Author | | Title | Citation |
Mary Donnelly | | Electronic funds transfers: obligations and liabilities of participating institutions | (2003) 10 CLP 35 |
| | Banking Law; Online Banking
Brian Foley | | The case for a liberal interpretation of section 60(1) of the Companies Act 1963 | (2003) 10 CLP 40 |
| | Company Law; Companies Act 1963; Section 60; Finance
Oliver Mills | | The utility criterion of US patent law and biotechnological inventions | (2003) 10 CLP 48 |
| | Patens; Biotechnology
Elizabeth O'Brien | | Legal professional privilege-How far does it extend? | (2003) 10 CLP 63 |
| | Law of Evidence; Professional Privilege
Siun O'Keeffe | | Court scathing of Comission's merger analysis | (2003) 10 CLP 68 |
| | Competition Law; Mergers
Noman Ali | | Risk of examinership: Ireland's nemesis in whole business securitisation? | (2003) 10 CLP 78 |
| | Company Law; Receivership; Examinership
Brian Hutchinson | | Company law update | (2003) 10 CLP 83 |
| | Company Law; Corporate Governance; Litigation; Shareholders; Winding Up
James Doherty | | European law update | (2003) 10 CLP 85 |
| | European Law; Electronic Commerce; Consumer; Insurance Law; Freedom of Establishment
John Morgan | | Resolving property disputes | (2003) 10 CLP 91 |
| | Property Law; Alternative Dispute Resolution
Donncha O'Connor | | Universal service - a value for money solution? | (2003) 10 CLP 96 |
| | Universal Service Obligation
Philip Andrews | | Full Function Joint Ventures under E.C. and Irish Merger Rules | (2003) 10 CLP 3 |
| | Competition Law; Mergers
Austin Buckley | | Moral Hazard and Non-Disclosure | (2003) 10 CLP 10 |
| | Court Proceedings; Disclosure
Ciaran O Mara | | Informing and Consulting with the Workforce-What the new Directive means for Ireland's Voluntarist Tradition | (2003) 10 CLP 15 |
| | European Integration; Information and Consultation Directive
Norman Ali | | A comparative analysis of the Irish Financial services Regulatory Authority and the UK's Financial Services Authority - Part 1 | (2003) 10 CLP 115 |
| | Financial Law
Gearoid Carey | | Enforcement of guarantee: The Statute of Frauds is alive and well in the House of Lords | (2003) 10 CLP 121 |
| | Statute of Frauds; Guarantees
Pauline O'Hare | | Protection of moral rights under the Copyright Act 2000 | (2003) 10 CLP 126 |
| | Copyright; Moral Rights; Intellectual Property
Norman Ali | | A comparative analysis of the Irish Financial services Regulatory Authority and the UK's Financial Services Authority - Part 2 | (2003) 10 CLP 147 |
| | Financial Services
William McKechnie | | Determining Jurisdiction on the Internet | (2003) 10 CLP 155 |
| | Internet; Information Technology Law
Lesley Caplin | | Resolving consumer disputes online: A review of consumer ODR | (2003) 10 CLP 207 |
| | Information Technology Law; Consumer; Online Disputes
Martin Canny | | Trade marks as a badge of origin after Arsenal v. Reed | (2003) 10 CLP 216 |
| | Trade Marks; European Law; Online Disputes
Maeve McDonagh and Fidelma White | | Electronic signatures: the legal framework and the market reality in Ireland | (2003) 10 CLP 224 |
| | Information Technology Law; Electronic Commerce; Electronic Banking
Austin Buckley | | Moral hazard and non-disclosure revisited | (2003) 10 CLP 252 |
| | Commercial Law; non-disclosure; moral hazard
Niall O'Hanlon | | Barrowland and Bloomberg - the new enfants terrible of restoration applications | (2003) 10 CLP 256 |
| | Commercial Law; Restoration
Colman Candy | | A critical assessment of cases and legislative initiatives to combat spam | (2003) 10 CLP 261 |
| | Information Technology Law; Spam
Rory White | | Restrictions of directors and the applicant liquidator's costs | (2003) 10 CLP 283 |
| | Re GMT Engineering; Company Law; Liquidation
Gearoid Carey & Siun Leonowicz | | Letters rogatory and the new European Regime | (2003) 10 CLP 287 |
| | Law of Evidence; Jurisdiction
Roderick Maguire | | Handle with care - Designated bodies and the new anti-money laundering regime | (2003) 10 CLP 292 |
| | Proceeds of Crime; Money Laundering
Thomas Schultz | | Connect complaint processes to online resolution systems | (2003) 10 CLP 307 |
| | Dispute Resolution; Online Disputes
Deirdre McEvoy | | The ban on smoking in the workplace: the law | (2003) 10 CLP 315 |
| | Smoking; Health and Safety Law; Workplace
Keith Spencer | | A case of mistaken identity | (2003) 10 CLP 320 |
| | Shogun Finance Ltd. v. Hudson; Unilateral Mistake; Contract Law