2004 (Volume 98)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Law Society Gazette - 2004

Ward McEllinSolicitors Have Been A Voice for Fairness for Accident Victims
(2004) 98 (1) LSG 8
Personal Injuries; PIAB
David ManganDraft EU Constitution Fails the Test of Liberal-Democracy
(2004) 98 (1) LSG 14
EU Constitution; Democracy; Separation of powers, Sovereignty
Aisling RyanGuests of the Nation
(2004) 98 (1) LSG 20
Immigration; Residency; Deportation
Simon McAleeseLabouring the Point
(2004) 98 (1) LSG 27
Libel; Damages; ECHR
Edmond HonohanSlow Motion
(2004) 98 (1) LSG 30
Litigation; Limitation periods; Procedure
Eugene DavyBreak for the Border
(2004) 98 (1) LSG 34
Family law; Foreign divorce
Sinead MorganCaught in the Web
(2004) 98 (1) LSG 38
Technology; Consumers; Redress
Max BarrettLong Arm of the Law
(2004) 98 (1) LSG 42
Taxation; EU directives
TP KennedyData Protection and the ECJ
(2004) 98 (1) LSG 67
Data protection; EU directive; European Convention of Human Rights
Eamonn HallBook Review: Personal Injury Compensation in Europe
(2004) 98 (1) LSG 47
Personal injury; Damages; Europe
Alma ClissmanHuman Rights for Disabled People
(2004) 98 (2) LSG 9
Human rights; European Convention of Human Rights; Disability
Kevin BrophyRemember When You Wanted To Make A Difference
(2004) 98 (2) LSG 10
Travellers; Irish Travellers Movement
Brendan O' ConnorFood for Thought
(2004) 98 (2) LSG 14
Intellectual Property law; Food production
Stephen DoddThe Best Laid Plans
(2004) 98 (2) LSG 20
Planning and Development Act 2000; Enforcement
Dualta MooreIs Your Firm Walking the Plank?
(2004) 98 (2) LSG 27
Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000; Business software; Licenced software
David Dillon and Peter StapletonNo Pain, No Gain
(2004) 98 (2) LSG 30
Financial services; Europe; Single market,
Eamonn HallBook Review: Civil Procedure
(2004) 98 (2) LSG 36
Civil procedure
Alma ClissmanChildren and the Welfare Principle
(2004) 98 (3) LSG 7
Child Law; European Convention on Human Rights
TP KennedyCompetition Authority Issues New Notice and Declaration for Vertical Restraints
(2004) 98 (2) LSG 47
Competition law; Vertical restraints; Concerted practices
Marie O' ConnorCalculating the Real Cost of Medical Negligence
(2004) 98 (3) LSG 8
Medical negligence; Litigation; Costs
Pat IgoeIs There Something Offbeat About An Garda Siochana
(2004) 98 (3) LSG 10
An Garda Siochana; conduct; Reform; Garda Siochana Bill 2004,
Geoffrey ShannonAge of Innocence
(2004) 98 (3) LSG 12
European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003; Child law; Childrens' rights; Constitution
Tom PowerBody of Evidence
(2004) 98 (3) LSG 18
Disappearances; Presumption of death; Distribution of assets
Julie BurkeAn Inspector Calls
(2004) 98 (3) LSG 22
Revenue law; Investigation; Legal rights
Richard GroganNo Such Thing As A Free Lunch
(2004) 98 (3) LSG 26
Finance Act 2003; Income tax; Benefits; Procedures
Ciaran O' MaraEqual Partners
(2004) 98 (3) LSG 30
Equality; Partnerships
Alma ClissmanThe Positive Obligation to Protect Life
(2004) 98 (4) LSG 5
European Convention on Human Rights
Wendy HedermanAll Together Now
(2004) 98 (4) LSG 8
European Union; European Integration
Kathy BurkeAccess All Areas
(2004) 98 (4) LSG 12
Law Society; Education
Keith WalshFamily Values
(2004) 98 (4) LSG 12
Family law; Pensions
Colleen Cleary and Wendy DoyleGetting the Balance Right
(2004) 98 (4) LSG 22
Employment Law; Technology; E-working
Paul Jacobs and Tim RoulstonIn the Know
(2004) 98 (4) LSG 25
Procedure; Commercial Court; Costs
William AylmerFinding the Middle Ground
(2004) 98 (4) LSG 28
Civil Procedure; Alternative Dispute Resolution
John Gore GrimesBook Review: Irish Planning Law
(2004) 98 (4) LSG 36
Planning Law
TP KennedyBayer/Aladat - A Setback for Parallel Trade
(2004) 98 (4) LSG 52
Competition Law
Conor QuigleyThe Chen decision - Striking a Blow for Human Rights
(2004) 98 (5) LSG 12
