Author | | Title | Citation |
Hilary Delany | | Setting Aside Final Orders | (2001) 23 DULJ 1 |
| | Court Proceedings; Final Orders
Tarlach McGonagle | | Wresting (Racial) Equality from Tolerance of Hate Speech | (2001) 23 DULJ 21 |
| | Equality Law; Freedom of Expression
Siobhan Mullally | | Accelerated Asylum Determination Procedures: Fair and Efficient? | (2001) 23 DULJ 55 |
| | Refugee Law; Asylum
Eoin O Dell | | Unjust Enrichment and the Remedial Constructive Trust | (2001) 23 DULJ 71 |
| | Law of Equity; Constructive Trusts; Unjust Enrichment
Kerry O Halloran | | Charity, the Law and Social Need-The Public Benefit as a Measure of Jurisdictional Difference in Charitable Activity on the Island of Ireland | (2001) 23 DULJ 97 |
| | Charity Law; Public Benefit
Aine Ryall | | Housing (Private Rented Dwellings) Act 1982: The Implications of the Expiry of Statutory Protection for Family Members | (2001) 23 DULJ 120 |
| | Housing Law; Private Rented Sector
Olivia Smith | | Disability, Discrimination and Employment: A Never-ending Legal Story? | (2001) 23 DULJ 148 |
| | Equality Law; Employment Law; Disability
Gerard Hogan | | Administrative Law-Recent Developments in Judicial Review Practice and Procedure | (2001) 23 DULJ 176 |
| | Administrative Law; Judicial Review
Simon Mills | | Constitutional Law-PKU: Please Keep Unclear? | (2001) 23 DULJ 180 |
| | Constitutional Law; Family
Elizabeth Cooke | | Equitable Accounting-Some Recent Decisions in Northern Ireland | (2001) 23 DULJ 188 |
| | Property Law; Equitable Accounting
Rebecca Williams | | European Competition Law-Beer Tie Cases-Restitution-In Pari Delicto Rule | (2001) 23 DULJ 194 |
| | European Competition Law; Restitution
Niamh Nic Shuibhne | | European Law-The European court of Justice and the Europe Agreements: Shaping a Legal Framework | (2001) 23 DULJ 203 |
| | European Law; European Integration
Louise Crowley | | Trade Mark Law-The Supreme Court Considers the Sufficiency of Proof of Confusion | (2001) 23 DULJ 218 |
| | Intellectual Property Law; Trade Marks
Ivan Hare | | Book Review: Judicial Review of Administrative Action-A Comparative Analysis by Delany | (2001) 23 DULJ 226 |
| | Delany; Administrative Law; Judicial Review
Michael Lobban | | Book Review: Constitutional Limits and the Public Sphere: A Critical Study of Bentham's Constitutionalism by Ben-Dor | (2001) 23 DULJ 230 |
| | Ben-Dor; Constitutional Law; Bentham
Niamh Moloney | | Book Review: Corporate Finance Law by Cahill | (2001) 23 DULJ 240 |
| | Cahill; Corporate Law; Finance Law
Niamh Moloney | | Book Review: Takeovers and Mergers Law in Ireland by Clarke | (2001) 23 DULJ 243 |
| | Clarke; Takovers; Mergers
Maire Ni Shuilleabhain | | Book Review: Art and Copyright by Stokes | (2001) 23 DULJ 246 |
| | Stokes; Copyright Law
Michael Twomey | | Book Review: Higgins & Fletcher on the Law of Partnership in New Zeland and Australia | (2001) 23 DULJ 249 |
| | Fletcher; Partnerships
Kerry O Halloran | | Book Review: Foundations of Charity by Mitchell and Moody (eds). | (2001) 23 DULJ 251 |
| | Charity Law