1997 (Volume 15)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Irish Law Times - 1997

Jonathan Newman Trade Marks Act 1996 - Recent UK Case Law (Part II)
[1997] 15 ILT 2
Intellectual Property Law; Trade Marks Act 1996
John Hedigan Revolution in Strasbourg
[1997] 15 ILT 6
Human Rights Law; European Court of Human Rights
Imelda Higgins Taking the Sex out of Sexual Discrimination: Note on Case C-13/94, P v S and Cornwall County Council
[1997] 15 ILT 12
Labour Law; Discrimination; Transsexuals
Robert Pierse Irish Insurance Costs and Damages
[1997] 15 ILT 15
Law of Tort; Personal Injuries; Damages
Sean Nolan Reform of the Law Relating to Mergers and Take-Overs
[1997] 15 ILT 26
Competition Law; Mergers; Take Overs
Hilda Ann O Connor The Rights and Wrongs of State Aids
[1997] 15 ILT 29
European Law; Single Market; State Aids
Denis Kelleher Legal Aspects of the Information Society
[1997] 15 ILT 37
Information Technology Law; Internet Regulation
Paul Lambert Judicial Questionnaire on Courtroom Broadcasting
[1997] 15 ILT 50
Telecommunications Law; Court Reporting
Robert Pierse Recent Developments in General Damages
[1997] 15 ILT 58
Law of Tort; General Damages
Garrett Simons The Review of Arbitration Awards by the Courts
[1997] 15 ILT 74
Administration Law; Arbitration; Judicial Review
Sinead Conneely The Family Law (Divorce) Act 1996: Some Observations
[1997] 15 ILT 78
Family Law; Family Law (Divorce) Act 1996
Michael O Connor Denial of Access to Systematic and Repeated Frivolous Claimants
[1997] 15 ILT 82
Court Proceedings; Access to Courts; Frivolous Litigation
Patrick Igoe Use of Civil Law Remedies to Combat Corporate Fraud
[1997] 15 ILT 94
Company Law; Corporate Enforcement
Annick Masselot Implementation of the Pregnant Workers Directive in the Republic of Ireland
[1997] 15 ILT 96
Labour Law; Maternity Leave
Niall O Hanlon The Effect of Regulation upon the Securities Market: No Bouncers on Anglesea Street Please
[1997] 15 ILT 110
Financial Law; Regulation
Ubaldus De Vries Mental Treatment: The Need for Change
[1997] 15 ILT 114
Mental Health Law; Liberty
Stephen Glanville Litigation and Evidence: Speaking Up for the Maxim of Res Ipsa Loquitur
[1997] 15 ILT 121
Law of Tort; Res Ipsa Loquitur
David P Boyle The Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 - An Overview
[1997] 15 ILT 130
Labour Law; Organisation of Working Time Act 1997
Mary Redmond Access to Pension Schemes - National and European Perspectives for Atypical Workers
[1997] 15 ILT 135
Pensions Law
Geoffrey Moore The Law of Fundraising: Time for Change
[1997] 15 ILT 154
Charity Law
Karen Murray Cross Border Defamation
[1997] 15 ILT 157
Information Technology Law; Defamation
Robert Pierse Recent Developments in Special Damages
[1997] 15 ILT 159
Law of Tort; Special Damages
Tom Carney Japan - Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages
[1997] 15 ILT 170
International Trade Law
Paul Lambert Free Pres - Fair Trial: A Comment
[1997] 15 ILT 176
Media Law; Court Reporting
David Meehan Freedom of Information Act 1997: Public and Private Rights of Access to Records Held by Public Bodies
[1997] 15 ILT 178
Freedom of Information Act 1997
Robert Pierse New Superior Courts Rules on Disclosure and Admission of Reports and Statements
[1997] 15 ILT 190
Rules of the Superior Courts; Disclosure
John Healy The Tort of Passing Off: Part I - Developments & Current Tensions
[1997] 15 ILT 196
Law of Tort; Passing Off
Jack Anderson Par in Parem Non Habet Imperium - The Problem of Foreign Sovereign Immunity: An Irish Perspective
[1997] 15 ILT 200
Public International Law; Sovereign Immunity
Sinead Conneely The Company Law Review Group Report: What Will We Do with the Small Firm?
[1997] 15 ILT 210
Company Law; Small Firms
Dermot Hennessy How to Use the Internet Effectively for Legal Research
[1997] 15 ILT 214
Legal Research; Internet
John Healy The Tort of Passing Off: Part II
[1997] 15 ILT 21
Law of Tort; Passing Off
Frank Martin Judicial Discretion in Family Law
[1997] 15 ILT 226
Family Law; Distribution of Assets
David Meehan The Freedom of Information Act in Context
[1997] 15 ILT 231
Freedom of Information Law; Freedom of Information Act 1997
Susan V Lennox Toxic Torts Now a Reality in Ireland
[1997] 15 ILT 236
Law of Tort; Toxic Torts
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