Author | | Title | Citation |
K O Halloran & O Breen | | Charity Law in Ireland and Northern Ireland - Registration and Regulation | [2000] 18 ILT 6 |
| | Charity Law; Northern Ireland
Ann Walley | | The Directive on Certain Aspects of the Sale of Consumer Goods and Associated Guarantees - Implications for Irish Consumer Sales Law | [2000] 18 ILT 23 |
| | Contract Law; Consumer Protection
Gearoid Carey | | Persuasion, Authority and the Judicial Audience | [2000] 18 ILT 42 |
| | Jurisprudence
Hilary Delany | | Security for Costs in Relation to Corporate Plaintiffs | [2000] 18 ILT 58 |
| | Company Law; Security for Costs
Desmond M Clarke | | Constitutional Bootstrapping: The Irish Nation | [2000] 18 ILT 74 |
| | Constitutional Law; Articles 2 and 3
Karen Murray | | The US Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act 1999 and its implications for Irish Users of the .com Registry | [2000] 18 ILT 78 |
| | Information Technology Law; Consumer Protection Act 1999; Domain Names
Anthony P Quinn | | Wigs and Guns | [2000] 18 ILT 90 |
| | Legal History
Jack Anderson | | Kosovo and the Legality of NATO's Actions | [2000] 18 ILT 106 |
| | Public International Law; Humanitarian Intervention
Gearoid Carey | | Jury Reform and Lord Justice Aulds Criminal Courts Review-Implications for Ireland | [2000] 18 ILT 122 |
| | Criminal Courts System; Juries
Hilary Delany | | Striking Out where No Reasonable Cause of Action, where Claim Frivolous or where Clearly Unsustainable | [2000] 18 ILT 127 |
| | Court Proceedings; Striking Out
Allan Levy | | The Marginalized Child | [2000] 18 ILT 158 |
| | Family Law; Childrens Rights
Damian Mc Hugh | | Nervous Shock: A Case Note on Curran v Cadbury (Ireland) Ltd | [2000] 18 ILT 162 |
| | Law of Tort; Nervous Shock
Karen Murray | | The Electronic Commerce Bill 2000 | [2000] 18 ILT 174 |
| | Information Technology Law; Electronic Commerce Bill 2000
Gearoid Carey | | Towards Simpler Legal Language | [2000] 18 ILT 177 |
| | Legal Writings; Linguistics; Interpretation
Raymond Byrne | | The Criminal Justice Act 1999 | [2000] 18 ILT 190 |
| | Criminal Law; Criminal Justice Act (No 10) 1999
Raymond Byrne | | The Electricity Regulation Act 1999 | [2000] 18 ILT 202 |
| | Electricity Regulation Act 1999
Kathleen A Moore Walsh | | The Roundabout Tavern Settlement: A Reflection of American Publican Liability? | [2000] 18 ILT 205 |
| | Law of Tort; Negligence
Oliver Mills | | Moral Considerations Need Not Inform Laws Response to Biotechnology | [2000] 18 ILT 218 |
| | Intellectual Property Law; Patents
Olivia Smith | | Legislating Against Low Pay: The National Minimum Wage Act 2000: Part I | [2000] 18 ILT 222 |
| | Labour Law; National Minimum Wage Act 2000
Olivia Smith | | Legislating Against Low Pay: The National Minimum Wage Act 2000: Part II | [2000] 18 ILT 234 |
| | Labour Law; National Minimum Wage Act 2000
Anna-Louise Hinds | | The Wireless Telegraphy Act 1926 After Laurentiu | [2000] 18 ILT 250 |
| | Telecommunications Law; Wireless Telegraphy Act 1926
Leo Flynn | | Simple Catchwords and Complex Legal Realities: Recent Developments Concerning the Juridicial Effects of EC Legal Norms | [2000] 18 ILT 255 |
| | European Law; Implementation
Tom Carney | | The US Doctrine of Essential Facility | [2000] 18 ILT 266 |
| | Competition Law; Essential Facilities
Daniel O Connor | | Irelands Neutrality under the Amsterdam Treaty | [2000] 18 ILT 283 |
| | European Law; Amsterdam Treaty; Neutrality
Gordon Duffy | | Fitness to Practice, Preliminary Enquiries and Fair Procedures: A Change in Standards? | [2000] 18 ILT 298 |
| | Administrative Law; Professional Disciplinary Proceedings
Mary Flanagan | | Fundamental Rights in EU Law - The Best Way Forward? | [2000] 18 ILT 314 |
| | European Law; Human Rights Law
Raymond Murphy | | The Permanent International Criminal Court - Solving the Missing Link in the International Legal System? | [2000] 18 ILT |
| | Public International Law; International Criminal Court