Author | | Title | Citation |
Gearóid Carey | | Can part payment constitute full satisfaction? | (2006) 13 (1) CLP 3 |
| | Contract Law; Acceptance of offer; binding contract; intention
Sinead Eaton | | Implementing the prospectus directive | (2006) 13 (1) CLP 8 |
| | European; Offer to public; local offers; excluded offers; civil liability for misstatement
"NUI Galway, Law & Bioethics Research Group" | | The regulation of genetic testing in insurance and employment - avoiding the legal minefield | (2006) 13 (1) CLP 12 |
| | Genetics; Sterilisation; discrimination; disabilities; Disability Act 2005
Stephen Dowling | | Fyffe's v DCC - Analysis and implications | (2006) 13 (2) CLP 27 |
| | Litigation; Company and commercial law; insider trading provisions; market abuse; price sensitivity
Noman Ali | | "Developments in fixed and floating charges: legal principles, policy issues and implications for structural financing" | (2006) 13 (2) CLP 46 |
| | Commercial Law; Fixed charge over assets; contract; company law; level of control required
"Anna-Louise Hinds, Aoife O' Donoghue" | | The results of the Hong Kong Ministerial Conference - Part 1: Little more than an agreement to agree? | (2006) 13 (3) CLP 67 |
| | International Law; WTO agreement and rules; developing countries; multilateral trading systems; delay
Alison Keirse | | The law of restitution reconsidered: Harris v Quigley & Irwin | (2006) 13 (3) CLP 75 |
| | Restution; Rectification of unjust enrichment; recoverable money; statutory provisions; discrimination
Ailbhe O' Neill | | Section 12(1) of the Companies Act 1990 as a weapon of mass discovery | (2006) 13 (3) CLP 82 |
| | Company Law; Defraud creditors; parties adversely affected; courts discretion; rules of superior courts
"Anna-Louise Hinds, Aoife O' Donoghue" | | The results of the Hong Kong Ministerial Conference - Part 2 : Ireland - Ignoring reality? | (2006) 13 (4) CLP 92 |
| | International Law; Liberalisation of trade and services; WTO negociations; effect of WTO agreement; legal and economic reform
"Laurence Shore, Norah Gallagher, Gearóid Carey" | | Interest on arbitral awards: English & Irish law compared | (2006) 13 (4) CLP 98 |
| | Arbitration; Arbitral awards; dispute of contract; UNCITRAL Model Law; interest received; commercial outcome
Caterina Gardiner | | The meaning of 'negotiate' under the Commercial Agents Directive. Just who is a commercial agent? | (2006) 13 (4) CLP 106 |
| | Commercial Law; Protection for commercial agants; interpretation of implenting measures; scope of directive
Niall Neligan | | Air passenger rights - A new departure in European aviation law | (2006) 13 (5) CLP 123 |
| | Air travel; Airlines obligations; inform of rights; financial penality; EU Regualtion
Elaine Grier | | Companies arising from the dead | (2006) 13 (5) CLP 129 |
| | Company Law; Restoration proceedure; locus standi; retrospective effect; courts discretion
Deirdre Ahern | | Directors' compliance statemetns under the microscope | (2006) 13 (5) CLP 137 |
| | Directors; Tax; company obligatoins; compliance statements; liability; role of advisors
Niall Neligan | | Creating a framework for Single European Sky - The opportunity cost of reorganising European airspace | (2006) 13 (6) CLP 152 |
| | European; European Single Sky project; congested airspace; service provision regulation; economic effects
Elaine Grier | | Eurofood IFSC Ltd - An end to forum shopping? | (2006) 13 (6) CLP 161 |
| | Insolvency; Commercial certainty; ECJ influence; ambiguity
Gráinne Callanan | | The cost of restriction | (2006) 13 (7) CLP 175 |
| | Company Law; Liquidators; pecuniary burden; costs of restriction; discretionary power; agree to costs
Noel McGrath | | Chopping down Dante's wood? - Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code and Personal Property Security Law in Ireland | (2006) 13 (7) CLP 179 |
| | Property Law; Security interest; possession; personal property; security regulation
Caterina Gardiner | | Compensating commercial agents under the Commercial Agents Directive - uncertainty continues | (2006) 13 (8) CLP 195 |
| | Commercial Law; Commercial agents rights; indemnity; compensation; EU directive; termination; calculation of payments
Cliodhna Geraghty | | Provisional measures in international commercial arbitration - The effectiveness of the ICC Rules for a Pre-Arbitral Referee procedure | (2006) 13 (8) CLP 202 |
| | Arbitration; Dispute resolution; International Chamber of Commerce; avoidance of national courts;
"Paul Lambert, TG McIntyre" | | Search engines' metatags and keywords - New challenges in defending trade marks online | (2006) 13 (9) CLP 216 |
| | Information Technology; Trademark; liability; Lanham Act; European legal framework; recovering damages
Gearóid Carey | | Commercial agents and compensation - Recent developments | (2006) 13 (9) CLP 224 |
| | Compensation; European regulations; calculation of compensation; limited guidance
Theodore G. Lynn | | Encouraging Irish pension funds to act as shareowners - Suggested statutory reform | (2006) 13 (10) CLP 240 |
| | Pensions; Lump sum benefit; prerogative of share ownership; right to vote; fiduciary obligation; company law
"Ray Ryan, Des Ryan" | | "Mareva injunctions, third parties and the law of negligence" | (2006) 13 (10) CLP 253 |
| | Duty of Care; "assumption of responsibility'; proximity; fair, just and reasonable; tort"
Niall F. Buckley | | Back to the boardroom - Relief from directors' restriction orders | (2006) 13 (10) CLP 258 |
| | Directors; Disqualification orders; relief; directors obligations; Companies Acts; corporate enforcement
Mary Donnelly | | The Consumer Protection Code: A new departure in the regulation of Irish financial services providers | (2006) 13 (11) CLP 271 |
| | Consumer; Financial services; credit institutions; applicability of the Code; customer dealings; consumer protection
Glen Gibbons | | Corporate defamation: Increased clarity and law reform | (2006) 13 (11) CLP 284 |
| | Corporate Law; Law of tort; Defamation Bill 2006; criminal law; libel