Human Rights; European Union; Citizenship
Pamela CassidyA Model Decision
(2004) 98 (5) LSG 14
Law of Tort; Privacy; European Convention on Human Rights
Geoffrey ShannonModern Love
(2004) 98 (5) LSG 18
Family Law; Constitutional Law; European Convention on Human Rights
Anthony FayRiding the Coat Tails
(2004) 98 (5) LSG 28
Employment Law; Trade Unions;
Olive DonovanThe Twilight Zone
(2004) 98 (5) LSG 32
Employment Law; Pensions; Equality Law
Niamh PollakCell Division
(2004) 98 (5) LSG 36
Biotechnology; European Law
TP KennedyA New Era in European Merger Control
(2004) 98 (5) LSG 51
Competition Law; Mergers
Stuart GilhoolyThe Big Question: To Act or Not to Act in the PIAB
(2004) 98 (6) LSG 8
Solicitors; Personal Injuries Assessment Board
Hugh O' DonoghueGetting it Right: Danish Pastry Meets American Pie
(2004) 98 (6) LSG 8
European Law
Maura ConnollyUp In Smoke
(2004) 98 (6) LSG 12
Smoking; Health and Safety Law
Ivana BacikAscent of a Woman
(2004) 98 (6) LSG 16
Legal Profession; Gender; Discrimination
Eamonn HallReforming Practice and Procedure
(2004) 98 (6) LSG 20
Personal Injuries; Litigation,
Geoffrey ShannonToeing the Line
(2004) 98 (6) LSG 24
Health and Safety Law
Paula ScollanBlood, Sweat and Tears
(2004) 98 (6) LSG 28
Criminal Law; Law of Evidence; DNA
TP KennedyImplementation of EU Competition Rules
(2004) 98 (6) LSG 49
Competition Law; Dominance
Alpha ConnollyImplications of the ECHR Act 2003
(2004) 98 (7) LSG 7
European Convention on Human Rights
Eamonn O' ReillyThe Going Rate
(2004) 98 (7) LSG
Legal Profession; Stress
Paul O' ConnellKeeping a Tight Rein on Finances
(2004) 98 (7) LSG 18
Payments; Technology; Finance
Occupational Hazards
(2004) 98 (7) LSG 22
Landlord and Tenant Law; Licence; Lease
Fergus ArmstrongLost in Translation?
(2004) 98 (7) LSG 26
Legal Profession; Alternative Dispute Resolution
Eamonn HallBook Review : Road Traffic Law
(2004) 98 (7) LSG 33
Road Traffic
Alma ClissmanDegraging Treatment in Prison
(2004) 98 (8) LSG 7
European Convention on Human Rights
Klaus ReichartThe Arbitration Act 1954: A Golden Opprtunity for Reform
(2004) 98 (8) LSG 8
Arbitration; Alternative Dispute Resolution
Murray SmithSchool of Hard Knocks
(2004) 98 (8) LSG
Julie BurkeThe Sins of the Parents
(2004) 98 (8) LSG 22
Revenue Law; Personal Representatives
Kevin ListonNegotiating the Obstacles
(2004) 98 (8) LSG 28
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alma ClissmanECHR Augments Traditional Rights of Accused
(2004) 98 (9) LSG 7
European Convention on Human Rights
Pressing for a Change: Reforming the Law on Privacy
(2004) 98 (9) LSG 8
Privacy; European Court of Human Rights
Conal O' BoyleCork Family Law Courts in Crisis
(2004) 98 (9) LSG 12
Family Law; Courts
Tom PowerFollowing the Paper Trail
(2004) 98 (9) LSG 14
Nic SwartA Friend Indeed
(2004) 98 (9) LSG 20
Legal Profession; Commercial Law; South Africa
John Gore-GrimesPermission Slips
(2004) 98 (9) LSG
Planning Law
Ian MooreEnd of Term?
(2004) 98 (9) LSG 26
Employment Law; Workplace; Employer
Richard Grogan and Patrick BradleyA Taxing Experience
(2004) 98 (9) LSG 30
Taxation; Employment Law
Sean RyanInfinity and Beyond
(2004) 98 (9) LSG 30
Company Law; Disclosure
Carina MylesA Marathon Performance
(2004) 98 (9) LSG 36
Alma ClissmanGay Marriage Is Not a Convention Right
(2004) 98 (10) LSG 7
European Convention of Human Rights
Henry MurdochBell, Book and Candle
(2004) 98 (10) LSG 10
Canon Law; Civil Law
Pamela CassidyNo Such Thing as Bad Publicity?
(2004) 98 (10) LSG 15
Defamation; Company Law
Ten Years AfterLynn Sheehan
(2004) 98 (10) LSG 18
Bosnia and Herzegovina; Ciivil War; Euroupean Integration
Paul LambertCopyrights and Wrongs
(2004) 98 (10) LSG 22
Technology; Copyright Law
Pat IgoeBook Review: Personal Injuries Assessment Board Act, 2003: Implications for the Leagl Practice
(2004) 98 (10) LSG 35
Personal Injuries Assessment Board; Legal Profession
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