2006 (Volume 13)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Commercial Law Practitioner - 2006

Gearóid Carey Can part payment constitute full satisfaction?
(2006) 13 (1) CLP 3
Contract Law; Acceptance of offer; binding contract; intention
Sinead Eaton Implementing the prospectus directive
(2006) 13 (1) CLP 8
European; Offer to public; local offers; excluded offers; civil liability for misstatement
"NUI Galway, Law & Bioethics Research Group" The regulation of genetic testing in insurance and employment - avoiding the legal minefield
(2006) 13 (1) CLP 12
Genetics; Sterilisation; discrimination; disabilities; Disability Act 2005
Stephen Dowling Fyffe's v DCC - Analysis and implications
(2006) 13 (2) CLP 27
Litigation; Company and commercial law; insider trading provisions; market abuse; price sensitivity
Noman Ali "Developments in fixed and floating charges: legal principles, policy issues and implications for structural financing"
(2006) 13 (2) CLP 46
Commercial Law; Fixed charge over assets; contract; company law; level of control required
"Anna-Louise Hinds, Aoife O' Donoghue" The results of the Hong Kong Ministerial Conference - Part 1: Little more than an agreement to agree?
(2006) 13 (3) CLP 67
International Law; WTO agreement and rules; developing countries; multilateral trading systems; delay
Alison Keirse The law of restitution reconsidered: Harris v Quigley & Irwin
(2006) 13 (3) CLP 75
Restution; Rectification of unjust enrichment; recoverable money; statutory provisions; discrimination
Ailbhe O' Neill Section 12(1) of the Companies Act 1990 as a weapon of mass discovery
(2006) 13 (3) CLP 82
Company Law; Defraud creditors; parties adversely affected; courts discretion; rules of superior courts
"Anna-Louise Hinds, Aoife O' Donoghue" The results of the Hong Kong Ministerial Conference - Part 2 : Ireland - Ignoring reality?
(2006) 13 (4) CLP 92
International Law; Liberalisation of trade and services; WTO negociations; effect of WTO agreement; legal and economic reform
"Laurence Shore, Norah Gallagher, Gearóid Carey" Interest on arbitral awards: English & Irish law compared
(2006) 13 (4) CLP 98
Arbitration; Arbitral awards; dispute of contract; UNCITRAL Model Law; interest received; commercial outcome
Caterina Gardiner The meaning of 'negotiate' under the Commercial Agents Directive. Just who is a commercial agent?
(2006) 13 (4) CLP 106
Commercial Law; Protection for commercial agants; interpretation of implenting measures; scope of directive
Niall Neligan Air passenger rights - A new departure in European aviation law
(2006) 13 (5) CLP 123
Air travel; Airlines obligations; inform of rights; financial penality; EU Regualtion
Elaine Grier Companies arising from the dead
(2006) 13 (5) CLP 129
Company Law; Restoration proceedure; locus standi; retrospective effect; courts discretion
Deirdre Ahern Directors' compliance statemetns under the microscope
(2006) 13 (5) CLP 137
Directors; Tax; company obligatoins; compliance statements; liability; role of advisors
Niall Neligan Creating a framework for Single European Sky - The opportunity cost of reorganising European airspace
(2006) 13 (6) CLP 152
European; European Single Sky project; congested airspace; service provision regulation; economic effects
Elaine Grier Eurofood IFSC Ltd - An end to forum shopping?
(2006) 13 (6) CLP 161
Insolvency; Commercial certainty; ECJ influence; ambiguity
Gráinne Callanan The cost of restriction
(2006) 13 (7) CLP 175
Company Law; Liquidators; pecuniary burden; costs of restriction; discretionary power; agree to costs
Noel McGrath Chopping down Dante's wood? - Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code and Personal Property Security Law in Ireland
(2006) 13 (7) CLP 179
Property Law; Security interest; possession; personal property; security regulation
Caterina Gardiner Compensating commercial agents under the Commercial Agents Directive - uncertainty continues
(2006) 13 (8) CLP 195
Commercial Law; Commercial agents rights; indemnity; compensation; EU directive; termination; calculation of payments
Cliodhna Geraghty Provisional measures in international commercial arbitration - The effectiveness of the ICC Rules for a Pre-Arbitral Referee procedure
(2006) 13 (8) CLP 202
Arbitration; Dispute resolution; International Chamber of Commerce; avoidance of national courts;
"Paul Lambert, TG McIntyre" Search engines' metatags and keywords - New challenges in defending trade marks online
(2006) 13 (9) CLP 216
Information Technology; Trademark; liability; Lanham Act; European legal framework; recovering damages
Gearóid Carey Commercial agents and compensation - Recent developments
(2006) 13 (9) CLP 224
Compensation; European regulations; calculation of compensation; limited guidance
Theodore G. Lynn Encouraging Irish pension funds to act as shareowners - Suggested statutory reform
(2006) 13 (10) CLP 240
Pensions; Lump sum benefit; prerogative of share ownership; right to vote; fiduciary obligation; company law
"Ray Ryan, Des Ryan" "Mareva injunctions, third parties and the law of negligence"
(2006) 13 (10) CLP 253
Duty of Care; "assumption of responsibility'; proximity; fair, just and reasonable; tort"
Niall F. Buckley Back to the boardroom - Relief from directors' restriction orders
(2006) 13 (10) CLP 258
Directors; Disqualification orders; relief; directors obligations; Companies Acts; corporate enforcement
Mary Donnelly The Consumer Protection Code: A new departure in the regulation of Irish financial services providers
(2006) 13 (11) CLP 271
Consumer; Financial services; credit institutions; applicability of the Code; customer dealings; consumer protection
Glen Gibbons Corporate defamation: Increased clarity and law reform
(2006) 13 (11) CLP 284
Corporate Law; Law of tort; Defamation Bill 2006; criminal law; libel
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