1998 (Volume xxxiii)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Irish Jurist - 1998

Michael J Beloff Towards a Supreme Court? The British experience
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 1
International Law; Courts
Anthony Lewis Law and the press: a deadly embrace
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 34
Media Law
Noel Travers Some reflections on the protection of patented pharmaceutical products in European Community law
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 47
European Law; Patents; Pharmaceuticals
Kevin Costello When is a decision subject to judicial review? A restatement of the rules
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 91
Administration Law; Judicial Review
Finbarr Mc Auley Necessity and duress in criminal law: the confluence of two great tributaries
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 120
Criminal Law; Necessity; Duress
John Mee Lost in the big house: where stands Irish law on equitable estoppel?
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 187
Law of Equity; Estoppel
Leila Anglade Chronicle of a death foretold: the decline of the lex fori arbitrii in the enforcement of international awards
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 220
Lex Fori Arbitrii; International Arbitral Awards; Enforcement
A Butler & R O Connell A critical analysis of Irelands Constitutional Review Group Report
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 237
Constitutional Review Group
Paul Anthony Mc Dermott The death of mutuality in issue estoppel
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 266
Law of Equity; Mutuality; Estoppel
Walter Block A libertarian theory of blackmail
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 280
Political Philosophy; Libertarianism; Blackmail
Gerard Hogan A fresh look at Tilsons case
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 311
Constitutional Law; Inter Denominational Relations; Religious Education
Siobhan Mullally Searching for foundations in Irish Constitutional Law
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 333
Constitutional Law
Neil Mc Leod Assault and attempted murder in Brehon law
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 351
Brehon Law; Assault; Murder
WN Osborough The failure to enact an Irish Bill of Rights: a gap in Irish Constitutional history
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 392
Constitutional Law; Bill of Rights
Noel Gaughran Book Review: Torts in the Nineties edited by Mullally
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 417
Law of Tort
Sara Dillon Book Review: Constitutionalism in Contemporary Ireland, An American Perspective by Beytagh
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 420
Beytagh; Constitutional Law
Oonagh Breen Book Review: The Law of Easements and Profits a Prendre by Bland
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 424
Bland; Easements; Profits; Property Law
Hector L Mac Queen Review: The Earliest English Law Reports Volume I Common Bench Reports to 1284; Volume II Common Bench Reports 1285-1289 and Undated Reports 1279-1289 edited by Brand
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 426
Legal History; Case Law
Suzanne Egan Book Review: Human Rights and the European Convention: the Effects of the Convention on the United Kingdom and Ireland edited by Dickson
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 428
European Convention on Human Rights
Suzanne Egan Book Review: European Human Rights Law: Text and Materials by Janis, Kay and Bradley
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 432
Human Rights Law
Orla Muldoon Book Review: Irish Stamp Duty Law by Donegan and Freil
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 435
Donegan; Freil; Stamp Duty; Revenue Law
John T O Dowd Book Review: The Separation of Powers in the Irish Constitution by Morgan
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 437
Morgan; Constitutional Law; Separation of Powers
Brice Dickson Book Review: Southern Cross: Civil Law and Common Law in South Africa edited by Zimmerman and Visser
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 439
Civil Law; Common Law; International Law
WN Osborough Book Review: The law of the other: the mixed jury and changing conceptions of citizenship, law and knowledge by Constable
(1998) xxxiii IR JUR 443
Constable; Jury; Citizenship
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