1998 (Volume 49)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly - 1998

Rodney Brazier New Labour, New Constitution?
(1998) 49 NILQ 1
Constitutional Law; Labour
MM Corbett Extending the Reach of Justice: The Role of the Aquilian Action in South African Law
(1998) 49 NILQ 23
International Law; Jurisdiction; Aquilian Action
RE Bell Confiscation Orders under the Proceeds of Crime Legislation
(1998) 49 NILQ 38
Criminal Law; Proceeds of Crime; Criminal Assets; Confiscation Orders
Clare Mc Glynn An Exercise in Futility: The Practical Effects of the Social Policy Opt-Out
(1998) 49 NILQ 60
Social Policy
David Capper Book Review: Against the Death Penalty: The Relentless Dissents of Justices Brennan and Marshall by Mello
(1998) 49 NILQ 73
Mello; Death Penalty; Capital Punishment
Gavin Dingwall The Home Office, the Prison Service and the Recalculation of Release Dates for Multiple Offenders
(1998) 49 NILQ 74
Criminal Law; Prison Service; Release Dates
Ruth Lavery Book Review: The Abuse of Women within Childcare Work by O Hagan and Dillenburger
(1998) 49 NILQ 75
O Hagan; Dillenburger; Women Childcare; Abuse
Alison Duinn Book Review: Teaching Lawyers Skills by Webb and Maughan
(1998) 49 NILQ 79
Webb; Maughan; Legal Profession; Legal Resources
Brian Childs Book Review: Civil Liability for Industrial Accidents by White
(1998) 49 NILQ 82
White; Civil Liability; Industrial Accident
Michael Davies Selective Non-Treatment of the Newborn: In Whose Best Interests? In Whose Judgment?
(1998) 49 NILQ 82
Medical Law; Medical Treatment; Newborn
Joseph Savirimuthu & Anne Scott Corporate Nullification: A Health Warning for Company Directors!
(1998) 49 NILQ 94
Company Law; Nullification
Jennifer Temkin Book Review: Colinvauxs Law of Insurance by Merkin
(1998) 49 NILQ 100
Merkin; Insurance Law
John Birds Book Review: Sexual Offences: Law, Policy and Punishment by Thomas O Malley
(1998) 49 NILQ 101
O Malley; Sexual Offences; Criminal Law
Brian Childs Book Review: Medical and Dental Negligence by Dickson
(1998) 49 NILQ 102
Dickson; Medical Negligence; Dental Negligence
Peter Jaffey A New Version of the Reliance Theory
(1998) 49 NILQ 107
Contract Law; Freedom of Contract; Reliance Theory; Classical Theory
Richard Mullender Parliamentary Sovereignty, the Constitution, and the Judiciary
(1998) 49 NILQ 138
Constitutional Law; Sovereignty; Judiciary
Ian Ward Literature and the Legal Imagination
(1998) 49 NILQ 167
Literature; Interpretation
Claire Archbold The Children Order (1995): S v S and the Commencement Conundrum
(1998) 49 NILQ 180
Family Law; Children Order (1995)
Aine Maxwell Book Review: LPC Business Law by Slorach and Ellis
(1998) 49 NILQ 183
Slorach; Ellis; Business Law
Stephen Greer Book Review: Human Rights in Eastern Europe by Pogany
(1998) 49 NILQ 186
Pogany; Human Rights; Europe
Stephen Greer Book Review: Protecting Human Rights in Africa by Welch
(1997) 48 NILQ 186
Welch; International Law; Human Rights
Gordon Anthony Book Review: Blackstone's Public Law Statutes 1996/7 by Wallington and Lee
(1998) 49 NILQ 188
Wallington; Lee; Public Law; Legislation
Urfan Khaliq Transsexuals in the European Court of Human Rights: X, Y and Z v UK
(1998) 49 NILQ 191
European Law; Human Rights; Transsexuals
Nicholas Hopkins Regulating Exclusive Purchase Agreements in Mortgages
(1998) 49 NILQ 202
Property Law; Mortgages; Exclusive Purchase Agreements
