Author | | Title | Citation |
Ward McEllin | | Solicitors Have Been A Voice for Fairness for Accident Victims | (2004) 98 (1) LSG 8 |
| | Personal Injuries; PIAB
David Mangan | | Draft EU Constitution Fails the Test of Liberal-Democracy | (2004) 98 (1) LSG 14 |
| | EU Constitution; Democracy; Separation of powers, Sovereignty
Aisling Ryan | | Guests of the Nation | (2004) 98 (1) LSG 20 |
| | Immigration; Residency; Deportation
Simon McAleese | | Labouring the Point | (2004) 98 (1) LSG 27 |
| | Libel; Damages; ECHR
Edmond Honohan | | Slow Motion | (2004) 98 (1) LSG 30 |
| | Litigation; Limitation periods; Procedure
Eugene Davy | | Break for the Border | (2004) 98 (1) LSG 34 |
| | Family law; Foreign divorce
Sinead Morgan | | Caught in the Web | (2004) 98 (1) LSG 38 |
| | Technology; Consumers; Redress
Max Barrett | | Long Arm of the Law | (2004) 98 (1) LSG 42 |
| | Taxation; EU directives
TP Kennedy | | Data Protection and the ECJ | (2004) 98 (1) LSG 67 |
| | Data protection; EU directive; European Convention of Human Rights
Eamonn Hall | | Book Review: Personal Injury Compensation in Europe | (2004) 98 (1) LSG 47 |
| | Personal injury; Damages; Europe
Alma Clissman | | Human Rights for Disabled People | (2004) 98 (2) LSG 9 |
| | Human rights; European Convention of Human Rights; Disability
Kevin Brophy | | Remember When You Wanted To Make A Difference | (2004) 98 (2) LSG 10 |
| | Travellers; Irish Travellers Movement
Brendan O' Connor | | Food for Thought | (2004) 98 (2) LSG 14 |
| | Intellectual Property law; Food production
Stephen Dodd | | The Best Laid Plans | (2004) 98 (2) LSG 20 |
| | Planning and Development Act 2000; Enforcement
Dualta Moore | | Is Your Firm Walking the Plank? | (2004) 98 (2) LSG 27 |
| | Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000; Business software; Licenced software
David Dillon and Peter Stapleton | | No Pain, No Gain | (2004) 98 (2) LSG 30 |
| | Financial services; Europe; Single market,
Eamonn Hall | | Book Review: Civil Procedure | (2004) 98 (2) LSG 36 |
| | Civil procedure
Alma Clissman | | Children and the Welfare Principle | (2004) 98 (3) LSG 7 |
| | Child Law; European Convention on Human Rights
TP Kennedy | | Competition Authority Issues New Notice and Declaration for Vertical Restraints | (2004) 98 (2) LSG 47 |
| | Competition law; Vertical restraints; Concerted practices
Marie O' Connor | | Calculating the Real Cost of Medical Negligence | (2004) 98 (3) LSG 8 |
| | Medical negligence; Litigation; Costs
Pat Igoe | | Is There Something Offbeat About An Garda Siochana | (2004) 98 (3) LSG 10 |
| | An Garda Siochana; conduct; Reform; Garda Siochana Bill 2004,
Geoffrey Shannon | | Age of Innocence | (2004) 98 (3) LSG 12 |
| | European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003; Child law; Childrens' rights; Constitution
Tom Power | | Body of Evidence | (2004) 98 (3) LSG 18 |
| | Disappearances; Presumption of death; Distribution of assets
Julie Burke | | An Inspector Calls | (2004) 98 (3) LSG 22 |
| | Revenue law; Investigation; Legal rights
Richard Grogan | | No Such Thing As A Free Lunch | (2004) 98 (3) LSG 26 |
| | Finance Act 2003; Income tax; Benefits; Procedures
Ciaran O' Mara | | Equal Partners | (2004) 98 (3) LSG 30 |
| | Equality; Partnerships
Alma Clissman | | The Positive Obligation to Protect Life | (2004) 98 (4) LSG 5 |
| | European Convention on Human Rights
Wendy Hederman | | All Together Now | (2004) 98 (4) LSG 8 |
| | European Union; European Integration
Kathy Burke | | Access All Areas | (2004) 98 (4) LSG 12 |
| | Law Society; Education
Keith Walsh | | Family Values | (2004) 98 (4) LSG 12 |
| | Family law; Pensions
Colleen Cleary and Wendy Doyle | | Getting the Balance Right | (2004) 98 (4) LSG 22 |
| | Employment Law; Technology; E-working
Paul Jacobs and Tim Roulston | | In the Know | (2004) 98 (4) LSG 25 |
| | Procedure; Commercial Court; Costs
William Aylmer | | Finding the Middle Ground | (2004) 98 (4) LSG 28 |
| | Civil Procedure; Alternative Dispute Resolution
John Gore Grimes | | Book Review: Irish Planning Law | (2004) 98 (4) LSG 36 |
| | Planning Law
TP Kennedy | | Bayer/Aladat - A Setback for Parallel Trade | (2004) 98 (4) LSG 52 |
| | Competition Law
Conor Quigley | | The Chen decision - Striking a Blow for Human Rights | (2004) 98 (5) LSG 12 |
| | Human Rights; European Union; Citizenship
