Author | | Title | Citation |
Liam Thornton | | Subsidiary Protection For Asylum Seekers Within Ireland | (2008) 26 ILT 6 |
| | Immigration; Immigration law; Subsidiary protection; Judicial perspectives
Eoin Carolan | | Amending the Presumption of Advancement - The Decision in Pecore v Pecore | (2008) 26 ILT 26 |
| | Trusts; Advancement; Resulting trusts; Presumed intention
Susan Leahy | | Hard Cases and Bad Law - An Overview of the Criminal law (Sexual Offences) Act 2006 | (2008) 26 ILT 38 |
| | Criminal; Sexual offences; Defences; Penalties; Reform
Ailbhe O'Neill | | The Consumer Protection Act 2007 - "Enforcing the New Rules" | (2008) 26 ILT 46 |
| | Consumer Law; Civil Mechanisms; Criminal Prosecutions; Consumer Legislation
Emma Keane | | Socio-Economic Rights and National Law | (2008) 26 ILT 62 |
| | Public Interest; Socio-Economic Rights; Directive principles; Judicial Activism
Laura Cahillane | | Some Comparative Aspects of Common and Civil Law | (2008) 26 ILT 74 |
| | Comparative Law; Comparative; Judicial System; France; United Kingdom
Alan Doherty | | Admiralty Jurisdiction in Ireland - A Brief History | (2008) 26 ILT 90 |
| | Admiralty Law; Brehon law; History; Admiralty court
Rosemary Craig | | Falling between the Cracks - A Discussion of the Reform of the Education System for Children in Northern Ireland | (2008) 26 ILT 96 |
| | Education; Education act; Proposals; Legislation; Equality; Qualifying test
Niall Neligan | | Compensation on Dismissal: Employment Law & Practice, Ercus Stewart, Nicola Dunleavy | (2008) 26 ILT 99 |
| | Book Review: Employment Law
Rosemary Craig | | No Sex in the City - A Discussion on the Draft Sexual Offences (Northern Ireland) Order | (2008) 26 ILT 106 |
| | Criminal; Non-consentual; Children; Mental disorder; Voyeurism
Benoît Keane | | The Lisbon Treaty - Does Ireland Need a Referendum | (2008) 26 ILT 108 |
| | Constitutional ; Constitutional basis; Crotty; EU; No vote
Rosemary Craig | | Is It All Right? - A Discussion on the Human Rights Act 1998 and its Impact on Equality in Northern Ireland | (2008) 26 ILT 118 |
| | Human Rights; ECHR; Convention rights; Confidentiality; Health
Mary Elizabeth Curtis | | Immigration, Residence and Protection Bill 2008 and its Provisions to Detain Asylum Seekers | (2008) 26 ILT 124 |
| | Immigration; Prioritisation; Safe Country of Origin; Third Country Concepts; Deterrence
David Prendergast | | Codifying Inchoate Offences | (2008) 26 ILT 134 |
| | Criminal; Relational offences; Attempt; Conspiracy; Abandonment; Liability
Desmond M. Clarke | | Voting for Injustice | (2008) 26 ILT 138 |
| | Constitutional; Justice; Mens rea; Amendment; Constitution
Gerald Byrne | | Wagering and Negligence: Knowing When to Lay Off? | (2008) 26 ILT 149 |
| | Gambling Law; Breach of statutory duty; Social responsibility; Personal autonomy; Pathological gambling
Arran Dowling-Hussey | | Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Professional Conduct Tribunals in Ireland | (2008) 26 ILT 155 |
| | Professional Practice; Professional conduct; Struck off; Sanctions; Civil rights and obligations
Rody O'Brien | | Corporate Manslaughter - A Step Closer to Reform | (2008) 26 ILT 164 |
| | Criminal; Statutory offence; Duty of care; Exemptions; Corporate killing
Aisling Parkes | | Hearing the Voices of the Vulnerable - Children with Disabilities and the Right to be heard under International Law | (2008) 26 ILT 170 |
| | Rights of Children; UN Convention; Non-discrimination; Benefits of listening;