David Capper The Duties of a Plaintiff with an Anton Piller Order
(1998) 49 NILQ 210
Anton Piller Order; Mareva Injunctions
JE Parkinson Book Review: Company Law: Theory, Structure and Operation by Cheffins
(1998) 49 NILQ 214
Cheffins; Company Law
David Capper Book Review: The Mareva Injunction and Related Orders by Hoyle
(1998) 49 NILQ 216
Hoyle; Mareva Injunction
Brian Childs Book Review: Textbook on Consumer Law by Oughton and Lowry
(1998) 49 NILQ 217
Oughton; Lowry; Consumer Law
AR Hart Fighting Fitzgerald: Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know-An Eighteenth Century Murder Trial
(1998) 49 NILQ 221
Legal History; Murder
S Wheeler & G Wilson Corporate Law Firms and the Spirit of Community
(1998) 49 NILQ 239
Corporate Law; Limited Liability Partnership; Legal Profession
Alan Dowling Under Which King Bezonian? Succession to the Hertford Irish Estates in 1870
(1998) 49 NILQ 267
Legal History; Succession
AIL Campbell Equal Treatment in Transition
(1998) 49 NILQ 292
Equality Law; Equal Treatment Directive; Discrimination
Ray Murphy Book Review: Achieving Civil Justice: Appropriate Dispute Resolution for the 1990s by Smith
(1998) 49 NILQ 315
Smith; Dispute Resolution
Kieran Mc Evoy Book Review: International Feminist Perspectives in Criminology: Engendering a Discipline by Rafter and Heidensohn
(1998) 49 NILQ 317
Rafter; Heidensohn; Criminal Law; Feminism
J Lowry & R Edmunds Squatting in Suburbia: A Tale of Discontinuance
(1998) 49 NILQ 318
Property Law; Adverse Possession; Discontinuance
Caroline Sawyer Book Review: Blackstone's Statutes on Family Law 1996/7 by Oldham
(1998) 49 NILQ 318
Oldham; Family Law; Legislation
Francesco Seatzu Jurisdiction Agreements under Article 17(1)(c) of the Brussels Convention
(1998) 49 NILQ 327
Brussels Convention; Jurisdiction
John Dickie When and Where are Electronic Contracts Concluded?
(1998) 49 NILQ 332
Contract Law; Online Contracts
Carol Rasnic Book Review: Death in the Dark: Midnight Executions in America by Bessler
(1998) 49 NILQ 335
Bessler; Death Penalty; Capital Punishment
Norma Dawson Trade Mark Law and the Creation and Preservation of Well-Known Brands
(1998) 49 NILQ 343
Intellectual Property Law; Trade Marks
Matthew Chapman Common Law Contract and Consent
(1998) 49 NILQ 363
Common Law; Contract Law; Consent
B Doherty & S O Keefe Justice Denied: Delay in Criminal Cases
(1998) 49 NILQ 385
Criminal Law; Delay
Linda Clark Maternity Rights in the United Kingdom: Not So Special or Equal
(1998) 49 NILQ 406
International Law; Maternity Rights
Catherine Quinn Book Review: Criminal Chaos: Seven Crises in Irish Criminal Justice by O Mahony
(1998) 49 NILQ 416
O Mahony; Criminal Law; Justice
Ursula O Hare The Future of Positive Action in the European Union: The Marschall Case
(1998) 49 NILQ 426
European Law; Equal Treatment Directive; Discrimination; Gender
Craig Dunford A Question of Policy: An Examination of Esso Petroleum v Milton
(1998) 49 NILQ 436
Public Policy; Payments; Direct Debits; Cheques
David Capper Administration Difficulties
(1998) 49 NILQ 442
Company Law; Insolvency
Eric Barendt Book Review: Law and the Media by Mc Gonagle
(1998) 49 NILQ 449
Mc Gonagle; Media
KL Morrow Book Review: Judicial Review by Mc Leod
(1998) 49 NILQ 451
Mc Leod; Judicial Review
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