Author | | Title | Citation |
David Hardiman | | Deposit of Title Deeds | (1999) 6 CLP 3 |
| | Property Law; Mortgage; Title Deeds
Timothy Bird | | Dealing as Consumer | (1999) 6 CLP 10 |
| | Consumer Law; Consumer Rights
Noel Travers | | A Reluctant Step Towards Fortress Europe: The Inevitable but Regrettable Judgment in Silhouette | (1999) 6 CLP 18 |
| | European Law; Competition Law; Trademark
Paul Gallagher | | Book Review: Capital Markets-Irish and International Laws and Regulations by Agnes Foy | (1999) 6 CLP 35 |
| | Foy; Capital Market
Thomas B Courtney | | The Continuing Development of the Mareva Injunction in Ireland | (1999) 6 CLP 39 |
| | Law of Equity; Mareva Injunctions
Patrick O Callaghan | | An Agents Windfall for the Sale of Goods-The Measure of Recovery | (1999) 6 CLP 45 |
| | Contract Law; Agent; Sale of Goods; Recovery
Ciaran O Mara | | The Impact of European Health and Safety Legislation on the Irish Construction Sector-Part II | (1999) 6 CLP 50 |
| | European Law; Health and Safety; Construction Industry
John Kettle | | Competition Law and Restrictive Covenants | (1999) 6 CLP 67 |
| | Competition Law; Restrictive Covenants
Ciaran O Mara | | The Impact of European Health and Safety Legislation on the Irish Construction Sector-Part III | (1999) 6 CLP 72 |
| | European Law; Health and Safety; Construction Industry
John Gaffney | | The Review of Corporate Claims by the United Nations Compensation Commission | (1999) 6 CLP 80 |
| | European Law; Compensation Commission
Declan Costello | | Book Review: Mareva Injunctions and Related Interlocutory Orders by Thomas B Courtney | (1999) 6 CLP 96 |
| | Courtney; Mareva Injunctions; Interlocutory Orders
D Goldberg & M Abrahamson | | Recent Developments in Financial Regulation | (1999) 6 CLP 99 |
| | Financial Law; Financial Intermediaries Act 1995; Investment
Agnes Foy | | The ISDA Master Agreement-Managing Legal Risk: Jurisdictions and Counter-parties | (1999) 6 CLP 104 |
| | Risk; Jurisdiction; Counter-party
Ravi Chandran | | Share Buy-Backs in Singapore | (1999) 6 CLP 111 |
| | Company Law; Shareholder; International Law
G Carey & SJ Leonowicz | | Director's Meetings: Modern Technology and Best Practice | (1999) 6 CLP 127 |
| | Information Technology
Austin J Buckley | | Fraud or Mere Exaggeration-A Recent Decision | (1999) 6 CLP 132 |
| | Fraud
Jimmy Muyanja | | Arbitrators' Immunity or Liability?-A Semantic Approach to the Shifting Paradigm in Ireland and England | (1999) 6 CLP 135 |
| | Arbitration
Noel Travers | | The Right of Establishment of Companies which are Economically Inactive in their Member State of Registration | (1999) 6 CLP 159 |
| | European Law; Right of Establishment
Mary Donnelly | | Undue Influence, Misrepresentation and Guarantees: What is a Bank to do? | (1999) 6 CLP 167 |
| | Undue Influence; Misrepresentation; Guarantee
Gregory Burton | | A Special Equity for the Wife Confirmed | (1999) 6 CLP 176 |
| | Law of Equity; Mortgages
Raymond J Friel | | Corporate Criminal Liability: A Comparative Analysis-Part I | (1999) 6 CLP 191 |
| | Company Law; Corporate Criminal Liability
John Meade | | Ultra Vires or Directors' Abuses: When can shareholders right a wrong? | (1999) 6 CLP 198 |
| | Company Law; Directors; Shareholders; Ultra Vires
Hwee-Ying Yeo | | Variation of Default Rule Governing Equal Sharing of Profits | (1999) 6 CLP 203 |
| | Company Law; Partnership; Profits
Ravi Chandran | | Express Terms in Employment Contracts | (1999) 6 CLP 215 |
| | Labour Law; Contract Law; Express Terms
John Gaffney | | An Overview of World Trade Organisation Law | (1999) 6 CLP 218 |
| | Commercial Law; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1947
Raymond J Friel | | Corporate Criminal Liability: A Comparative Analysis-Part II | (1999) 6 CLP 226 |
| | Company Law; Corporate Criminal Liability
Oonagh Breen | | The Road From Genoa-Direct Causal Links and The Case of Raso | (1999) 6 CLP 239 |
| | European Law, Article 90
Leo Flynn | | The Essential Facilities Doctrine in the Community Courts | (1999) 6 CLP 245 |
| | Competition Law; European Law; Essential Facilities
Tony O Dwyer | | The Role of the Company Secretary | (1999) 6 CLP 249 |
| | Company Law; Companies Act 1963; Company Secretary
Eugene Gallagher | | Collaring The White Collar Criminal | (1999) 6 CLP 263 |
| | Commercial Law; Criminal Law; Fraud; White Collar Crime
Blanaid Clarke | | Exempting or Limiting Liability in Sale | (1999) 6 CLP 267 |
| | Contract Law; Limitation Clause; Sale of Goods
Dermot Cahill | | The EC Merger Regulations-A Review of Recent Developments | (1999) 6 CLP 272 |
| | European Law; Merger Regulations
D Goldberg & M Abrahamson | | Securities Regulation and the Doctrine of Caveat Vendor in the USA | (1999) 6 CLP 287 |
| | International Law; Securities Regulation; Investment; Intermediaries
Paul Lambert | | Section 24 of the Trade Marks Act 1996-A New Remedy for Groundless Threats | (1999) 6 CLP 293 |
| | Intellectual Property Law; Trade Mark Act 1996
G Carey & SJ Leonowicz | | Litigation of Shareholder Disputes Under Woolf-Can Such Changes Yield Advantages for Ireland? | (1999) 6 CLP 300 |
| | Company Law; Shareholders; Woolf