Author | | Title | Citation |
Owen Mc Intyre | | EU Proposals on Environmental Liability: A Thorny Issue Revisited! | (2001) 8 IPELJ 135 |
| | European Environmental Law; Environmental Liability
Benedicte Sage | | Regulation of Marine Pollution from Shipping under Irish Law: Part I | (2001) 8 IPELJ 142 |
| | Environmental Law; Pollution; Marine; Shipping
Eamon Galligan | | Social and Affordable Housing | (2001) 8 IPELJ 149 |
| | Planning Law; Housing
Ainsley Heffernan | | Irish Environmental Law Association Notes | (2001) 8 IPELJ 161 |
| | Environmental Law Association
Tom Flynn | | Recent EU Environmental Developments | (2001) 8 IPELJ 165 |
| | European Environmental Law; Kyoto Protocol; Emissions
Eamon Galligan | | Case Notes | (2001) 8 IPELJ 170 |
| | Planning Law; Planning Permission; Development Plan
Alison Foley | | Review of Recent an Bord Pleanala Decisions in the Context of Protecting our Architectural Heritage | (2001) 8 IPELJ 3 |
| | Planning Law; Architecture; Heritage
Eamon Galligan | | Enforcement Under the Planning and Development Act 2000 | (2001) 8 IPELJ 8 |
| | Planning Law; Planning and Development Act 2000; Planning; Enforcement
Aine Ryall | | Environmental Assessment Law: Luxembourg v Linster | (2001) 8 IPELJ 17 |
| | Environmental Law; Environmental Impact Assessment
Jack O Sullivan | | An Approach to Resolving the Current Waste Management Crisis | (2001) 8 IPELJ 20 |
| | Environmental Law; Waste Management
Garrett Simons | | The Unreasonable Planning Authority: A Review of the Application of O Keeffe v An Bord Pleanala (Part II) | (2001) 8 IPELJ 26 |
| | Planning Law; An Bord Pleanala
Barbara Maguire | | Recent EU Environmental Developments | (2001) 8 IPELJ 39 |
| | European Environmental Law; Pollution; Waste Management
Pat Swords | | Waste Management: The Hot Topic | (2001) 8 IPELJ 51 |
| | Environmental Law; Waste Management
Garrett Simons | | Judicial Review under the Planning Legislation-The Case for the Abolition of the Leave Stage | (2001) 8 IPELJ 55 |
| | Planning Law; Administration Law; Judicial Review; Leave Stage
Geraint Ellis | | A Review of Third-Party Planning Appeals | (2001) 8 IPELJ 63 |
| | Planning Law; Planning Appeals
Aine Ryall | | Environmental Assessment Law: Berkeley v Secretary of State for the Environmental Law | (2001) 8 IPELJ 70 |
| | Environmental Law; Environmental Impact Assessment
Tom Flynn | | Recent EU Environmental Developments | (2001) 8 IPELJ 82 |
| | European Environmental Law; Pollution
Ann Quinn | | Third-Party Appeals and the Human Rights Convention | (2001) 8 IPELJ 96 |
| | Planning Law; Planning Appeal; Human Rights
Aine Ryall | | Strengthening Rights of Participation in Environmental Decision-Making | (2001) 8 IPELJ 103 |
| | Environmental Law; Public Interest
Mona O Rourke | | Changes in the Level of Protection for the Irish Architectural Heritage since the Enactment of the Local Government (Planning and Development) Act 1999 | (2001) 8 IPELJ 109 |
| | Planning Law; Local Government (Planning and Development) Act 1999; Architecture; Heritage
Tom Flynn | | Recent EU Environmental Developments | (2001) 8 IPELJ 122 |
| | European Environmental Law; Kyoto Protocol
Eamon Galligan | | Case Notes | (2001) 8 IPELJ |
| | Planning Law; Locus Standi; Public Access; Appeal