Author | | Title | Citation |
Anne-Marie O'Neill | | Wardship In Ireland | (2005) 2 IFLJ 2 |
| | Family; Wardship, Management, decision making, procedures
James Morris | | Putting A Value On Human Capital' In Resolving Matrimonial Disputes | (2005) 2 IFLJ 9 |
| | Family; Spousal value, support, non-titled spouse, compensation and provision
Ciara Smyth | | Refugee Status Determination Of Seperated Children: International Developments And The Irish Response. Part 2 - The Asylum Procedure | (2005) 2 IFLJ 21 |
| | Family; Refugee Act 1996, Refugee Law, Children
Helen Buckley | | Reviewing Childern First Guidelines | (2005) 3 IFLJ 2 |
| | Family; Health Service Reforms, Child Protection Guidelines, Inter Agency Collaboration
Ian Curry-Sumner | | General Patterns In Registration Schemes For Unmarried Couples | (2005) 3 IFLJ 9 |
| | Family; Registration of relationship, dissolution, Possibilities for Ireland
Anne C. Egan | | The Guaridanship Rights Of Unmarried Fathers In Ireland And New Zealand | (2005) 3 IFLJ 15 |
| | Family; Constitutional Influence, Position in New Zealand, custody and acces in Ireland, impact of European and International Conventions
Ursual Kilkelly | | A Children's Rights Audit Of Northern Ireland Law And Policy | (2005) 3 IFLJ 22 |
| | Family; Convention On The Rights Of The Child, Family Life, rights provision
Deirdre O'Riordan | | Relocation, Relocation, Relocation: Move-Away Applications | (2005) 4 IFLJ 3 |
| | Family; Intra Community Family Unit, Payne v Payne, English PositionRefual of Applications
Ramond Arthur | | Ending Corporal Punishment Of Irish Children: Complying With Ireland's Internation Law Obligations | (2005) 4 IFLJ 8 |
| | Family; "R v Hopley, European Committee of Social Rights, Defense of ""reasonable chastisement"""
Hilary Coveney | | A Brave New World: Family Law Implications Of Assisted Reproductive Technologies | (2005) 4 IFLJ 12 |
| | Family; Assisted Reproduction, Parentage, Legal mother, Custody/Access Principles, Defination of Family
Jennifer Schweppe | | Revisiting Art. 40.3.3. Part 1: Third Party Feotal Assault | (2005) 4 IFLJ 19 |
| | Family; Feotal Assault, Constitutional crime, Propection on rights of the child.
Lorna Fox | | Property Rights of Cohabitees: The Limits of Legislative Reform | [2005] 1 IJFL 2 |
| | Cohabitees; Law of Equity; Trusts
Kieran Walsh | | Privacy's New Paradigm: The Rise and Reform of the In Camera Rule | [2005] 1 IJFL 10 |
| | In Camera Rule; Family Law
Ciara Smyth | | Refugee Status Determination of Seperated Children: International Developments and the Irish Response. Part 1 - The Refugee Definition | [2005] 1 IJFL 15 |
| | Refugee Law; Separated Children