Author | | Title | Citation |
Justice Philip O'Sullivan | | A Hot Tub for Expert Witnesses | (2004) 4(1) JSIJ 1 |
| | Negligence; Expert Witnesses; Balace of Probability; Causation
William Binchy | | Recent Developments in the Law of Torts | (2004) 4(1) JSIJ 8 |
| | Law of Torts; Negligence; Duty of Care; Supreme Court; "Compensation Culture"
Caroline Fennell & Andrea Ryan | | A Cork Study on `Domestic' Violence and the Criminal Process: Tentative Conclusions from the Policing Perspective | (2004) 4(1) JSIJ 79 |
| | Criminal Law; Domestic Violence Act 1996; Constitutional Law; Inadequacy
Derek Dunne | | The Position of the 'Quasi-Partnership' Type Private Company in Irish Law | (2004) 4(1) JSIJ 108 |
| | Company Law; Re Murphs Restaurant; Companies Act 1963, s. 205
Rosemary Horgan | | Domestic Violence and Civil Harassment: Some Issues Which Arise When the Case Comes to Court | (2004) 4(1) JSIJ 144 |
| | Family Law; Domestic Violence Act 1996; European Convention on Human Rights; Interim Barring Orders
Lord Justice Brooke | | The Use of Technology in the Courts | (2004) 4(1) JSIJ 169 |
| | Court Service; Technology; Judiciary
Paul Anthony McDermott | | Contempt of Court and the Need for Legislation | (2004) 4(1) JSIJ 185 |
| | Contempt of Court; Legislative Reform; Law Reform Commission
Owen McIntyre | | Liability for Asbestos-Related Illness: Redefining the Rules on `Toxic Torts' | (2004) 4(1) JSIJ 196 |
| | Law of Torts; Negligence; Forseeability; Asbestos; Fletcher v. Commissioner of Public Works
Ronan Keane | | Judges as Lawmakers: The Irish Experience | (2004) 4(2) JSIJ 1 |
| | Judiciary; Judicial Activism; Legal History
Una Ni Raifeartaigh | | The European Convention on Human Rights and the Irish Criminal Justice System | (2004) 4(2) JSIJ 20 |
| | European Convention on Human Rights; Criminal Law; Democracy; Fundamental Freedoms
Donal O'Donnell | | A Comparison of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Due Process Requirements of the Constitution of Ireland | (2004) 4(2) JSIJ 37 |
| | European Convention on Human Rights; Right to a Fair Trial; Criminal Justice System
Ursula Kilkelly | | Children's Rights: A European Perspective | (2004) 4(2) JSIJ 68 |
| | European Convention on Human Rights; Family Law; Children's Rights; Human Rights Act 1998 (UK)
Christos Rozakis | | The Right to a Fair Trial in Civil Cases | (2004) 4(2) JSIJ 96 |
| | European Convention on Human Rights; Right to a Fair Trial; Civil Procedure
Paul Mahoney | | Right to Fair Trial in Criminal Matters | (2004) 4(2) JSIJ 107 |
| | European Convention on Human Rights; Right to a Fair Trial; Criminal Justice System
Jonathan Tomkin | | Implementing Community Legislation Into National Law: The Demands of a New Legal Order | (2004) 4(2) JSIJ 130 |
| | European Law; Secondary Legislation; Constitutional Law; Dualist System; Direct Effect
James Hamilton | | The Summary Trial of Indictable Offences | (2004) 4(2) JSIJ 154 |
| | Constitutional Law; Criminal Justice System; Indictable Offences
Carol Daugherty Rasnic | | Alternative Dispute Resolution Rather than Litigation? A Look at Current Irish and American Laws | (2004) 4(2) JSIJ 182 |
| | Courts System; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Arbitration; Mediation
Garrett Simons | | Planning Injunction: Section 150 | (2004) 4(2) JSIJ 199 |
| | Planning and Development Act 2000; Unauthorised Development; Injunction; Locus Standi