Author | | Title | Citation |
G Carey & S Leonowicz | | Company Constitutional Documents as Contracts | [2003] 21 ILT 39 |
| | Company Law; Companies Act 1963; Articles of Association
Caroline O'Connor | | Refugee Law-Part I | [2003] 21 ILT 44 |
| | Refugee Law; Asylum; Sexual Orientation
Shane Wallace | | Are you Interested-ed? - European Communities (Late Payment in Commerical Transactions) Regulations 2002 | [2003] 21 ILT 54 |
| | Commercial Law; Commercial Transactions; Payments
Caroline O'Connor | | Refugee Law-Part II | [2003] 21 ILT 56 |
| | Refugee Law; Refugee Act 1996; Asylum; Persecution; Sexual Orientation
Caroline O'Connor | | Refugee Law-Part III | [2003] 21 ILT 44 |
| | Refugee Law; Asylum; Persecution; Sexual Orientation
Brian Foley | | Bosman and the new FIFA rules for Internation Football Transfers | [2003] 21 ILT 74 |
| | Sport; European Law
Evana Kirrane | | Human Rights in the Irish Constitution and in the European Convention on Human Rights-A Comparative Study | [2003] 21 ILT 7 |
| | Human Rights Law; European Convention on Human Rights
Caroline O Connor | | The meaning of persecution within European asylum law and policy today-searching for a scale to measure | [2003] 21 ILT 11 |
| | European Law; Asylum
Siun McMahon | | Alternative Dispute Resolutions and restorative justice with reference to Ireland | [2003] 21 ILT 25 |
| | Criminal Law; Alternative Dispute Resolution
Karen Murray | | Data Protection in the Workplace | [2003] 21 ILT 200 |
| | Privacy; Data Protection; Information Technology Law
Melanie Herrlinger | | The Law of Domicile in need of Reform | [2003] 21 ILT 86 |
| | Domicile; Law Reform Commission
Alan Keating & Anthony Lowry | | The Seperation of Powers - The Supreme Courts Approach to Affirmative Duties - Part 1 | [2003] 21 ILT 103 |
| | Constitutional Law; Separation of Powers; Affirmative Duties
Gearoid Carey | | Narrowing Issues Between Experts in Contentious Proceedings | [2003] 21 ILT 108 |
| | Expert Evidence; Court Proceedings
Alan Keating & Anthony Lowry | | The Seperation of Powers - The Supreme Courts Approach to Affirmative Duties - Part 2 | [2003] 21 ILT 118 |
| | Constitutional Law; Separation of Powers; Affirmative Duties
William McKechnie | | Reform of the Law on Temporary Release | [2003] 21 ILT 124 |
| | Temporary Release
Raymond Arthur | | Preventing Youth Crime - The role of the Child Care Act 1991 - Part I | [2003] 21 ILT 134 |
| | Child Care; Young Offenders
Mark Tottenham | | Justice Should be Seen to be Done - On Television | [2003] 21 ILT 138 |
| | Judiciary; Juries; Gil Scott-Heron
Raymond Arthur | | Preventing Youth Crime - The role of the Child Care Act 1991 - Part II | [2003] 21 ILT 150 |
| | Child Care; Young Offenders
Hilary Delany | | Extension of Time Limits in Judicial Review Proceedings | [2003] 21 ILT 156 |
| | Judicial Review; Time; Environmental Law; Administrative Law
Alan Keating & Anthony Lowry | | Pacifying Turbulent Waters - The Case for Greater Clarity in Constitutional Standing Rules - Part I | [2003] 21 ILT 166 |
| | Locus Standi; Constitutional Law; Constitutional Rights
Illan Wall | | Is Jurispridence an Essential Element in the Education of Law Students | [2003] 21 ILT 173 |
| | Jurisprudence; Realism; Education
Nicola McGrath | | Recovery of Revenue Debts within the European Union - The Mutual Assistance Directives | [2003] 21 ILT 204 |
| | European Law; Revenue Law
P.J. Ryan | | Spam and the Right to Privacy | [2003] 21 ILT 214 |
| | Unsolicited Communications; Information Technology Law; Privacy
Norman Ali | | Stocks, Lies and Manipulation: The New EU Offence | [2003] 21 ILT 218 |
| | Insider Dealing; Commercial Fraud
Alan Keating & Anthony Lowry | | Pacifying Turbulent Waters - The Case for Greater Clarity in Constitutional Standing Rules - Part I (sic) | [2003] 21 ILT 223 |
| | Locus Standi; Constitutional Law; Constitutional Rights
David P. Boyle | | Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2003 - An Overview | [2003] 21 ILT 234 |
| | Data Protection, Privacy, Information Technology Law
Brian Foley | | Judicial Review and the Director of Public Prosecutions - The Eviston Case | [2003] 21 ILT 239 |
| | Director of Public Prosecutions; Judicial Review
Sam Middlemiss & Olga Hay | | Legal Redress Against Employers for Victims of Workplace Bullying - Part I | [2003] 21 ILT 250 |
| | Labour Law; Workplace
Ray Ryan & Des Ryan | | Causation and Informed Consent to Medical Treatment | [2003] 21 ILT 256 |
| | Medical Law; Law of Tort
Sam Middlemiss & Olga Hay | | Legal Redress Against Employers for Victims of Workplace Bullying - Part II | [2003] 21 ILT 266 |
| | Employment Law; Workplace
Hilary Delany | | Interference by the Legislature in the Judicial Domain | [2003] 21 ILT 272 |
| | Leglislative Intervention
Mark Tottenham | | A Review of Irish Censorship Legislation - Is a Prior Restraint Preferable to Prosecution? | [2003] 21 ILT 282 |
| | Censorship
Sam Middlemiss & Olga Hay | | Legal Redress Against Employers for Victims of Workplace Bullying - Part III | [2003] 21 ILT 287 |
| | Employment Law; Workplace
Gearoid Carey | | Statements of Future Intention as Misrepresentation | [2003] 21 ILT 298 |
| | Misrepresentation; Future Intention
Elaine Lucille Fahey | | Open Justice? The Practical Operation of Article 34.1 of the Constitution - Part I | [2003] 21 ILT 303 |
| | Constitutional Law; Article 34.1; In Camera Rule
Elaine Lucille Fahey | | Open Justice? The Practical Operation of Article 34.1 of the Constitution - Part II | [2003] 21 ILT 316 |
| | Constitutional Law; Article 34.1; In Camera Rule