2004 (Volume 11)
Commercial Law Practitioner
Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal
Conveyancing & Property Law Journal
Technology & Entertainment Law Journal
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal
Cork Online Law Review
Dublin University Law Journal
Hibernian Law Journal
Independent Law Review
Irish Business Law Quarterly
Irish Criminal Law Journal
Irish Employment Law Journal
Irish Intellectual Property Review
Irish Journal of European Law
Irish Journal of Family Law
Irish Journal of Legal Studies
Irish Jurist
Irish Law Review
Irish Law Times
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal
Irish Probate Law Journal
Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy
Irish Yearbook of International Law
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure
Judicial Studies Institute Journal
Law Society Gazette
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
The Bar Review
The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Trinity College Law Review
UCD Law Review
List of Periodicals

Commercial Law Practitioner - 2004

Austin J. Buckley Insurers' self-regulation does not work
(2005) 12 CLP 10
"Basis of contract" clauses; Contract Law; Insurance Law
Aram Hoare Following on from the Australian Dow Jones decision on jurisdiction in Internet defamation, do compelling reasons exist for legislating for a new approach to this issue?
(2004) 11 CLP 4
Dow Jones & Company Inc v. Gutnick; Defamation; Jurisdiction; Internet
Villiam Aylmer The Civil Procedure Rules and commercial mediation - a case for Ireland
(2004) 11 CLP 14
Civil Procedure; Mediation; Commercial Law
Deirdre Ahern Unlimited corporate capacity - Plotting the law demise of ultra vires
(2004) 11 CLP 27
Ultra Vires; Company Law; Corporate Capacity
Oisin McClenaglan, Mary Canning, Stephen O'Halloran, & Claudia Erni Eiholzer The European Union and corporate governance: From Enron to Parmalat and beyond
(2004) 11 CLP 31
Corporate Governance; Company Law
Niall O'Hanlon Liquidations and receiverships: accidents and receiver's duties
(2004) 11 CLP 59
Receivership; Company Law; Employers Liability
Julie Burke Revenue Powers - The need for adequate statutory safeguards
(2004) 11 CLP 65
Revenue Law; Safeguards
Klaus Reichert Drafting effective arbitration clauses in commercial agreements
(2004) 11 CLP 70
Arbitration; Contract Law; Commercial Law
Paul Lambert China's software copyright regime
(2004) 11 CLP 87
Copyright Law; Intellectual Property Law
TJ McIntyre Online anonymity: some legal issues
(2004) 11 CLP 90
Defamation; Intellectual Property Law; Privacy; Anonymity
Gearoid Carey Res judicata - Final conclusive and on the merits
(2004) 11 CLP 107
Res Judicata; Jurisdiction
Sinead Eaton The Commission's decision on Ryanair's Charleroi airport
(2004) 11 CLP 111
European Law; Competition Law; State Aid
Katie McBride Marketing Online: How to do it lawfully
(2004) 11 CLP 131
Direct Marketing; Unsolicited Communications; Electronic Commerce
Gearoid Carey "Baseball" arbitration
(2004) 11 CLP 138
Arbitration; Contract Law; Commercial Law
Brian Hutchinson The Companies (Auditing and Accounting) Act 2003 - An Overview
(2004) 11 CLP 141
Company Law; Corporate Governance; Accounting; Audit
Bernie Connolly Financial Collateral Arrangments - The Impact of the New Regulations
(2004) 11 CLP 155
Corporate Borrowing; European Integration
Niall O'Hanlon Liquidations and Receiverships: Creating Charges and Restraining Advertisments
(2004) 11 CLP 164
Winding Up; Receivership; Liquidation; Commerical Law
Gearoid Carey The New European Enforcment Order
(2004) 11 CLP 170
Civil Procedure; European Integration; Judicial Co-operation
Daniel Cashman & Norman Ali Credit Risk under Basel II
(2004) 11 CLP 188
Banking Law; Borrowing
Hugh Hannigan From catwalk to courtroom - Privacy struts her stuff
(2004) 11 CLP 194
Privacy; Campbell v. Mirror Group Newspapers
Paul Lambert E-Publishing issues and developments
(2004) 11 CLP 202
Copyright Law; Intellectual Property Law; Licencing; Publishing; Blogging
Colman Candy The Open source challenge for intellectual property law - Part I
(2004) 11 CLP 211
Copyright Law; Intellectual Property Law; General Public Licence; Open Source Software
Anna Austin Commerce and the European Convention on Human Rights
(2004) 11 CLP 223
European Convention on Human Rights; Commerical Law
Rene Rosenstock Consultation in public administration
(2004) 11 CLP 231
Administration; Public consultation
Colman Candy The open source challenge to intellectual property law - Part II
(2004) 11 CLP 243
Copyright Law; Intellectual Property Law; General Public Licence; Open source software; SCO v. IBM
Gearoid Carey US Supreme Court clarification of Sherman Act application
(2004) 11 CLP 256
Competition Law; Hoffman La Roche Ltd. v. Empagram SA
Stephen Dodd The modernisation of competition law regulation and designating the national competition authorities in Ireland
(2004) 11 CLP 259
European Law; Competition Law; Regulation 1/2003
Deirdre Ahern The domain game - Introducing "dot eu"
(2004) 11 CLP 275
Domain Names; Internet
Cathal Murphy Restriction of directors and the right to a fair trial under Article 6 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
(2004) 11 CLP 286
Restiction; Disqualification; Company Law; European Convention on Human Rights
Cliona Kelly Frustration and employment contracts
(2004) 11 CLP 286
Contract Law; Frustration; Employment Law
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