2003 (Volume 54)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly - 2003

Sean P Donlan "Little Better Than Cannibals": Sir John Davies and Edmund Burke on Property and Progress
(2003) 54 NILQ 1
Mark Elliott Embracing "Constitutional" Legislation: Towards Fundamental Law?
(2003) 54 NILQ 25
Constitutional Law; Legislative Proposal;Sovereignty
Stephen Griffin Problems In The Identification of a Company Director
(2003) 54 NILQ 43
Company Law; Directors
J Kirkbride & S Letza Gatekeeping The CEO: The Role of Law, Self-Regulation and Internal Mechanisms
(2003) 54 NILQ 59
Company Law; Directors; Accountability
Graeme Watt The Consideration of Public Order In The Grant of Liquor Licences
(2003) 54 NILQ 83
Licensing Laws; Public Order
Michael McCord Paying The Consequences
(2003) 54 NILQ 87
Breach of Contract; Damages
David Capper Orders Charging Land-Overkill In The Court Of Appeal
(2003) 54 NILQ 92
Land Law; Charge
Robin Hickey Book Review: Private Property and Abuse of Rights in Victorian England by Michael Taggart
(2003) 54 NILQ 96
Taggart; Property Law
Dr. Kiarie Mwaura Disqualificaton of Company Directors in Kenya
(2003) 54 NILQ 118
Company law; Disqualification
Peter Leyland The Human Rights Act and Local Government: Keeping the Courts at Bay
(2003) 54 NILQ 136
Human Rights; European Convention of Human Rights
Clive Walker and Yaman Akdeniz Anti-Terrorism Laws and Data-Retention: War is Over?
(2003) 54 NILQ 159
Data protection; Crime; Security
Dr. Heather Conway Whose Funeral? Corpses and the Duty to Bury
(2003) 54 NILQ 183
Death; Burial
David Capper The Price of Publicity
(2003) 54 NILQ 192
Publicity; Media
Rosemary Carson and Norma Dawson The Business Tenancies (NI) Order 1996 - To Agree Or Not To Agree?
(2003) 54 NILQ 196
Business; Tenancy Law
Angus Campbell and Heather Lardy Transsexuals - The ECHR in Transition?
(2003) 54 NILQ 209
Eurpoean Court of Human Rights; Gender
Dr. Simon Honeyball Defences of Austinian Commands
(2003) 54 NILQ 254
Dr. Alan Dowling Adverse Possession and Unincorporated Associations
(2003) 54 NILQ 272
Adverse possession; property law; business
Alice Belcher Employers' Liablilty for Work-Related Stress
(2003) 54 NILQ 289
Employers Liablilty; Stress; Workplace
Sheila Dziobon The Court of Appeal Defines Embryo 'Suitability'
(2003) 54 NILQ 311
Assisted Human Reproduction; IVF; Genetics
David Capper The Condition of Abortion Law in Northern Ireland
(2003) 54 NILQ 320
Pregnancy; Abortion
Julie McCandless Shamoon v Chief Constable of the RUC - What is Says About the Contemporary Legal Position of Unlawful Sex Discrimination
(2003) 54 NILQ 327
Discrimination, Gender
Beverley McLachlin Can Human Rights Put an End To Social Strife?
(2003) 54 NILQ 339
Human Rights; Social Policy
Dr. Neville Cox Civil Liability fro Foul Play in Sport
(2003) 54 NILQ 351
Law of Torts; Liability; Sport
Brian Jack Implementing European Agricultural Law in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland: A Common Policy
(2003) 54 NILQ 377
European Law, Agriculture
Dr Peter Billings Refugees, The Rule of Law and Executive Power: A(nother) Case of the Conjuror's Rabbit?
(2003) 54 NILQ 412
Refugee Law; Prerogative; Rule of Law
Dr Kenneth Mullan Soaial Fund Funeral Payments, Close Relatives and the Burden of Proof
(2003) 54 NILQ 430
Death; Welfare Law
Clare Fox New Hope for the Criminal Justice Review? A Commentary on the Implementation Process
(2003) 54 NILQ 438
Criminal Law; Criminal Justice System
David Capper The Legal Services Commisson - Brave New World for Legal Aid
(2003) 54 NILQ 447
Legal Aid; Legal Profession
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