1996 (Volume xxxi)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Irish Jurist - 1996

T.F. O' Higgins The Irish Legal System
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 1
Constitutional Law; Common Law; Jurisprudence
L. Neville Brown State Liability to individuals in damages: an emerging doctrine of European Union Law
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 7
European Law; State Liability
Finbarr Murphy Irish Participation in European Integration: the casual abandonment of sovereignty
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 22
European Law; European Integration; Constitutional Law
Evelyn Ellis The status of European Community law in the United Kingdom
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 35
European Law; European Integration
Finbarr McAuley The grammar of mistake in criminal law
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 56
Criminal Law; Mistake
Takis Tridimas The principle of proportionality in Community Law: from the rule of law to market integration
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 83
European Law; European Integration; Principle of Proportionality
James Casey Interpretation of constitutional guarantees: an antipodean history lesson?
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 102
Constitutional Law; Guarantees
Leo Flynn Taking remedies too seriously? National procedural autonomy in the European Court of Justice
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 110
European Law; International Law; Sovereignty
James C. Brady Aspiring students, retiring professors and the doctrine of legitimate expectation
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 133
Law of Equity; Legitimate Expectation
David O'Keeffe & Margot Horspool European citizenship and the free movement of persons
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 145
European Law; Citizenship
Clive R. Symmons The incorporation of customary international law into Irish law: recent developments and suggestions
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 165
International Law; Customary International Law; Incorporation
Hans Ankum Ambulatorius in the Roman legal sources
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 190
Legal History; Roman Law
Ronan Keane The voice of the Gael Chief Justice Kennedy and the emergence of the new Irish court system, 1921-36
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 205
Legal History; Judiciary
W.N. Osborough Letters to Ireland - professional enlightenment from the English bench
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 226
Legal History; Common Law
Paul Brand An Irishman in Westminster hall: William Skrene of Dundalk, King's Sergeant at law (c.1358-c.1420)
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 255
Legal History; Judiciary
Daire Hogan The preparation of the Solicitors' Acts 1954 and 1960
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 266
Legal History; Legal Profession; Constitutional law
Neil McLeod Property and honour price in the Brehon law glosses and commentaries
(1996) xxxi IR JUR 280
Legal History; Brehon Law
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