Pamela Cassidy | | A Model Decision | (2004) 98 (5) LSG 14 |
| | Law of Tort; Privacy; European Convention on Human Rights
Geoffrey Shannon | | Modern Love | (2004) 98 (5) LSG 18 |
| | Family Law; Constitutional Law; European Convention on Human Rights
Anthony Fay | | Riding the Coat Tails | (2004) 98 (5) LSG 28 |
| | Employment Law; Trade Unions;
Olive Donovan | | The Twilight Zone | (2004) 98 (5) LSG 32 |
| | Employment Law; Pensions; Equality Law
Niamh Pollak | | Cell Division | (2004) 98 (5) LSG 36 |
| | Biotechnology; European Law
TP Kennedy | | A New Era in European Merger Control | (2004) 98 (5) LSG 51 |
| | Competition Law; Mergers
Stuart Gilhooly | | The Big Question: To Act or Not to Act in the PIAB | (2004) 98 (6) LSG 8 |
| | Solicitors; Personal Injuries Assessment Board
Hugh O' Donoghue | | Getting it Right: Danish Pastry Meets American Pie | (2004) 98 (6) LSG 8 |
| | European Law
Maura Connolly | | Up In Smoke | (2004) 98 (6) LSG 12 |
| | Smoking; Health and Safety Law
Ivana Bacik | | Ascent of a Woman | (2004) 98 (6) LSG 16 |
| | Legal Profession; Gender; Discrimination
Eamonn Hall | | Reforming Practice and Procedure | (2004) 98 (6) LSG 20 |
| | Personal Injuries; Litigation,
Geoffrey Shannon | | Toeing the Line | (2004) 98 (6) LSG 24 |
| | Health and Safety Law
Paula Scollan | | Blood, Sweat and Tears | (2004) 98 (6) LSG 28 |
| | Criminal Law; Law of Evidence; DNA
TP Kennedy | | Implementation of EU Competition Rules | (2004) 98 (6) LSG 49 |
| | Competition Law; Dominance
Alpha Connolly | | Implications of the ECHR Act 2003 | (2004) 98 (7) LSG 7 |
| | European Convention on Human Rights
Eamonn O' Reilly | | The Going Rate | (2004) 98 (7) LSG |
| | Legal Profession; Stress
Paul O' Connell | | Keeping a Tight Rein on Finances | (2004) 98 (7) LSG 18 |
| | Payments; Technology; Finance
| | Occupational Hazards | (2004) 98 (7) LSG 22 |
| | Landlord and Tenant Law; Licence; Lease
Fergus Armstrong | | Lost in Translation? | (2004) 98 (7) LSG 26 |
| | Legal Profession; Alternative Dispute Resolution
Eamonn Hall | | Book Review : Road Traffic Law | (2004) 98 (7) LSG 33 |
| | Road Traffic
Alma Clissman | | Degraging Treatment in Prison | (2004) 98 (8) LSG 7 |
| | European Convention on Human Rights
Klaus Reichart | | The Arbitration Act 1954: A Golden Opprtunity for Reform | (2004) 98 (8) LSG 8 |
| | Arbitration; Alternative Dispute Resolution
Murray Smith | | School of Hard Knocks | (2004) 98 (8) LSG |
| | Education
Julie Burke | | The Sins of the Parents | (2004) 98 (8) LSG 22 |
| | Revenue Law; Personal Representatives
Kevin Liston | | Negotiating the Obstacles | (2004) 98 (8) LSG 28 |
| | Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alma Clissman | | ECHR Augments Traditional Rights of Accused | (2004) 98 (9) LSG 7 |
| | European Convention on Human Rights
| | Pressing for a Change: Reforming the Law on Privacy | (2004) 98 (9) LSG 8 |
| | Privacy; European Court of Human Rights
Conal O' Boyle | | Cork Family Law Courts in Crisis | (2004) 98 (9) LSG 12 |
| | Family Law; Courts
Tom Power | | Following the Paper Trail | (2004) 98 (9) LSG 14 |
| | Discovery
Nic Swart | | A Friend Indeed | (2004) 98 (9) LSG 20 |
| | Legal Profession; Commercial Law; South Africa
John Gore-Grimes | | Permission Slips | (2004) 98 (9) LSG |
| | Planning Law
Ian Moore | | End of Term? | (2004) 98 (9) LSG 26 |
| | Employment Law; Workplace; Employer
Richard Grogan and Patrick Bradley | | A Taxing Experience | (2004) 98 (9) LSG 30 |
| | Taxation; Employment Law
Sean Ryan | | Infinity and Beyond | (2004) 98 (9) LSG 30 |
| | Company Law; Disclosure
Carina Myles | | A Marathon Performance | (2004) 98 (9) LSG 36 |
| | Pensions
Alma Clissman | | Gay Marriage Is Not a Convention Right | (2004) 98 (10) LSG 7 |
| | European Convention of Human Rights
Henry Murdoch | | Bell, Book and Candle | (2004) 98 (10) LSG 10 |
| | Canon Law; Civil Law
Pamela Cassidy | | No Such Thing as Bad Publicity? | (2004) 98 (10) LSG 15 |
| | Defamation; Company Law
Ten Years After | | Lynn Sheehan | (2004) 98 (10) LSG 18 |
| | Bosnia and Herzegovina; Ciivil War; Euroupean Integration
Paul Lambert | | Copyrights and Wrongs | (2004) 98 (10) LSG 22 |
| | Technology; Copyright Law
Pat Igoe | | Book Review: Personal Injuries Assessment Board Act, 2003: Implications for the Leagl Practice | (2004) 98 (10) LSG 35 |
| | Personal Injuries Assessment Board; Legal Profession