2006 (Volume 3)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Irish Employment Law Journal - 2006

Kevin Duffy Lawyers in the workplace - When are the services of a lawyer appropriate?
(2006) 3 (1) IELJ 4
Workplace; Disciplinary matters; statutory rights; procedural issues; employment rights
Wesley Farrell Opening the door to injunctions? - Refusing legal representation at disciplinary hearings
(2006) 3 (1) IELJ 7
Employment Law; Contractual rights; fair procedures; agreement; legal representation;
Tom Hayes Lawyers in the workplace
(2006) 3 (1) IELJ 14
Europe; Trade union density; employee representative; disciplinary and dismissal procedures
Kara Turner Case Focus: Disciplinary procedures and appointments governed by statute
(2006) 3 (1) IELJ 16
Employment Law; Fair procedures; discretion of committee; disciplinary jurisdiction
"Alicia Compton, Rory O' Boyle" Posting Employees of Irish companies to other EU member states - Jurisdictional and other issues
(2006) 3 (1) IELJ 19
Jurisdiction; Employment terms; contractual obligations; employment agreement; working hours
Kieran Doran "Drug and alcohol testing under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005"
(2006) 3 (2) IELJ 36
Health and Safety Law; Screening employees; intoxicants; appropriate testing; employers duty
Frances Meenan Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Act 2003 - Recent case law
(2006) 3 (2) IELJ 39
European; Direct effect; training and employment opportunities; contracts; victimisation
"Alicia Compton, Rory O' Boyle" Practise and Procedure
(2006) 3 (2) IELJ 50
Employment; Unfair dismissals; objective justification; employment appeals tribunal;
Ciarán O' Mara European Developments
(2006) 3 (2) IELJ 63
European Law; Working time rules; holiday payment; equal pay claim; burden of proof allocation
Terence McCrann Investigations in the workplace
(2006) 3 (3) IELJ 68
Workplace; Bullying and harassment investigations; legal representation; suspensions; onus on employer
Adrian F. Twomey "Castles in the air: Collective agreements, compulsory redundancies and Kuar v MG Rover"
(2006) 3 (3) IELJ 77
Employment Law; Bargaining agreement; terms and conditions of employment; enforceability; compulsory redundancy
Cliona Kimber Restrictive covenants in employment law
(2006) 3 (3) IELJ 85
Covenants; Duty of fidelity and loyalty; competition; remedies for breach; injunctions;
"Alicia Compton, Rory O' Boyle" Practise and Procedure
(2006) 3 (3) IELJ 93
Employment Law; Employment permits; transfer obligations; tax benefits; time-limits; unfair dismissals
Ciarán O' Mara European Developments
(2006) 3 (3) IELJ 102
European Law; Employment equality law; disability; directives; fixed-term work
Marguerite Bolger "Claiming for occupational stress, bullying and harassment"
(2006) 3 (4) IELJ 108
Workplace; Equality and unfair dismissal; liability principles; foreseeability; breach of contract
Aoife Farrelly Taxation of employment awards - A basic understanding
(2006) 3 (4) IELJ 113
Taxation; Compensation payment; remuneration; infringement of rights; statutory provisions
Christina Ryan Leaving it to the Experts - In the Matter of the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2001: Ashford Castle Limited v Services Industrial Professional Technical Union
(2006) 3 (4) IELJ 118
Employment Law; Trade union; voluntary dispute regulation; collective bargaining; enforcement
"Alicia Compton, Edel O' Kelly" Practise and Procedure
(2006) 3 (4) IELJ 124
Employment Law; Discrimination; recruitment and selection; interviews; screening; redundancy
Ciarán O' Mara European Developments
(2006) 3 (4) IELJ 133
European; Pay increases; Green Paper on EU Labour Law; contracts; definition of 'worker'
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