Author | | Title | Citation |
John Dewar | | Property and Superannuation Reform in Australia: A danger averted or an opportunity missed? | [2000] 1 IJFL 2 |
| | International Law; Property; Superannuation
Helen Buckley | | Risk assessment In Child Care Proceedings | [2000] 1 IJFL 6 |
| | Family Law; Children; Risk Assessment
Owen Mc Intyre | | Domestic Violence: The Case for Reform | [2000] 1 IJFL 10 |
| | Family Law; Domestic Violence
Niamh Lalor | | Female Genital Mutilation-An Irish Perspective? | [2000] 1 IJFL 17 |
| | Family Law; Medical Law; Genital Mutilation
Frank Martin | | To Live Apart or Not to Live Apart: That is the Divorce Question | [2000] 2 IJFL 2 |
| | Family Law; Divorce
Ursula Kilkelly | | Child Protection and the European Convention on Human Rights | [2000] 2 IJFL 12 |
| | Family Law; Children; European Convention on Human Rights
Conor Power | | The Domicile of Children: Towards a New Basis | [2000] 2 IJFL 21 |
| | Family Law; Children
Fergus Ryan | | Sexuality, Ideology and the Legal Construction of Family: Fitzpatrick v. Sterling Housing Association | [2000] 3 IJFL 2 |
| | Family; Discrimination
D Marianne Blair | | Unveiling Our Heritage: A Comparative Examination of Access by Adopted Persons and Their Families to identifying and Non-identifying Information | [2000] 3 IJFL 10 |
| | Family Law; Adoption
D Marianne Blair | | Unveiling Our Heritage: A Comparative Examination of Access by Adopted Persons and their Families to Identifying and Non-identifying Information-Part II | [2000] 4 IJFL 2 |
| | Family Law; Adoption
Helen Buckley | | Children First: Implications For Practice | [2000] 4 IJFL 10 |
| | Family Law; Children
Sinead Conneely | | Researching the Irish Family Mediation Service: Children in Mediation | [2000] 4 IJFL 16 |
| | Family Law; Children; Mediation
Barry Sheehan | | Till Death do Us Part?: The Rights of Cohabitees-Is Statutory Reform the Answer? | [2000] 4 IJFL 23 |
| | Family Law; Cohabitees