Author | | Title | Citation |
Jonathan Newman | | Trade Marks Act 1996 - Recent UK Case Law (Part II) | [1997] 15 ILT 2 |
| | Intellectual Property Law; Trade Marks Act 1996
John Hedigan | | Revolution in Strasbourg | [1997] 15 ILT 6 |
| | Human Rights Law; European Court of Human Rights
Imelda Higgins | | Taking the Sex out of Sexual Discrimination: Note on Case C-13/94, P v S and Cornwall County Council | [1997] 15 ILT 12 |
| | Labour Law; Discrimination; Transsexuals
Robert Pierse | | Irish Insurance Costs and Damages | [1997] 15 ILT 15 |
| | Law of Tort; Personal Injuries; Damages
Sean Nolan | | Reform of the Law Relating to Mergers and Take-Overs | [1997] 15 ILT 26 |
| | Competition Law; Mergers; Take Overs
Hilda Ann O Connor | | The Rights and Wrongs of State Aids | [1997] 15 ILT 29 |
| | European Law; Single Market; State Aids
Denis Kelleher | | Legal Aspects of the Information Society | [1997] 15 ILT 37 |
| | Information Technology Law; Internet Regulation
Paul Lambert | | Judicial Questionnaire on Courtroom Broadcasting | [1997] 15 ILT 50 |
| | Telecommunications Law; Court Reporting
Robert Pierse | | Recent Developments in General Damages | [1997] 15 ILT 58 |
| | Law of Tort; General Damages
Garrett Simons | | The Review of Arbitration Awards by the Courts | [1997] 15 ILT 74 |
| | Administration Law; Arbitration; Judicial Review
Sinead Conneely | | The Family Law (Divorce) Act 1996: Some Observations | [1997] 15 ILT 78 |
| | Family Law; Family Law (Divorce) Act 1996
Michael O Connor | | Denial of Access to Systematic and Repeated Frivolous Claimants | [1997] 15 ILT 82 |
| | Court Proceedings; Access to Courts; Frivolous Litigation
Patrick Igoe | | Use of Civil Law Remedies to Combat Corporate Fraud | [1997] 15 ILT 94 |
| | Company Law; Corporate Enforcement
Annick Masselot | | Implementation of the Pregnant Workers Directive in the Republic of Ireland | [1997] 15 ILT 96 |
| | Labour Law; Maternity Leave
Niall O Hanlon | | The Effect of Regulation upon the Securities Market: No Bouncers on Anglesea Street Please | [1997] 15 ILT 110 |
| | Financial Law; Regulation
Ubaldus De Vries | | Mental Treatment: The Need for Change | [1997] 15 ILT 114 |
| | Mental Health Law; Liberty
Stephen Glanville | | Litigation and Evidence: Speaking Up for the Maxim of Res Ipsa Loquitur | [1997] 15 ILT 121 |
| | Law of Tort; Res Ipsa Loquitur
David P Boyle | | The Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 - An Overview | [1997] 15 ILT 130 |
| | Labour Law; Organisation of Working Time Act 1997
Mary Redmond | | Access to Pension Schemes - National and European Perspectives for Atypical Workers | [1997] 15 ILT 135 |
| | Pensions Law
Geoffrey Moore | | The Law of Fundraising: Time for Change | [1997] 15 ILT 154 |
| | Charity Law
Karen Murray | | Cross Border Defamation | [1997] 15 ILT 157 |
| | Information Technology Law; Defamation
Robert Pierse | | Recent Developments in Special Damages | [1997] 15 ILT 159 |
| | Law of Tort; Special Damages
Tom Carney | | Japan - Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages | [1997] 15 ILT 170 |
| | International Trade Law
Paul Lambert | | Free Pres - Fair Trial: A Comment | [1997] 15 ILT 176 |
| | Media Law; Court Reporting
David Meehan | | Freedom of Information Act 1997: Public and Private Rights of Access to Records Held by Public Bodies | [1997] 15 ILT 178 |
| | Freedom of Information Act 1997
Robert Pierse | | New Superior Courts Rules on Disclosure and Admission of Reports and Statements | [1997] 15 ILT 190 |
| | Rules of the Superior Courts; Disclosure
John Healy | | The Tort of Passing Off: Part I - Developments & Current Tensions | [1997] 15 ILT 196 |
| | Law of Tort; Passing Off
Jack Anderson | | Par in Parem Non Habet Imperium - The Problem of Foreign Sovereign Immunity: An Irish Perspective | [1997] 15 ILT 200 |
| | Public International Law; Sovereign Immunity
Sinead Conneely | | The Company Law Review Group Report: What Will We Do with the Small Firm? | [1997] 15 ILT 210 |
| | Company Law; Small Firms
Dermot Hennessy | | How to Use the Internet Effectively for Legal Research | [1997] 15 ILT 214 |
| | Legal Research; Internet
John Healy | | The Tort of Passing Off: Part II | [1997] 15 ILT 21 |
| | Law of Tort; Passing Off
Frank Martin | | Judicial Discretion in Family Law | [1997] 15 ILT 226 |
| | Family Law; Distribution of Assets
David Meehan | | The Freedom of Information Act in Context | [1997] 15 ILT 231 |
| | Freedom of Information Law; Freedom of Information Act 1997
Susan V Lennox | | Toxic Torts Now a Reality in Ireland | [1997] 15 ILT 236 |
| | Law of Tort; Toxic Torts