Author | | Title | Citation |
Sean P Donlan | | "Little Better Than Cannibals": Sir John Davies and Edmund Burke on Property and Progress | (2003) 54 NILQ 1 |
| | Property
Mark Elliott | | Embracing "Constitutional" Legislation: Towards Fundamental Law? | (2003) 54 NILQ 25 |
| | Constitutional Law; Legislative Proposal;Sovereignty
Stephen Griffin | | Problems In The Identification of a Company Director | (2003) 54 NILQ 43 |
| | Company Law; Directors
J Kirkbride & S Letza | | Gatekeeping The CEO: The Role of Law, Self-Regulation and Internal Mechanisms | (2003) 54 NILQ 59 |
| | Company Law; Directors; Accountability
Graeme Watt | | The Consideration of Public Order In The Grant of Liquor Licences | (2003) 54 NILQ 83 |
| | Licensing Laws; Public Order
Michael McCord | | Paying The Consequences | (2003) 54 NILQ 87 |
| | Breach of Contract; Damages
David Capper | | Orders Charging Land-Overkill In The Court Of Appeal | (2003) 54 NILQ 92 |
| | Land Law; Charge
Robin Hickey | | Book Review: Private Property and Abuse of Rights in Victorian England by Michael Taggart | (2003) 54 NILQ 96 |
| | Taggart; Property Law
Dr. Kiarie Mwaura | | Disqualificaton of Company Directors in Kenya | (2003) 54 NILQ 118 |
| | Company law; Disqualification
Peter Leyland | | The Human Rights Act and Local Government: Keeping the Courts at Bay | (2003) 54 NILQ 136 |
| | Human Rights; European Convention of Human Rights
Clive Walker and Yaman Akdeniz | | Anti-Terrorism Laws and Data-Retention: War is Over? | (2003) 54 NILQ 159 |
| | Data protection; Crime; Security
Dr. Heather Conway | | Whose Funeral? Corpses and the Duty to Bury | (2003) 54 NILQ 183 |
| | Death; Burial
David Capper | | The Price of Publicity | (2003) 54 NILQ 192 |
| | Publicity; Media
Rosemary Carson and Norma Dawson | | The Business Tenancies (NI) Order 1996 - To Agree Or Not To Agree? | (2003) 54 NILQ 196 |
| | Business; Tenancy Law
Angus Campbell and Heather Lardy | | Transsexuals - The ECHR in Transition? | (2003) 54 NILQ 209 |
| | Eurpoean Court of Human Rights; Gender
Dr. Simon Honeyball | | Defences of Austinian Commands | (2003) 54 NILQ 254 |
| | Jurisprudence
Dr. Alan Dowling | | Adverse Possession and Unincorporated Associations | (2003) 54 NILQ 272 |
| | Adverse possession; property law; business
Alice Belcher | | Employers' Liablilty for Work-Related Stress | (2003) 54 NILQ 289 |
| | Employers Liablilty; Stress; Workplace
Sheila Dziobon | | The Court of Appeal Defines Embryo 'Suitability' | (2003) 54 NILQ 311 |
| | Assisted Human Reproduction; IVF; Genetics
David Capper | | The Condition of Abortion Law in Northern Ireland | (2003) 54 NILQ 320 |
| | Pregnancy; Abortion
Julie McCandless | | Shamoon v Chief Constable of the RUC - What is Says About the Contemporary Legal Position of Unlawful Sex Discrimination | (2003) 54 NILQ 327 |
| | Discrimination, Gender
Beverley McLachlin | | Can Human Rights Put an End To Social Strife? | (2003) 54 NILQ 339 |
| | Human Rights; Social Policy
Dr. Neville Cox | | Civil Liability fro Foul Play in Sport | (2003) 54 NILQ 351 |
| | Law of Torts; Liability; Sport
Brian Jack | | Implementing European Agricultural Law in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland: A Common Policy | (2003) 54 NILQ 377 |
| | European Law, Agriculture
Dr Peter Billings | | Refugees, The Rule of Law and Executive Power: A(nother) Case of the Conjuror's Rabbit? | (2003) 54 NILQ 412 |
| | Refugee Law; Prerogative; Rule of Law
Dr Kenneth Mullan | | Soaial Fund Funeral Payments, Close Relatives and the Burden of Proof | (2003) 54 NILQ 430 |
| | Death; Welfare Law
Clare Fox | | New Hope for the Criminal Justice Review? A Commentary on the Implementation Process | (2003) 54 NILQ 438 |
| | Criminal Law; Criminal Justice System
David Capper | | The Legal Services Commisson - Brave New World for Legal Aid | (2003) 54 NILQ 447 |
| | Legal Aid; Legal Profession