2003 (Volume 8)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

The Bar Review - 2003

Paul McGarry The Competition Authority Review of Professions
(2003) 8 (2) BR 51
Legal Profession
David McPharland Exemplary Damages; Teaching wrongdoers that tort does not pay
(2003) 8 (2) BR 55
Law of Tort; Damages
Patrick Hunt Enforcement of Foreign Tax Liabilities-All's changed utterly?
(2003) 8 (2) BR 60
Revenue Law; Taxation
Paul Carney What is coming down the tracks in Ireland
(2003) 8 (2) BR 76
Courts; Jurisdiction
Anthony Moore Damages for Exposure to Asbestos
(2003) 8 (2) BR 78
Law of Tort; Damages
John Eardly Psychiatric Injury and the Employment Appeals Tribunal: A Double Bite at the Compensation Cherry?
(2003) 8 (2) BR 81
Law of Tort; Psychiatric Injury; Compensation
Brian Hunt Improving Legislation in Ireland: Current Developments
(2003) 8 (2) BR 84
Legal Systems; Legislative Proposals
Cathal Murphy Security for Costs and the Separate Corporate Personality
(2003) 8 (2) BR 86
Company Law; Corporate Personality; Security for Costs
Mark O'Connell Book Review: Criminal Procedure by Dermot Walsh
(2003) 8 (2) BR 88
Walsh; Criminal Law
I Clissman & M Fay Financial Non-disclosure in Judicial Separation and Divorce Cases
(2003) 8 (1) BR 3
Family Law; Divorce; Separation
Paul Anthony McDermott Criminalising Anti-Competitive Practices
(2003) 8 (1) BR 11
Criminal Law; Competition Law; Anti Competitive Practices
Patrick O Callaghan Libel on the Internet
(2003) 8 (1) BR 15
Law of Tort; Libel; Internet
Paul Gallagher Book Review:
(2003) 8 (1) BR 29

Kiwana Ennis Mandatory Minimum Sentences in S.15A Drug Cases
(2003) 8 (1) BR 30
Criminal Law; Drug Offences; Sentencing
Shiela McGovern The Internal Protection Alternative in the Irish asylum process
(2003) 8 (1) BR 36
Refugee Law; Asylum
Simon Mills The Mental Health Act 2001: Involuntary psychiatric treatment and detention
(2003) 8 (1) BR 42
Mental Health Law; Involuntary Detention; Medical Treatment
Cathal Murphy Unseated Passengers and the MIBI
(2003) 8 (3) BR 96
Insurance Law
Simon Mills Criminal Law (Insanity) Bill 2002: Putting the sanity back into insanity
(2003) 8 (3) BR 101
Insanity; Criminal Law
Colm O hOisin Ireland as a Venue for International Arbitration
(2003) 8 (3) BR 117
Arbitration; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Arbitration (International Commercial) Act 1998
Mr. Justice Paul Carney The Outsider in Court
(2003) 8 (3) BR 121
Victims; Courts
Imelda Higgins If Not O'Keeffe Then What?
(2003) 8 (3) BR 123
Immigration; Refugee Law; Asylum
Massimo De Luca and Aideen Ryan Individual Rights: The EC prohibition of discrimination on grounds of nationality
(2003) 8 (3) BR 128
European Law; Discrimination
Eoin McCullogh Report of the Legal Advisory Group on Defamation
(2003) 8 (4) BR 140
Constance Cassidy Intoxicating Liquor Bill 2003
(2003) 8 (4) BR 146
John D. Cooke Competition in the Cab-rank and the Challenge to the Independent Bar
(2003) 8 (4) BR 148
Competition Law; Legal Profession
Eugene Regan Irish Criminal Law and the Convention on the Future of Europe
(2003) 8 (4) BR 161
Criminal Law; European Law
Klaus Reichert Commercial Mediation
(2003) 8 (4) BR 167
Commercial Law; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Mediation
Siobhan Flockton The Family Law Reporting Project
(2003) 8 (4) BR 174
Family Law; Court Proceedings; In Camera Rule
Tom O'Malley A Representative and Impartial Jury
(2003) 8 (6) BR 232
Courts; Jury
Brendan Gogarty Disclosure, Defamation and the "Newspaper Rule"
(2003) 8 (6) BR 236
Tort Law; Disclosure; Defamation; Newspaper Rule
Mr. Justice Paul Carney Decriminalising Murder?
(2003) 8 (6) BR 254
Criminal Law; Murder; Homicide; Manslaughter;
Alan Keating Psychiatric Damage in the Aftermath of Fletcher
(2003) 8 (6) BR 256
Tort Law; Fletcher; Psychiatric Damage; Aftermath Doctrine
Ivana Bacik "Gender Injustice" - A Report on Women Lawyers in Ireland
(2003) 8 (6) BR 260
Equality Law; Lawyers; Women; Gender
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