine of legitimate expectations in Irish administrative law
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 217
Administration Law; Legitimate Expectation
Finbarr Mc Auley The intoxication defence in criminal law
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 243
Criminal Law; Intoxication; Defences
Mary Donnelly Non-consensual sterilisation of mentally disabled people: the law in Ireland
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 297
Medical Law; Consent; Disability
Marc De Blacam Justice and Natural law
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 323
Jurisprudence; Natural Law
Annick Masselot Health and safety for pregnant workers in Britain: American and European influences
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 343
Labour Law; Health and Safety; Pregnancy; International Law;
Gerard Hogan The Constitution, Property Rights and Proportionality
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 373
Constitutional Law; Proportionality
Edith Z Friedler The trial of Jesus as a conflict of laws
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 398
Legal History; Jurisprudence
WN Osborough The Irish custom of tracts
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 439
Legal History; Custom; Kencogus Law; Tracts; Cattle Lifting
Charles Lysaght Book Review: The International Law of Fisheries by Burke
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 459
Burke; Fishery Law; Marine Law
Charles Lysaght Book Review: The Four Courts: 200 years; Essays to Commemorate the Bicentenary of the Four Courts edited by Costello
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 464
Legal History
Norman Doe Book Review: The Canon Letter and Spirit: A Practical Guide to the Code of Canon Law by the Canon Law Society of Great Britain;
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 461
Canon Law
James Casey Book Review: The Changing Constitution edited by Jowell and Oliver
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 466
Constitutional Law
Dermot PJ Walsh Book Review: Supergrasses: A study in Anti-Terrorist Law Enforcement in Northern Ireland by Greer
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 467
Greer; Terrorist Law; Northern Ireland
Herbert Wallace Book Review: Succession Law in Ireland by Brady
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 469
Brady; Law of Succession
Siobhan Stack Book Review: Irish Law of Specific Performance by Farrell
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 474
Farrell; Specific Performance
Dominic Mc Goldrick Book Review: Self-Determination of Peoples-A Legal Reappraisal by Cassese
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 476
Cassese; Self-Determination; Public International Law
Marie Mc Gonagle Book Review: Media Law in Australia by Armstrong, Lindsay and Watterson
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 479
Armstrong; Lisdsay; Watterson; Media Law; International Law
John Breslin Book Review: Laundering and Tracing edited by Birks
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 482
Money Laundering; Criminal Law
Mary Catherine Lucey Book Review: The Court of the European Communities by Brown and Kennedy
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 486
Brown; Kennedy; European Law; Courts
Geoffrey Mc Cormack Book Review: Law and Family in Late Antiquity: The Emperor Constantines Marriage Legislation by Grubb
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 489
Grubb; Legal History; Marriage
Sara Dillon Book Review: Family Law and Religion by Hamilton
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 491
Hamilton; Family Law; Religion
Brice Dickson Book Review: Conflict of Laws by Collier
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 500
Collier; Conflict of Laws
Dermot Cahill Book Review: Directives in European Community Law-A Study of Directives and their Enforcement in National Courts by Prechal
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 501
Prechal; European Law; Enforcement
WN Osborough Book Review: Emergency Law in Ireland by Campbell
(1997) xxxii IR JUR 504
Campbell; Emergency Law; Constitutional Law
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