Author | | Title | Citation |
Brian Hutchinson | | Taking Security Over Cash Deposits: The House of Lords Confirms the Conceptual Possibility of Charge-Backs | (1998) 5 CLP 3 |
| | Security Law; Deposits
Brian Bohan | | Buying a Business-Legal and Taxation Aspects: Part 2 | (1998) 5 CLP 10 |
| | Company Law; Taxation Law
Patrick O Callaghan | | Set-Off on Insolvency | (1998) 5 CLP 20 |
| | Company Law; Insolvency
RJ White | | Performance Bonds: Surety Bonds and Demand Guarantees Distinguished | (1998) 5 CLP 35 |
| | Contract Law; Commercial Contracts; Bonds
Ciaran O Meara | | European Social Policy After Amsterdam | (1998) 5 CLP 42 |
| | Treaty of Amsterdam; Social Policy
John Breslin | | Banks as Fiduciaries | (1998) 5 CLP 47 |
| | Banking Law; Fiduciary Duties
Denis Kelleher | | Licensing Software | (1998) 5 CLP 51 |
| | Information Technology Law; Software
Noel Travers | | The Value Added Taxation of Arbitrators' Services | (1998) 5 CLP 59 |
| | Arbitration; Taxation of Services
Kevin Langford | | The Classification of Workers: Employees and Independent Contractors | (1998) 5 CLP 63 |
| | Labour Law; Independent Contractors
Frank Beatty | | Value Added Tax-Entitlements to Credit Inputs by Way of Deduction on Commercial Leases | (1998) 5 CLP 70 |
| | Revenue Law; Commercial Leases
TB Courtney | | Book Review: Table A Articles of Association by Rosalind Nicholson | (1998) 5 CLP 84 |
| | Nicholson; Articles of Association; Company Law
Julian Conlon | | The Role of the Irish Lawyer in US offerings by Irish Companies | (1998) 5 CLP 87 |
| | Company Law; Legal Profession; International Law
Blanaid Clarke | | The Hampel Committee Report on Corporate Governance and the New Super Code | (1998) 5 CLP 93 |
| | Company Law; Corporate Governance
Eunice O Raw | | Prey of the Protected: Competition Actions Against Undertakings within the Remit of Article 90 | (1998) 5 CLP 96 |
| | Competition Law; Undertakings
Paul Lavery | | National Irish Bank v RTE-The Defence of Public Interest in Irish Law | (1998) 5 CLP 111 |
| | Law of Tort; Breach of Conficence; Defences; Public Interest
Louise Carey | | Trade Marks and the Internet | (1998) 5 CLP 115 |
| | Intellectual Property Law; Trade Marks; Internet
John Gaffney | | The European Company Statute: A Case of All Kinds of Everything | (1998) 5 CLP 119 |
| | Company Law; European Law
Peter Curran | | Legal Aspects of the Transition to Euro | (1998) 5 CLP 135 |
| | Single Currency; Euro
Fergus O Rourke | | A Look at Utmost Good Faith | (1998) 5 CLP 140 |
| | Contract Law; Insurance Law; Good Faith
Oonagh Breen | | The Competition Authority and the Effect of the Freedom of Information Act 1997 | (1998) 5 CLP 144 |
| | Competition Law; Freedom of Information Act 1997
William Johnston | | Book Review: Consumer Credit Law by Timothy C Bird | (1998) 5 CLP 156 |
| | Bird; Consumer Credit Law
Brian Walker | | Creditors Rights to have Directors Restricted-A New Development | (1998) 5 CLP 159 |
| | Company Law; Directors; Creditors
Blanaid Clarke | | The Investor Compensation Act 1998 | (1998) 5 CLP 164 |
| | Financial Law; Investor Compensation Act 1998
Ravi Chandran | | Restraint of Trade-Some Recent Developments | (1998) 5 CLP 168 |
| | Contract Law; Restraint of Trade
Hugh O Neill | | Book Review: Banking and Security Law in Ireland by William Johnston | (1998) 5 CLP 184 |
| | Johnston; Banking Law; Security Law
Kevin Hoy | | Quick, Quick, Slow? The Government Payment Dance | (1998) 5 CLP 187 |
| | Payments
Dermot Cahill | | The EC Merger Regulation-Recent Amendment and Reform: Part I | (1998) 5 CLP 193 |
| | European Law; Merger Regulations
Eunice O Raw | | Prey of the Protected: Why Some Undertakings are Given Protection from Competition | (1998) 5 CLP 198 |
| | Competition Law; Undertakings
John Breslin | | Credit Derivatives: The Need for Legislative Clarification | (1998) 5 CLP 219 |
| | Financial Law; Credit
Geoffrey Shannon | | Employers Liability and Safety Management: Part I | (1998) 5 CLP 224 |
| | Labour Law; Employers Liability; Health and Safety
Dermot Cahill | | The EC Merger Regulation-Recent Amendment and Reform: Part II | (1998) 5 CLP 229 |
| | European Law; Merger Regulations
TB Courtney | | Book Review: Banking Law in the Republic of Ireland by John Breslin | (1998) 5 CLP 244 |
| | Breslin; Banking Law
David Hardiman | | Settlement of Actions | (1998) 5 CLP 247 |
| | Commercial Litigation; Settlements
Thomas B Courtney | | Receiverships in Ireland in the Wake of Demite Ltd v Protec Health Ltd | (1998) 5 CLP 255 |
| | Company Law; Receivership
Geoffrey Shannon | | Employers Liability and Safety Management: Part II | (1998) 5 CLP 262 |
| | Labour Law; Employers Liability; Health and Safety
Adele Murphy | | The Intellectual Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1998-Presumptions and Penalties | (1998) 5 CLP 268 |
| | Intellectual Property Law; Intellectual Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1998
John L O Donnell | | Examinerships after Springline-Another Line in the Sand | (1998) 5 CLP 279 |
| | Company Law; Examinership
Ciaran O Mara | | The Impact of European Health and Safety Legislation on the Irish Construction Sector-Part I | (1998) 5 CLP 282 |
| | European Law; Health and Safety; Construction Industry
Hugh Garvey | | Restricting Directors-Recent Case Law on Section 150 of the Companies Act 1990 | (1998) 5 CLP 289 |
| | Company Law; Companies Act 1990; Directors