1999 (Volume 21)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Dublin University Law Journal - 1999

Deirdre Madden The Quest For Legal Parenthood In Assisted Human Reproduction
(1999) 21 DULJ 1
Medical Law; Assisted Human Reproduction
Cathryn Costello Preliminary Reference Procedure And The 2000 Intergovernmental Conference
(1999) 21 DULJ 40
European Law; Preliminary Reference
Hilary Delany Recent Developments in Relation to the Nemo Iudex in Causa Sua Principle
(1999) 21 DULJ 66
Natural Law; Administration of Justice; Impartiality; Nemo Iudex in Causa Sua
Sean Patrick Donlan Virtue And Vigour: The Federalist And American Civic Republicanism
(1999) 21 DULJ 90
International Law; Federalism; Republicanism
Barry Sullivan Problem and Possibilities of Professionalism
(1999) 21 DULJ 108
Professional Practice
Eoin O Dell Tracing
(1999) 21 DULJ 131
Law of Equity; Tracing
William Binchy Conflicts of Law-Divorce
(1999) 21 DULJ 173
Family Law; Divorce
Gerard Hogan Constitutional Law-The Right To Silence After National Banks And Finnerty
(1999) 21 DULJ 176
Constitutional Law; Right to Silence
Hilary Delaney Practice and Procedure-Third Party Procedure and Concurrent Wrongdoers-Service of Third Party Proceedings As Soon As Is Reasonably Possible
(1999) 21 DULJ 190
Law of Tort; Concurrent Wrongdoers
Neville Cox Tort-Public Figures and Defamation-Actions following the Reynolds Case
(1999) 21 DULJ 206
Law of Tort; Defamation
Rory White Tort-Taxonomy and the law of Negligence
(1999) 21 DULJ 219
Law of Tort; Negligence; Taxonomy
William Binchy Book Review: Law Of Defamation in Commonwealth Africa by Cotrell
(1999) 21 DULJ 227
Cotrell; Defamation; Law of Tort
Sean Patrick Donlan Book Review: A History Of The Kings Serjeants At Law In Ireland by AR Hart
(1999) 21 DULJ 229
Hart; Legal History
Eoin O Dell Book Review: Restitution and European Community Law by Jones
(1999) 21 DULJ 231
Jones; European Law; Restitution
Cathryn Costello Book Review: Competition Law: Alignment & Reform by Maher
(1999) 21 DULJ 234
Maher; Competition Law
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