1998 (Volume 16)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Irish Law Times - 1998

Ubaldus De Vries Judicial Case Management in Ireland and the Netherlands
[1998] 16 ILT 5
Judiciary; International Law
Gillian Kelly Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Recognisable Psychiatric Illness: Part I
[1998] 16 ILT 10
Law of Tort; Nervous Shock
Caterina Gardiner Trade and Environment in the GATT/WTO: Part I
[1998] 16 ILT 20
International Trade Law; Environmental Law
Gillian Kelly Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Recognisable Psychiatric Illness: Part II
[1998] 16 ILT 26
Law of Tort; Nervous Shock
Caterina Gardiner Trade and Environment in the GATT/WTO: Part II
[1998] 16 ILT 36
International Trade Law; Environmental Law
Gillian Kelly Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Recognisable Psychiatric Illness: Part III
[1998] 16 ILT 39
Law of Tort; Nervous Shock
John Meade The Proceeds of Crime Act 1996: An Overview
[1998] 16 ILT 52
Criminal Law; Proceeds of Crime Act 1996
David L Meehan Freedom of Access to Information on the Environment: Recent Developments and Official Responses
[1998] 16 ILT 55
Environmental Law; Freedom of Information
T Carney & A Doyle The Carrigaline Case and EC Competition Rules
[1998] 16 ILT 69
Competition Law
Karen Murray An Overview of the Europol Act 1997
[1998] 16 ILT 73
Criminal Law; Europol Act 1997
Denis Kelleher Software Piracy
[1998] 16 ILT 85
Criminal Law; Software Piracy
Noel Gaughran Tort, Public Policy and the Protection of Constitutional Rights
[1998] 16 ILT 88
Law of Tort; Constitutional Rights; Damages
Tom Carney Working Within the Framework of Future Article III:2 GATT 1994 Proceedings
[1998] 16 ILT 101
International Trade Law; Dispute Settlement
Sinead Conneely Civil Justice and Legal Aid in the UK: A Glimpse at the Future
[1998] 16 ILT 106
Civil Legal Aid
Michael Doran Developments in Competition Law
[1998] 16 ILT 118
Competition Law
Oonagh Breen Proprietary Estoppel: Equities Aid to Those Left Behind
[1998] 16 ILT 133
Law of Equity; Proprietary Estoppel
Bruce Carolan P v S and Cornwall County Council: The European Court of Justice, the Equal Treatment Directive and Transsexuality
[1998] 16 ILT 136
European Union Law; Equality
Barry Phillips Getting the Most from the Internet
[1998] 16 ILT 150
Legal Resources; Internet
Michael O Connor Enduring Powers of Attorney - Planning for the Advent of Mental Incapacity
[1998] 16 ILT 153
Enduring Power of Attorney; Capacity
Raymond Byrne Criminal Law Act 1997
[1998] 16 ILT 165
Criminal Law; Criminal Law Act 1997
Frank Martin Judicial Discretion in Family Law
[1998] 16 ILT 168
Family Law; Distribution of Assets
Peter Bland The Strange Death of the Nonfeasance Defence
[1998] 16 ILT 172
Law of Tort; Defences; Nonfeasance
Anthony P Quinn New Legislation for Industrial and Provident Societies?
[1998] 16 ILT 182
Industrial Law
Gearoid Carey Privatising our Prisons - Learning from Wolds
[1998] 16 ILT 185
Prison Law; Privatisation
Tim Murphy Law and Literature - An Introductory Note
[1998] 16 ILT 197
Jurisprudence; Legal Writings
A Doyle & T Carney MMDS Technology and the Environment: A Legal Framework
[1998] 16 ILT 213
Environmental Law; Information Technology
Paul Lambert Likelihood of Confusion and Likelihood of Association under EC Trade Mark Law: A Case Note on Sabel BV v Puma KG
[1998] 16 ILT 218
Intellectual Property Law; Trade Marks
Kerida Naidoo The Role of the Victim in Certain Sentence Hearings: A Case Note on The People v Magee
[1998] 16 ILT 230
Criminal Law; Sentencing; Victim Impact
Shaun Elder An Overview of the Statutory Duty to Provide Halting Sites
[1998] 16 ILT 232
Housing Law; Planning Law; Traveller Accommodation; Halting Sites
Raymond Byrne Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act 1997
[1998] 16 ILT 245
Criminal Law; Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act 1997
John Breslin Recent Developments in Banking Law
[1998] 16 ILT 249
Commercial Law; Banking Law
Desmond M Clarke Nation, State and Nationality in the Irish Constitution
[1998] 16 ILT 252
Constitutional Law; Articles 2 and 3
Siobhan Mulally Towards a Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities?: Rights, Responsibilities and Feminism
[1998] 16 ILT 261
Human Rights Law; Feminism
Garry Ferguson The Employment Equality Act 1998
[1998] 16 ILT 277
Labour Law; Employment Equality Act 1998
Karen Murray Europe Prepares for Electronic Signatures
[1998] 16 ILT 281
Information Technology Law; Electronic Commerce
Ursula Kilkelly In the Best Interests of the Child? An Evaluation of Irelands Performance before the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
[1998] 16 ILT 293
Human Rights Law; Convention on the Rights of the Child
Barry Phillips Scene on the Web
[1998] 16 ILT 301
Legal Resources; Internet
D Jacobson & Z Mottiar Legal Implications of the Economics of Occupational Health and Safety
[1998] 16 ILT 309
Health and Safety Law; Economics
Tom Carney Market Definitions in Mobile Telecommunications
[1998] 16 ILT 314
Competition Law; Product Market
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