Author | | Title | Citation |
Kate O Regan | | Cultivating a Constitution: Challenges Facing the Constitutional Court in South Africa | (2000) 22 DULJ 1 |
| | Constitutional Law; International Law
Neville Cox | | Victory with Honour or Victory at all Costs? Towards Principled Justification for Anti-doping Rules in Sport | (2000) 22 DULJ 19 |
| | Sport; Drug Offences
Mary Donnelly | | Reforming Personal Property Security Law: Is there a case for a Single Securities Register? | (2000) 22 DULJ 50 |
| | Property Law; Security
Declan McGrath | | Public Interest Privilege | (2000) 22 DULJ 75 |
| | Constitutional Law; Executive Privilege; Public Interest
John Mee | | From Here to Eternity?: Perpetuities Reform In Ireland | (2000) 22 DULJ 91 |
| | Property Law; Perpetuities
David O Sullivan | | The Good Friday Agreement: A New Constitutional Agreement for Northern Ireland | (2000) 22 DULJ 112 |
| | Constitutional Law; Good Friday Agreement
Eoin O Dell | | The Use and Abuse of ClaytonĘs Case | (2000) 22 DULJ 161 |
| | Banking Law
Neville Cox | | Constitutional Law-Constitutional Interpretation-Passive Judicial Activism-Constitutional Crime of Blasphemy | (2000) 22 DULJ 201 |
| | Constitutional Law; Judicial Activism
Gerard Hogan | | Constitutional Law-Review of Sentencing and the Judicial Power | (2000) 22 DULJ 207 |
| | Constitutional Law; Sentencing; Judicial Discretion
William Binchy | | Family Law-Divorce-Living Apart | (2000) 22 DULJ 216 |
| | Family Law; Divorce
Fergus Ryan | | Family Law-Reversal of Fortune-Nullity Law in the Age of Divorce | (2000) 22 DULJ 224 |
| | Family Law; Nullity
Hilary Delany | | Judicial Review Proceedings-Discretionary Factors and the Effect of Delay | (2000) 22 DULJ 236 |
| | Administration Law; Judicial Review; Judicial Discretion
William Binchy | | Tort-Damages-Public Policy | (2000) 22 DULJ 254 |
| | Law of Tort; Damages; Public Policy
Cathryn Costello | | Book Review: The Future of Remedies in Europe edited by Kilpatrick | (2000) 22 DULJ 259 |
| | European Law; Remedies
Neville Cox | | Book Review: Drugs and Doping in Sport: Socio-Legal Perspectives by O Leary | (2000) 22 DULJ 262 |
| | O Leary; Sport; Drug Offences
Ivana Bacik | | Law Reform Commission Consultation Paper on Homicide: The Mental Element in Murder (LRC-Cp17-2001) | (2000) 22 DULJ 264 |
| | Criminal Law; Law Reform Commission; Homicide
Eoin O Dell | | Book Review: Politics Elections and the Law by Whelan | (2000) 22 DULJ 269 |
| | Whelan; Politics; Election