Sale or return, retailer carries stock and pays as sold

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About this sale or return agreement
This is the essential sale or return agreement.
It is suitable for any deal where a trader or importer wishes to place goods with a retailer or any other person who manages a venue where goods can be sold. As well as a shop, the venue could be a trade show, office (vending machines) railway station and many more.
It is perfect for sales of small items off a rack or self standing unit. It is suitable for a wide range of different deals, from an arrangement to place machines on 500 railway stations to a deal to leave costume jewellery in a single gift shop.
The essential feature is that the manager of the shop or other venue takes responsibility for the goods while in his care and pays the goods owner only for those he has sold.
This agreement is not suitable as a concession agreement where the concession is staffed by the seller and/or a fixed space is managed by the seller.
The agreement is comprehensive enough to cover a deal for multiple outlets, but could easily be edited for use with individual shop owners or show managers.
Selection of more important provisions of this sale or return agreement
- Ordering, delivery and stock management
- Price management
- Raft of stock holder obligations for you to choose from
- Payment procedure
- Goods returned by customers
- Looking after your title while goods are with the marketer
- Protecting your intellectual property
- Indemnity in case things go wrong
- Alternative termination arrangements
- Many other strong provisions

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