Author | | Title | Citation |
Mr. Justice Peter Kelly | | The Commercial Court | (2004) 9 (1) BR 4 |
| | Court Proceedings; Commercial Court
David Nolan | | The Personal Injuries Assessment Board Act 2003. A Crtical Analysis | (2004) 9 (1) BR 7 |
| | Law of Tort; Personal Injuries Assessment Board
Joseph Horgan | | Bogus Foreign Deposit Accounts: Time Limits on Revenue Claims against the Estates of Deceased Persons | (2004) 9 (1) BR 11 |
| | Revenue Law; Law of Succession
Brian Conroy | | The Return of Retired Judges: A Case for Change | (2004) 9 (1) BR 23 |
| | Judicial Appointment
Nuala Byrne | | Legal Resources on the Web; Useful sites for Practitioners. | (2004) 9 (1) BR 28 |
| | Information Technology; Legal Publishing
Phelim Molony | | A Commentary on Aspects of The Immigration Act 2003. | (2004) 9 (1) BR 32 |
| | Refugee Law; Immigration Act
Dervla Browne | | Family Law Aspects of the European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003. | (2004) 9 (2) BR 39 |
| | Human Rights Law; European Convention on Human Rights
Joseph Hogan | | Bogus Foreign Deposit Accounts: Time Limits on Revenue Claims against the Estates of Deceased Persons (Part II) | (2004) 9 (2) BR 39 |
| | Revenue Law; Law of Succession
William Abrahamson | | The Statute of Limitations and Discoverability | (2004) 9 (2) BR 48 |
| | Statute of Limitations; Discovery
Mary Rose Gearty | | Video Recording of Accused Persons in Custody | (2004) 9 (2) BR 65 |
| | Police; Law of Evidence; Abuse of Process
Niall O'Hanlon | | Single or Multiple Supplies for VAT - Mystic Twilight gives way to Morning Mist | (2004) 9 (2) BR 67 |
| | Revenue Law; VAT
Martin Canny & Anthony Lowry | | The European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003, a Cause Celebre for Privacy Rights in Ireland | (2004) 9 (2) BR 73 |
| | Privacy; European Convention on Human Rights
Arran Dowling Hussey | | The Call to the Bar in Other Jurisdictions | (2004) 9 (2) BR 80 |
| | Legal Profession
George Birmingham | | The Obligation to Seek Out and Preserve Evidence | (2004) 9 (3) BR 86 |
| | Law of Evidence; Police
John Smith | | Legislation in Irish - A Lot Done, More to Do | Legislation; Irish Language |
| | John Smith
Anthony Lowry | | Suing the State for Breaches of Community Law by the Supreme Court | (2004) 9 (3) BR 107 |
| | Supreme Court; European Law; Breach
Conor Maguire | | Supreme Courts - what are they for? | (2004) 9 (3) BR 112 |
| | Supreme Court; Legal Systems
Martin Canny & Anthony Lowry | | The European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003, a Cause Celebre for Privacy Rights in Ireland - Part II | (2004) 9 (3) BR 114 |
| | Privacy; European Convention on Human Rights
Charles Lysaght | | The Court Poor Box | (2004) 9 (4) BR 124 |
| | Probation of Offenders Act 1907; Court Poor Box; Law Reform Commission Proposals
Klaus Reichert | | Commercial Mediation - a 2004 Postscript | (2004) 9 (4) BR 126 |
| | Commercial Law; Mediation; Civil Liability and Courts Bill 2004
Brendan Kirwan | | Defamation, Isolation and the Ordinary Reader: McGarth v Independent Newspapers | (2004) 9 (4) BR 130 |
| | Defamation; McGarth v. Independent Newspapers
Imelda Higgins | | Commercial Agents and Compensation | (2004) 9 (4) BR 145 |
| | Commercial Law; European Communities (Commercial Agents) Regulations 1994
Niall Neligan | | Criminalising International Terrorism: the Criminal Justice (Terrorist Offences) Bill 2002 | (2004) 9 (4) BR 152 |
| | Terrorism; Criminal Justice (Terrorist Offences) Act 2005
Cathleen Noctor & Richard Lyons | | Personal Injuries Assessment Board and Claims Involving the MIBI | (2004) 9 (5) BR 160 |
| | Law of Tort; Personal Injuries Assessment Board
David Richardson | | A New Approach to Processing Claims | (2004) 9 (5) BR 163 |
| | Motor Insurers Bureau of Ireland; Insurance Claims; 2004 Agreement
Brian E Spierin | | Abolition of Sureties in Respect of Administration Bonds | (2004) 9 (5) BR 166 |
| | Administration Bonds, Sureties
Brian Hunt | | Office of the Parliamentary Draftsman: A Secret History | (2004) 9 (5) BR 167 |
| | Legislation; Oireachtas; Parliamentary Draftsman
David Nolan | | The Civil Liability and Courts Act 2004 | (2004) 9 (5) BR 181 |
| | Statute of Limitations; Rules of the Superior Courts; Mediation; Pre-trial hearings; Fraudulent actions
Joseph Murray | | "Air Rage" and Passengers Behaving Badly | (2004) 9 (5) BR 184 |
| | Air Rage; Air Navigation and Transport Acts
Neil Maddox | | The Legality of Henry VIII Clauses | (2004) 9 (5) BR 188 |
| | Constitutional Law; Henry VII Clauses; Mulcreevy v. Minister for the Environment
Paul Carroll | | Book Review. "Irish Laws of Evidence" by John Healy | (2004) 9 (5) BR 192 |
| | Law of Evidence
John Healy | | Proposed Reform of Evidence Law in Ireland and England | (2004) 9 (6) BR 195 |
| | Law of Evidence; People (D.P.P.) v. Keane
Colm O'Dwyer | | New procedures for personal injuries claims | (2004) 9 (6) BR 199 |
| | Law of Tort; Personal Injuries Assessment Board
James Macken | | Planning Gain in Ireland and the Old Head of Kinsale | (2004) 9 (6) BR 217 |
| | Planning Law; Judicial Review; Ashbourne Holdings Ltd. v. An Bord Pleanala
Cathal Murphy | | "Slopping out" and the European Convention on Human Rights | (2004) 9 (6) BR 223 |
| | European Convention on Human Rights; Prison Service
Sarah Macdonald | | The One Year BL Degree Course at King's Inns | (2004) 9 (6) BR 227 |
| | Legal Profession; Education