Brendan Kirwan | | Enforcing an Undertaking as to Damages | (2008) 26 ILT 183 |
| | Practice & Procedure; Injunctions; Inquiry; Enforcement;
Tim O'Connor | | Bringing it Down on ther own Heads: Negligence and Changes to the Law of Rugby | (2008) 26 ILT 191 |
| | Sports Law; Implied Consent; The maul; The ELVs; Referee
Susan Leahy | | ''In a Woman's Voice'' - A Feminist Analysis of Irish Rape Law | (2008) 26 ILT 203 |
| | Criminal; Real rape; Stranger rape; Deserving victims; Consent; Honest belief
David Goldberg | | How Many Trials to Babylon? | (2008) 26 ILT 219 |
| | Criminal Law; Double jeopardy; Nemo debet non bis vexari; Ancient Greece; International law
Rosemary Craig | | "And the Word was made Law" - The Process for Repealing Law | (2008) 26 ILT 226 |
| | Administrative Law; Law Commission; Annual reports; Consultation; Justice of the Peace
Arran Dowling-Hussey | | The Mediation Directive: Was the wait worth it? | (2008) 26 ILT 235 |
| | Dispute Resolution ; Alternative dispute resolution; European Law
Rosemary Craig | | Double or Quits? - A Discussion on Retrials for Serious Offences under the Criminal Justice Act 2003 | (2008) 26 ILT 238 |
| | Criminal Law; Applications to Court of Appeal; DNA evidence; Double jeopardy
Hilary Delany | | "Substantial Grounds" and "Substantial Interest" - A Restrictive Interpretation | (2008) 26 ILT 246 |
| | Planning and Development; Judicial Review in planning matters; Directive 85/4337/EEC
Rosemary Craig | | Sleeping with the Enemy - A Discussion on Domestic Violence in Northern Ireland | (2008) 26 ILT 254 |
| | Criminal Law; Remedies; Statistics; Bodily harm; Family Law Act 1996
Nathan Reilly | | Collective Redress for Consumers under the Consumer Protection Act | (2008) 26 ILT 260 |
| | Consumer law; Compensation; Damage; Consumer Protection Act 2007
Rosemary Craig | | The Disappearing World - Expectations of the Teaching Curriculum | (2008) 26 ILT 266 |
| | Legal Education; Syllabus; Comprehension; Pedagogical Suggestions
Stephen O'Halloran | | Peek-a-Boo I Can Sue You: Barristers' Immunity in the Twenty-First Century - Part I | (2008) 26 ILT 278 |
| | Legal Practice; Professional negligence; Public policy; Common Law
Gabriel Brennan | | A New Conveyancing Paradigm: Moves Towards Electronic Conveyancing in Ireland | (2008) 26 ILT 286 |
| | Real Property; Law Reform Commission; BearingPoint; Technological advances
Rosemary Craig | | Moving the Goal Posts - School Admissions in Border Areas | (2008) 26 ILT 290 |
| | Education; Department of Education; Shared Education
James Mulcahy | | Jurisdictional Errors of Fact in Judicial Review | (2008) 26 ILT 298 |
| | Administrative Law; Factual errors; Unreasonable decisions; No evidence rule
Stephen O'Halloran | | Peek-a-Boo I Can Sue You: Barristers' Immunity in the Twenty-First Century - Part II | (2008) 26 ILT 304 |
| | Legal Practice; Immunity from suit; Insurance implications; Negligence litigation
Rosemary Craig | | Love One Another, as I have Loved You- A Discussion on 'Hate Crimes' in Northern Ireland | (2008) 26 ILT 310 |
| | Criminal; Encitememt to hatred; Public order; Criminal Justice
Arran Dowling-Hussey & Derek Dunne | | Arbitration: The Award on Cost | (2008) 26 ILT 318 |
| | Arbitration; Costs; Tax
Moling Ryan | | Access to Justice and Unmet Legal Needs | (2008) 26 ILT 325 |
| | Criminal Justice; Resolutions; Outcomes; Policy issues
Liam Clare, Máire Ní Chearbhaill | | Trouble With the Law: Crimes and Trials From Ireland's Past | (2008) 26 ILT 31 |
| | Book Review; Irish Legal History