Author | | Title | Citation |
DA Cusack | | Retention of Human Organs and Body Parts: Sensitivity, Legality, Communication and the Need for Legislative Reform | (2000) 6 MLJI 2 |
| | Medical Law; Human Organs
AA Sheikh & DA Cusack | | Collins v Mid-Western health Board and O Connor: GPs, Hospital Doctors, Hospitals and Their Duty of Care | (2000) 6 MLJI 4 |
| | Medical Law; Duty of Care
Marcus Webb | | Comments from an Adult Psychiatric Service on the Mental Health Bill 1999 | (2000) 6 MLJI 14 |
| | Mental Health Law Mental Health Bill 1999
Ubaldus de Vries | | The New Mental Health Bill - Failing to be Progressive | (2000) 6 MLJI 19 |
| | Mental Health Law; Mental Health Bill 1999
Mary Keys | | Guarded Welcome for Mental Health Bill 1999 | (2000) 6 MLJI 28 |
| | Mental Health Law; Mental Health Bill 1999
Teresa Iglesias | | The Anonymous Sources of Embryos: An Ethical Appraisal | (2000) 6 MLJI 36 |
| | Medical Law; Assisted Human Reproduction
DA Cusack | | The Coroner: A Radical Twenty-First century Review of an Ancient Office | (2000) 6 MLJI 52 |
| | Medical Law; Coroner
Harry Wheelan | | Aspects of the Coroners System: The Public Interest | (2000) 6 MLJI 68 |
| | Medical Law; Coroner
Susan Moloney | | Medical Misadventure: Compensation, Accountability and Regulating Standards of Practice | (2000) 6 MLJI 71 |
| | Medical Law; Medical Misadventure
Sean Love | | Irish Medical Schools Educational Initiative on Medicine and Human Rights | (2000) 6 MLJI 77 |
| | Medical Law; Human Rights
Sean O Brian | | Advancing Medical Knowledge while Protecting Human Research Subjects | (2000) 6 MLJI 79 |
| | Medical Law; Ethics
Kieran Doran | | The Confidentiality of Computerised Medical Records: Legal Protection in the United States of America | (2000) 6 MLJI 83 |
| | Medical Law; International Law; Computerised Records; Confidentiality
Tom Hannigan | | Conference Report: From Crime Scene to Court Room - International Conference on Forensic Science | (2000) 6 MLJI 91 |
| | Medical Law; Forensic Medicine
Harold Wheelan | | Book Review: Coroners: Practice and Procedure by Brian Farrell | (2000) 6 MLJI 94 |
| | Farrell; Coroner